Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update Five big guys kneel in front of me and call Mom the latest chapter!179 I Have Five Sons

In a quiet place, Peng Guiru, who had been silent for a while, suddenly realized what she was doing and said deliberately: "Miss Gu, is this Gu Yuan, you?"

Gu Yuan nodded: "Yes."

For a while, everyone looked to Gu Yuan's eyes with some admiration. Some people like the Huo family, some of their children are also engaged in scientific research work, and those people, Huo family will set up special research funds to support, this kind of The children in the Huo family are even more respected than the children who are in power and doing business. Therefore, it is natural to admire Gu Yuan for "inspired the idea of ​​studying this blue asteroid to promote the progress of the astronomical world".

Mrs. Huo even smiled curiously and asked Gu Yuan for details.

Huo Lanting began to brag in front of kimmy: "This blue asteroid is actually a dead comet and the mother body of the meteor shower in Ursa Major, because it is still a comet. When the comet is close to the sun, it is in the sun’s Under irradiation, the ice material on the mother sublimates, bursting out countless comet dust particles or debris, and a meteor shower will form."

Huo Lanting was once poisoned, and now speaking of professional vocabulary is a handy thing: "In other words, when we are going to watch the Ursa Major Meteor Shower every year in the future, we will see Gu Yuanxing's meteor shower, which is my mother's meteor shower!"

Sounds great, great!

Huo Lanting stood tall and proud.

Kimmy was dumbfounded: "Lanting, you are getting more and more profound! How do you know everything?"

He looked at Huo Lanting's eyes differently, and suddenly felt that there was a big difference between his brothers.

Huo Lanting is even more proud: "I have now learned advanced astrophysics knowledge and learned the most advanced scientific knowledge in the astronomy community. You can learn from me in the future."

......Of course he will not admit that those are forced to learn!

However, this does not prevent him from bragging.

Looking at his proud look, Mrs. Huo couldn't help but laugh. Father Huo coughed slightly, his face was quiet, but there was obviously more pride in his eyes. As for others, they all looked at Huo Lanting with appreciation. .

Some people even said: "It seems that Lan Ting has grown a lot with Miss Gu."

This made Gu Yuan very embarrassed and had to say: "This is also my unintentional move. I don't know anything about astronomical research. As for the knowledge that Lan Ting now has, I don't teach it."

As soon as these words came out, Peng Guiru suddenly said, "Is it? Who taught that?"

Her words were obviously abrupt, Huo Jinchen glanced at her lightly, her eyes unhappy.

Seeing this, Mrs. Huo turned to her and asked Gu Yuan: "Yes, Gu Yuan, who taught this?"

Gu Yuan slightly pursed his lips and looked at Huo Jinchen.

Whether those things of her own are suitable to say now, if everyone knows what other people think, she needs to consult him. After all, they are all from his family.

Huo Jinchen nodded slightly.

Gu Yuan understood what he meant and smiled and said, "This is what my son taught."


Hearing this, everyone looked at Huo Jinchen suspiciously.

What Gu Yuan said, the son obviously did not refer to Huo Lanting.

Does it mean that this Miss Gu, besides Lan Ting, has other sons?

Peng Guiru laughed when he heard it, and said deliberately: "Is it? Is Miss Gu's son? That's great! It turns out that Jinchen has other children besides Lanting? Since he is a descendant of Huo's family, why not? It should be outside, why didn’t Miss Gu mention it?"

Gu Yuan smiled and looked at her: "My son is Jiang Yinfeng, which was just broadcast on TV. He is not Jin Chen's child."

Huo Jinchen raised her hand and took her gently, understatement: "Yin Feng should be busy, please come over if you have time, Lan Ting should miss him very much."

Huo Lanting: "..."

No, he didn’t think about his fourth brother, really!

All Huo families, from men to women, were silent.

Young ones like Huo Xuening raised their eyebrows in surprise: "Miss Gu, you mean, that Mr. Jiang, the genius scientist who discovered the blue asteroid and is known as the world's treasure. Yin Feng?"

Gu Yuan nodded: "Yes. He is my biological son."

Huo Lanting: "Yes, this is my fourth brother. My fourth brother taught me a lot of things. He is beautiful and smart."

Of course he didn't miss him at all!

It can be said that no one is talking in the living room now. Everyone realizes that this matter is unusual and cannot be speculated by common sense at all.

Thinking of what Candice said before, Peng Guiru deliberately asked: "Miss Gu, how many sons do you have?"

This time, Huo Jinchen didn't let Gu Yuan answer, he said instead of Gu Yuan: "She has five sons in total, Lan Ting is the youngest one."

Not to mention the older generation, even the younger generation were shocked. Some people remembered the legend about the origin of Lanting. It is said that Lanting was a child obtained by technological means, and that provided the eggs for Lanting. A woman is said to be very mysterious.

The next generation is Uncle Huo Jinchen, frowning: "In other words, Miss Gu has four other sons besides Lanting?"

