4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution


"They must ... have some connection."

When Shalin's avatar carefully investigated the remains of civilization, it found something very interesting.

This group of civilized creatures has been exploring the farthest space.

After the cracking void, most of its space is integrated into the normal void, and it is said that there are some directly ... 'passing' through the normal void and going to a quite distant place.

These civilized creatures collect data on these cracked spaces through investigations into various spaces.

They store most of the data, while some are used for their own use.

That is, simulate many different environments and put them in a 'beam of light', and then experience them by yourself.

The avatar found that these civilized creatures did not pick those good environments for enjoyment ... but to 'test' themselves.

When these civilized creatures simulate a space environment, they will temporarily forget their memories and whatsoever, and live in this environment in a state where they do not know anything.

But their main purpose is to find all the spaces and collect the data of these spaces.

The final goal ... is the furthest space.

Civilization has been trying to approach this space, collecting environmental data there, but without success.

And in the end they ... also perished.

Because they were attacked.

There is a creature that invaded this civilization, and civilization also recorded the whole process. This kind of creature's invasion is special.

They first appeared in various space environments simulated within the beam of civilization.

These space environments generally have ecosystems composed of a large number of space creatures that they also simulate.

The creatures that initially invaded, disguised as species in these simulated spaces, and began to attack those who are experiencing life ... civilized residents.

These invaders use a special way to attack civilization. They do not directly cause damage to civilization creatures, but make their perception appear ... delayed.

Invaders will cause a kind of thinking interference to civilized creatures, so that they see the 'reality' and the real reality somewhat delayed.

Initially, it was a very short time, and civilized creatures didn't feel much, but with their interference, this delay slowly became longer and longer.

Civilized creatures also noticed this.

Everything they see is after a few seconds or longer of 'reality'.

This will cause a lot of trouble in their lives. In fact, the most direct trouble is that they find that they can't touch the things in front of them, but they can touch it again after a while.

They found that they were out of sync with the things around them, and the situation of these civilized creatures was called 'synchronism' at the time.

They are regarded as a special disease.

Although those civilized creatures experiencing life do not know what is going on because they have no memories of the past, space managers at that time have already noticed this situation.

So they began to try to treat this needle shape.

During the continuous investigation, they also noticed the intruders.

These invaders are very similar to the original space creatures in disguise, but they still show special places at some times.

Civilized creatures began to find and kill these invaders.

After that, the invaders also began direct attacks on civilized creatures.

Because these intruders will hide, and the original civilized creatures did not want to destroy the space environment they simulated, which made them not quickly solve the intruders.

Invaders are hiding in these spaces and slowly developing, while also killing many civilized creatures that chase them.

But the main reason for preventing them from being wiped out is that they have strange technologies.

Their direct combat capabilities are relatively weak, and they cannot cause any harm to the armed forces of civilized creatures.

But they can create a lot of "illusions".

For example, let an area show the past or future scenes, to interfere with the civilized creatures looking for them.

Civilized creatures caught in this illusion have a great chance of getting out of time.

The number of these invaders is also increasing, and their existence seriously interferes with the simulated space of these civilized creatures.

So, civilized creatures began to take some drastic measures, such as shutting down the entire simulated space and killing any suspicious objects inside.

Although their various actions have solved many invaders, many of the civilization's creatures have been unable to recover from the "time syndrome".

They can 'see' the farther and farther future.

Some creatures that have been too far away from now are completely unable to live normally and can only survive if they are fully cared for.

But ... these creatures with chronochronism can also be used.

Because of the future they 'see', most of them will indeed happen.

Although these off-chronic organisms cannot perceive anything that is in the "now" and can't communicate with other people of the same kind, they can still know what time they were in and what they saw by detecting their thinking methods. thing.

As a result, this civilization later gradually used these individuals with off-chronic syndrome to use them to learn about some future ... dangers.

When those invaders are completely resolved, these individuals with out-of-chronism remain the same, and their thinking becomes more and more distant in the future.

Then something quite strange happened.

These individuals with chronochronism have been able to see different times before. Some of them are after tens of seconds, and some are after several years, each of which is different.

But at a certain time, their time suddenly integrated into a time when the time they saw was exactly the same.

And what they saw ... is the scene of the destruction of their own civilization.

In their 'future perspective', they can see that their space is slowly squeezed and finally crushed completely.

Squeezing their space ... is another space.

This space is a "time keeper", I don't know why, it is coming to attack this civilized space.

It is not necessarily an attack, it may just be hit for some reason.

After discovering this situation, the entire civilization fell into a state of tension.

To cope with this possible future, they have entered a state of full alertness.

They decided to adopt an emergency measure to avoid the space being crushed.

This measure ... may have something to do with Ersh's "birth".