4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

4554 DLCPM0027040000 SK

"They ... are getting our ..."

This kind of small pipeline is also called 'experienced predator' by coincidents.

Small pipes have been attacking this group of coincidents.

These coincidents belong to a group of "drifting groups", they are a group that left from the space where they originally lived, and then drifted in the void, but the details of why and when to leave are unknown.

After leaving, they faced a lot of dangers like the creatures usually floating in the void.

And the biggest crisis they encountered was these small pipes.

Small pipes ... I don't know if they have anything to do with Midgart. In short, they are a species that looks very similar in appearance.

They range in size from tens of meters to hundreds of kilometers, but generally only the largest species attack the coincidents.

The way they attacked was as Lin had seen before, by absorbing their 'experiences'.

Each ball that constitutes the body of the coincident is their experience of living in the simulated space, but this is not entirely the case.

When the coincidents have lived for a long period of time, they may also store the experience of this period in a ball.

And what little pipes do is to give them these balls ... Suck away somehow.

This method is said to be very peculiar, small pipes can produce a gravitational effect around the body.

This effect will only attract the balls of the coincidents, it will not attract anything else.

After each experience-rich ball is attracted to the small pipe, it will ... come alive.

Because the coincidents observed and studied why the small pipes robbed them ... After experiencing the balls, they found that the small pipes could turn these balls into living creatures living on the surface of their bodies.

After each ball is sucked by the small pipe, it will explode when it touches its surface.

This is actually the small pipe reading the information inside, and then inside the small pipe or on the surface of the structure similar to the building, there will be a ... creature.

This creature has memories and experiences after being 'born', which is exactly the same as the information stored in the sphere of the coincident.

It's just that the body structure of this creature is not similar to memory.

Their body structure is generally constructed in accordance with the small pipe's own architectural style. The construction of each small pipe is different, and in general it is very different from the environment where the original coincidents live.

So when they were born, they usually immediately wondered why they became like this, and what kind of place is here.

Sometimes they will try to live on the body of the small pipe.

Some will die quickly for various reasons.

In any case, the experience information plundered from the coincidences is thus constructed into a creature on the body by a small pipe.

They can also be regarded as residents living on small pipes. Coincidents believe that the fundamental purpose of small pipes is to collect experience information in a large number of balls, and then create a large number of residents to form a prosperous ... city.

Therefore, small pipes are always unsatisfactory.

There are many small pipes attacking them non-stop, collecting the experience balls of the coincidents ... they try to fill the buildings on them with these experience balls.

Most of the inhabitants created with the experience ball live shortly.

Because they are memories of people who are experiencing different environments, many of the residents created through these memories are unable to survive because they are difficult to adapt to the new body structure.

The buildings on the small pipe do not know whether they were built by themselves or they grew out. There are many speculations by the coincidents, because they have never seen the small pipe construct the building on their own, so they think this may be 'born' .

Although the small pipes can use the information in their balls to create creatures, they have never adjusted those buildings.

The little pipe is just violently constantly trying to use the information in the ball to create creatures and stuff them into these buildings to live.

When they are not suitable for the environment of the small pipe and continue to die, the small pipe is also constantly snatching the ball on the coincidence.

They never thought of trying to adjust it to make their environment suitable for the creature they are making.

Just try to get more information, create more creatures ... so that these creatures can fill all the buildings before the death light.

The constant attack of these small pipes also opened the war between these two species.

At first, the coincidents had counterattacks, and they used various weapons to attack the small pipes.

The small pipes are not as strong as Midgart, and the coincidents can blast the cities on their surface into powder, and can also explode huge rifts on them.

It's just that it's difficult to kill a small pipe completely.

Many times, the small pipe was bruised with scars, and then fled after looking as if he was going to die.

After a while, they will return intact, as if they had been repaired somewhere.

The reason why the coincidences fail slowly is that these small pipes recover faster than the coincidences recover.

The weapons of the coincidents consume energy, and they need to be replenished after they are used.

But the supplement is not complete, and the small pipeline is back.

Of course, the small pipes themselves will also attack, and the tactics they use are similar to those often used by Lin.

It is to launch things on the surface of the body ...

That is, those buildings can be launched as missiles, and the damage they cause is only the impact of collisions, and even explosions are rare.

It's just how much can still cause harm.

Another way of fighting for small pipes is 'information disassembly', which is their most wonderful ability, they can dismantle instantly ... a lot of things containing information.

This includes the experience balls of the coincidents, as well as some biological brains, various data storage devices, and so on.

Of course, there is no information about a thing, it is relatively different creatures.

The small pipe itself has the ability to disassemble many devices used by coincidents to store information, including themselves.

This disassembly is similar to the decomposition of the entire device into small particles at a very fast speed. The small pipeline can also obtain the information inside during the decomposition process.

Faced with these creatures, the coincidents have been slowly consumed.

For a long period of time, the small pipe slowly engulfed all the things that plundered the coincidents, and was always able to escape.

The coincidents therefore constantly upgrade their weapons and want to completely kill these threats.

In the end ... they found the 'cubs' of the little pipes.

That is these smaller pipes.

These smaller channels ... should be the key to their victory.