After knowing enough about small pipes ... The coincidents began to plan to deal with small pipes.

Moreover, they also succeeded.

They found that the rapid recovery capability of the small pipeline itself mainly originated from something similar to a micromachine.

After these machines escape from the small pipes, they will start and quickly repair various damages on the small pipes.

Knowing this, the coincidents came up with a way to make these machines malfunction.

Of course, the capacity of each small pipe is somewhat different, but in general ... the coincidents have a solution.

Because they have learned ... how the small pipeline controls these abilities.

All the abilities of small pipes come from the devices that the creatures they created invented when they lived on them.

The control methods of these devices are similar for small pipes, mainly using a special signal.

The coincidents found ... a way to block this signal.

In a whole new way, the coincidents successfully killed many small pipes.

These small pipes failed to escape, or could not recover the damage after escape.

Whenever possible, the coincidents will try to obtain the small pipe corpses killed by them to learn more about this creature.

Under successive victories, the coincidences felt that they had completely rid themselves of the threat of small pipes.

However, there were still a lot of small pipes at that time, and even if many of their kind were killed, they continued to attack the coincidents.

Therefore, the coincidents also have a lot of interest in this behavior of small pipes.

They want to know where these creatures come from and why they have such a weird lifestyle.

In this regard, they carried out a very detailed investigation ... It is just that although Xiaotong likes to obtain the story records of other civilizations, they seem to have no record of their own stories.

Nevertheless, the coincidents still found some history about small pipes.

On some small pipes, the coincidents found ... surviving creatures.

Small pipes will always create a large number of creatures on their bodies, and these creatures seem to be able to live a thousand pompon years at most.

They don't need to develop a big civilization or something. Even a small group in the form of a tribe can 'invent' a lot of things by digging some special materials on the small pipes.

But no matter what kind of creatures ... no matter what data they are created from, they always live shortly.

Therefore, the small pipes attacking the coincidents are always vacant.

There are only some coincidents, and the creatures on them are still alive.

The coincident encounters such a group of creatures, they not only live on the small pipe, but also have a lot of knowledge about the small pipe.

Because they are trying to study everything in the small pipeline from the moment they were born.

After discovering them, the collaborators communicated with them and conducted some research with them.

The coincidents thus found the 'brain' part of the small duct, and by studying the information in them, they learned a lot of things.

Small pipes ... a creature from the solidified void.

Although the coincidents did not know where the solidified void was at the time, they also knew that it was another void.

The little pipes themselves come from that void creature, and they ... have a mission.

That is to obtain information from creatures that crack the void.

They continually search for the stories of various civilizations in the void, and then create these creatures into creatures.

These little pipes have no way to tell which civilizations are from the cracked void, so they collect everything.

There is a special place ... If they collect some character information in the story of the creation of the cracked void civilization, then they use this information to create creatures with a great possibility to live longer and create Some useful ... devices.

The information collected has nothing to do with cracking the void, then these created creatures will die very fast.

At first, the coincidents felt that the creatures they created did not adapt to the environment, but after conducting research, they discovered that there seemed to be a deeper reason.

It's just that they can't find out how it all works.

The coincidents did find such a pattern after conducting various investigations on the creatures that once appeared on a small pipe.

Creatures from the cracked void can live longer, and they are also the key to the progress of small pipes.

And this information is mainly obtained through the group of creatures living on the small pipe.

This group of creatures call themselves 'investigators'.

They said that they deliberately left their own story information, and then let the small pipeline use their information to create themselves ... using this method to investigate the small pipeline.

This feeling seems to use the manufacturing habits of small pipes.

At the same time, they also said that they are studying another giant pipeline ... that is, Midgart.

They believe that there is no direct relationship between these two channels, but there is a certain distant relationship.

But their details did not tell the coincidents.

The coincidents were not very concerned at the time, they were just fortunate that they got rid of the threat of small pipes.

However, they soon discovered small pipes ... not just the ones they killed.

Once the coincidents were attacked by a very powerful small pipe, which destroyed a large number of the coincidents' troops ... and shattered many of them.

Coincidents are fighting against this little pipe, but even if they pay a heavy price, it is difficult to win.

What surprised them most was that a large number of living creatures lived on this small pipe, forming a prosperous ... city on the small pipe.

These creatures ... are the coincidents themselves.

In fact, it is the coincidence of the "full period".

Now this group of coincidents living in the void can be said to be the end of the civilization of the coincidents and the weakest.

The "coincidence person" who lives on the small pipe is accommodated in the whole period from the birth, development to the peak of the civilization, and to the end of the present period.

To be precise, it is the small channel who does not know where to get the memory data of the coincidents of the whole period, and then uses these data to create these residents on the body.

Although these residents are full-time coincidents, they only have relevant memories, and do not have the skills or abilities of any period ... In combat, many of these full-time coincidents were captured.

Through them, the coincidents understand what the past when they were born looks like.