48 Hours a Day

Chapter 317: July 16, The Day Comes

If Zhang Heng remembers correctly, AirPods wireless Bluetooth headphones should be released in 2016.

And Apollo's copy was 1969, seven years later, when Steve Jobs co-founded Apple Computers with Steve Wozniak and Ro Wayne, and it was even later that Bluetooth technology was created in 1994 by telecom giant Ericsson.

In other words, the wireless Bluetooth headset of this AirPods in front of you is, in any case, a product that does not belong to this era.

So what about the guy named Einstein, who's holy?

Apparently it wasn't true that he met with him because life in Area 51 was so boring that he came to see the astronauts preparing to climb the moon, not to mention that he didn't go to see Jalai and Bruno besides Zhang Heng. Zhang Heng now can't even tell if the engineer in Area 51 is the other party, let alone why they sent him this Bluetooth headset.

And most importantly, Einstein gave only one headset to the left ear.

But even so, Zhang Heng put it with other game props.

Because the entire lunar mission lasts eight days, Zhang Heng's remaining copy time is not so long, which means that he probably won't return to Earth at the end of the copy, so be prepared to pack in advance.

Good thing NASA allows astronauts to bring a small amount of personal items into space, just to list them.

During the quarantine, Zhang Heng also had visitors, and four days after the sandstorm, the captain returned to the space center, also bringing back the results of the initial search and rescue.

After three days and three nights of joint searches in Sector 51 and NASA, the body of Jalai was found and confirmed to have died from sand and dust asphyxiation, but the other person remained unaccounted for.

The sudden sandstorm moved millions of tons of sand hundreds of kilometres away, enough to hide all traces of biological activity, combined with desert-specific high temperatures and dryness, also made search and rescue operations extremely difficult.

But the captain said the search would continue until Bruno's body was found.

In fact, no one believed Bruno would survive, and the press office was briefed on this unfortunate news in the first place, and President Nixon mourned the loss of the candidate in the training camp, while making brief calls with Zhang Heng, the sole survivor.

Also, because of the accident, Zhang Heng did not make it to the press conference before the lunar launch.

But that's not a bad thing for him.

Although this is not his first time with the media, with his nearly blank family and background, he does not like to be blasted to the bottom by journalists, and unlike Armstrong and Collins, he is ultimately just a passenger to the world. Zhang Heng is concerned only with the ability to accomplish the main task, and does not care about fame.


After a six-day quarantine period, Zhang Heng adjusted his physiological and mental state to prepare for the final ascent to the moon, and before that, he had cleared all threats and obstacles as much as possible, basically doing what he could, but even so, it was still a dangerous and unknown journey for him.

Time soon arrived on July 16th.

Eight years of preparation (starting with the Apollo plan), 400,000 efforts, tens of billions of dollars spent, the most advanced scientists and engineers in the United States struggling with technology day after day… essentially represents the greatest input a country can offer in peacetime, and all of this is in preparation for the day.

On that day, the world focused its attention on the Kennedy Space Center and waited together to witness the first great journey of humankind away from its planet to explore another world.

Armstrong, Collins and Zhang Heng woke up from bed at 4: 00 a.m., dressed up, packed their personal belongings, and said their final goodbyes to family and friends before taking the black Lincoln to the Space Center's 39A launch site at Cape Canaveral.

Here they ate their last breakfast on the planet, followed by staff wearing A7L suits for their missions, followed by round fish tank helmets to ensure that everyone was dressed neatly and in good condition.

There are always two or three photographers following them in the process, not pushing the shutter very hard on them.

To be honest, this is not a very good feeling, especially with the clicks of the shutters, like there's some kind of weird ritual going on, and the three of them are sacrifices in the ritual, and at the same time, more than half of the top NASA and the White House representatives are here, shaking their hands and hugging them, and everyone's expression is very heavy.

It must be acknowledged that it was indeed a miracle that the three men on the Apollo XI were still able to return to Earth with such a flag.

Fortunately, this process did not take too long, and as everything was ready, the Ground Control Centre issued instructions to travel to the spacecraft.

Armstrong led the way and pushed open the door to the armoury.

At this time, the staff of the launch base, who had already completed the work at hand, stood spontaneously in the corridor, clapping to the three of them, wishing them a smooth journey, and the journalists of the media had waited long before the gate, erecting long-gun cannons, and as soon as the three showed up, they were captured by the lens, and the magnesium lights started flashing wildly, and everyone was left with a historic moment with the camera in their hands after a struggle.

But instead of staying under the camera like the Hollywood movie stars on the red carpet, the three waved at the long-awaited reporters and went into the van NASA had prepared for them and headed toward the mobile launch platform.

Before that, Zhang Heng had the privilege of meeting the assembled Saturn 5 carrier rocket, a huge $185 million (more than $1 billion today), designed by Werner von Braun and well documented as the most powerful rocket in humankind for 50 years.

With a total altitude of 110.6 metres, the rocket exceeds the Statue of Liberty standing in New York and weighs an astonishing 2883900kg after loading fuel, the spacecraft assembly building built to assemble it and the Apollo spacecraft was inaugurated in 1966 and remains the largest single space building in the world until today, with four gates leading to the regions 139 metres high, taking only 45 minutes to open or close.

Saturn 5 rockets had been pulled to the launch site a few days earlier.

At night, the Saturn 5 carrier rocket, fixed to a mobile launch platform, looks like a giant sword built by the gods.

Looking down, it is difficult not to be shocked by the crystallization that represents the highest level of human technology.