Peng Guiru: "I got it! Someone told me before that I was at the time, it turned out that she really had several sons!"

Uncle Lao: "This, this is not suitable? Isn't that Jinchen directly fathered?"

Everyone thought...of course it was inappropriate.

How can a woman who wants to enter the Huo family, a woman who wants to be the wife of the Huo family, have a son with another man?

Peng Guiru swallowed the smile of misfortune and looked at Mrs. Huo sympathetically: "What do you say about this? It's not ridiculous to pass it on!"

Looking at her scenery this day, I don’t know how many people envy and shock.

All people looked at Mrs. Huo, sympathetic, helpless, and unacceptable.

Mrs. Huo shrugged her shoulders gracefully, and said indifferently: "Isn't that good, Lanting has four brothers at once!"

With that said, Mrs. Huo asked: "Lanting, what do your four elder brothers do?"

Huo Lanting was holding a cheese stick in his mouth. Hearing this, he took a heavy bite, and said very carelessly, "My big brother was the big film emperor Luo Juntian who took the three gold medals. I remember Sister Xuening still His fans."

Suddenly Huo Xuening was mentioned, she did not pay much attention to the entertainment industry, but she loved Luo Juntian’s song. She was obsessed with it. Later, Luo Juntian withdrew from the music circle for filming, and she slowly came out. The last two years I didn’t pay much attention to it, but it’s natural to hear this now: “Is it? Is that the musical genius of China, Luo Juntian?”

Huo Lanting nodded: "Yes. Don't you know, Luo Juntian has publicly stated that my mother is his mother in the previous paragraph, and he once wrote music for my mother himself."

Personally compose music?Huo Xuening was instantly excited and looked at Gu Yuan in disbelief.

At that moment, Gu Yuan felt that Huo Xuening's gaze had changed, and that was a... familiar look at her mother-in-law's eyes?

Huo Lanting was very satisfied with this response. He took another lollipop and continued, "My second brother is Ji Qisen, who is the president of AK Group."

AK Group?

Well, there are quite a few people present who are interested: "Ji Qisen of AK Group?"

Huo Lanting: "Yeah, maybe our family's business still has cooperation with him!"

This is true, and there are indeed people who have cooperated with the AK Group.

Huo Lanting made persistent efforts: "My third brother is the youngest owner of the entertainment industry and the media in the world..."

Everyone looked at each other.

He Zongtian is the leader of the media industry. Although this young owner has no great skills, but his father Nie Nanqing, everyone even knows that and has eaten together.

Mrs. Huo was very satisfied with her grandson’s words and said with a smile: "The fourth is Mr. Jiang Yinfeng Jiang, right? I heard that at the age of seventeen, such a great achievement has been achieved. With such a stepbrother, Lan Ting, you But study hard and go ahead, follow the study!"

Having said that, Huo's current head of the family, Huo finally made his voice.

He glanced at the elders and juniors of his family with majestic eyes, and finally concluded: "Miss Gu's sons are very good and very good."

……this is okay too?

The whole Huo family said that this matter was too ridiculous!

But looking at Father Huo's unsmiling look, everyone endured it and said nothing more.

You should know that in this modern society, not every place is democratic and equal. In some places, some people enjoy the convenience of life brought about by the development of science and technology, and even receive various information on the Internet, but they still abide by their ideas. The number of feudal old gifts.

For example, a country, a well-known tourist country, but there are still kings. Ordinary people will kneel there when they meet the king. The Huo family is not so exaggerated, but the Huo family is big and has its own family rules.

In the Huo family, the family’s orders are irresistible and are absolute authority, otherwise the Huo family will not survive to the present, and have long since perished in the struggle of factions for power.

Now that the Huo family has spoken, then unless the earth is about to perish, otherwise no one needs to say anything.

Mrs. Huo looked at everyone who wanted to speak but didn't dare to speak, smiled, and looked at the grandmother beside her.

Seeing this, the grandmother said slowly, "Miss Gu, your four sons are really shocking and amazing. I will be curious about them when I have the opportunity to come over. I am very curious about them. Is a family."


Cough cough cough, the next old uncle almost choked.

Does the Huo family need to drag oil bottles?!

But this is what the grandmother said, and he is not easy to refute.

Mrs. Huo: "Seven Church Uncle, isn't this good? Jin Chen has never been married before, and now there are suddenly four more stepsons. These four stepsons are all promising. You don't need to inherit our family's wealth. Son, isn't this a good thing?"

Sounds... it seems to be good, but why is it so strange?

Mrs. Huo: "Jian'an, do you say that?"

Huo Ji'an, also Huo Fu, solemnly said: "The wife is right."

With that said, he looked at Gu Yuan: "Miss Gu, invite them over as guests in two days."

Gu Yuan next to him naturally saw the shocked dissatisfaction and helplessness of the Huo family in the living room, but she never said anything, and now finally nodded with a smile: "Okay."