48 Hours a Day

Chapter 969: Gardens

Zhang Heng did not go to see the muscle man shouting down and down. After putting his sword away, he directly stepped over the latter's body and continued to walk forward.

Mr. G. 's gardens are not very large, but there are many plants planted in them.

In addition to all kinds of flowers, there are a number of strange and rare trees, including even a giant tree over ten floors tall, and the planting of these trees and flowers at random locations, which, to put it bluntly, are irregular, together with a number of poisonous and spiky plants, make the garden a complete maze.

The easiest way to get through the garden in the shortest time is undoubtedly to follow the trail in the garden, but the most dangerous part of the garden is not the trees.

Mr. G opened the projection of the bracelet and cut to the position of the first camera, which turned on the transmission and saw only dirt and blood, and the wearer of the camera had apparently been killed.

“Looks like our courier candidate is pretty good.” Mr. G raised his eyebrows and then asked the bodyguard around him, "Do you think he could pass the test? ”

The latter thought, “I also watched the video, he was quite powerful with more than one enemy before, but the opponent was only a group of runaways, and because he cared about the middlemen around him, he didn't dare to kill, but this time it was different, the people in the garden were the hard hands we found at your request, some of them were always against us, once gave us headaches, and you promised them, just kill the people who passed through the garden to give them freedom, no longer pursue the previous things, they would definitely be desperate, it was not easy to get through their eyes. ”

Miss F frowned when she heard the words and looked into Mr. G's eyes and said seriously, "Are you overdoing something a little too much? It's not a test, it's hard. ”

“I'm sorry, but it's not personal, and I have to know where his limits are," Mr. G. said, “because I just got word from an informant that Sheng Tang Morgan would send an emergency response team to stop the deal. ”

“Emergency Response Unit? Their serial numbers? ”

“It's a zero start, you know what that means," said Mr. G, "all of these teams are from clones and will have a lot of intensive training before the age of 16, picking out 10 of 10,000 of the best samples of their physical qualities, having professionals write them a lot of combat skills, mastery of reconnaissance, sniping, close assassinations, intelligence analysis… each with full talent.

“They're the perfect killing machines, they only have tasks in their eyes, and I know you value him, but after all, he's just a bodyguard clone from a security company and alone, and I decided to give him another chance in your face, but if he can't even get out of this garden, how can you convince me that he can make a deal under the eyes of the emergency response team and bring back what I want? ”

Miss F is silent.

“Like I said, his luck is not very good, he happens to be in the middle of nowhere, otherwise I really don't mind helping him, just think of him as a friend, to be honest, I still like him personally.” Mr. G opened the red wine in front of him, "unfortunately. ”

As he spoke, he switched the projection to the second and third cameras, which were worn by two snipers, who had now found a hiding place, one behind a huge tree and the other under a sea of flowers, basically hiding their bodies.

There's been a saying on the battlefield that if you're seen first by a sniper, you're dead.

Therefore, the battle was unfair from the outset, and the two snipers had chosen their observation points in advance, pointing the gun at the only road, and they were confident that Zhang Henggang could put an end to the easy battle as soon as he showed up.

At this moment, their index fingers on the trigger are like declaring victory or victory.

Mr. G had no idea what else Zhang Heng could do to avoid this deadly sniper. Especially since both snipers heard about it, they were both masters themselves, with little chance of failing, not to mention the fact that this time, two people were out of breath, amounting to double insurance.

The sniper hiding behind the sea of flowers couldn't help but feel a little distracted at this time.

In his opinion, Zhang Heng is dead, but according to the promise given to them by Mr. G, only those who kill Zhang Heng will be free, in other words, he needs to kill Zhang Heng one step ahead of the guy hiding behind the tree next to him, which is not so easy.

Just as the sniper behind the ocean was wondering how to win the competition, he suddenly heard a strange voice in his ear, "How can you be so distracted? ”

The sniper behind the sea was almost frightened away by the phrase, without waiting for him to react, and the tungsten sword had severed his neck.

But the sniper on the other side, hiding behind the tree, also heard movement on this side. His sweat stood up. At the first moment, he turned his gun, aiming in the direction of the flower sea, and searched for the enemy's whereabouts. However, in the field of view, except for the corpse of his companion, there was no sign of him.

Sniper spins seem to think of something.

If the other party can touch them quietly, why make a noise when doing it? Guess the sniper with the answer has a cold sweat on his back. He turns around some stiff neck and sees the figure behind him that he hasn't found for half a day.

Unfortunately, the next moment he doesn't have a chance to pick up his sniper gun again.

Zhang Heng wiped the blood off the tungsten steel sword on the back of the body and then turned back to the intersection, lifting the barrel of honey and spleen.

Indeed, the complex environment in the garden is conducive to sniper hiding and swinging.

However, it is also very convenient for assassins to move, in the Roman copy Zhang Heng has already pointed his assassin skills to LV3, which is the average level of the blade of equilibrium, and that is why he can use the surrounding plants to quietly approach the two snipers, Mr. G deliberately put the test here, with the aim of not surprising the difficulty of the assessment.

However, Zhang Heng has far more advantages than disadvantages.

From the moment Zhang Heng stepped on the trail, the identity of the prey and the hunter had long been changed.

Looking at the scene and turning into two shots on the ground, Mr. G's face finally appeared surprised. He was not surprised that Zhang Heng had solved the two opponents. After all, Zhang Heng had dragged a group of runaways on his own, and it was not impossible to kill two more snipers. Mr. G was surprised that Zhang Heng had solved the time spent by those two snipers and the extent to which they had fallen clean.

“Interesting, I can't believe I missed it. This guy's not just a regular bodyguard clone. ”