9th Circle Lord

# 181 Danknife

“I shall gather all the rest of the spiritual kings. The problem wasn't the elves. It's you guys.”

Noas had no say in Luther's mythical point.

There was no excuse.

Current xenophobic societies have sprung up conflicts because of elves and, of course, because of the greed of the spiritual kings.

Luther looks at Noah.

What are you doing without calling it?

Noah, who was silent, could not overcome the pressure of his gaze and opened his mouth.

“I pretended to be with them for a long time. ”

“So, you don't even want to see him? ”


Luther stubbornly fills Noah's tongue.

“Do you think your stubbornness takes precedence over the problems of the Elf society? If you go like this, the Elves will kill themselves. You don't want me to? ”

His warning shook Noah's eyes.

Luther has regained vegetables.

“Listen carefully. History repeats it.I can't handle external enemies in the current state of Elves. If you confront humans, you will surely kill yourself. So what happens? Elves will also become human slaves, just as they were ruled by dragons. If we join forces then it's too late. This is your last chance. It's your only choice. ”

Luther expected that his speculation would be the same if Noah continued to stretch out.

The situation was the same.

Humans became a united Federation Empire and condensed into one.

Jillian's handiwork, which was his only anxiety, is now in his way.

The emperors have been put to the test to become emperors, and no matter who goes up, the empire will reap through a new emperor.

But the spiritual kings still hate each other.

We have to make it right.

‘That's all I can give you. ’

If Noah refuses, it's over.

His hand is hope.

If you refuse, it is a fallout.

Noah nods, pondering Luther's meaningful warning.

“I will follow your will. ”

Luther's right.

In this way, we can no longer avoid destruction as in the past.

Someone had to do an apprenticeship, and the target had to be recognized by all four spiritual kings.

But no one can receive the recognition of all the spiritual kings.

If you count just one being, it's the route right before your eyes.

He saved himself and freed the elves.

Now the only thing you can trust is Luther.

Noah abandoned both body and pride.

To rebuild the Elf society, we needed a foundation to rectify the current turmoil.

Noah was convinced that the foundation was Luther.

There was no spiritual king who was happy to visit Noah.

Everyone had different thoughts and disagreements.

I was reluctant, of course, because I don't remember the last meeting.

However, Noah said only one thing that made the spiritual kings uncomfortable.

“Luther is back. He wants to see all of us. ”

The presence of Luther meant something else to the spiritual kings.

Of course I had no reason to hesitate when he called.

All the spiritual kings entered the spiritual system of the land of Luther.

Luther stands on a sapphire mineral that rises like a thorn and looks at the spiritual kings.

The spiritual kings who appeared welcomed Luther.

“You finally showed up. I slept a long time. Are you active now? ”

“Now the Giant is turning on the base. ”

“It's good to see you again. ”

Whether you want to attract Luther to yourself in hiding or not, you compete with each other in the eye.

Luther took a look around the Spirit King and shook his head.

“The elves have fallen again because of you. Does that mean it's good to see you now? ”

Suddenly, the spiritual kings' gaze became confounded.

Luther is full of tongues.

“Pathetic. I can see why the elves have been under the control of dragons for so long. I expected the Elf society to be strong, but look at the present. It's all messed up. All of them are from you. Why did you turn the elves into that piece of land? Was the Elf Society the outcome you wanted? ”

The spiritual kings swallowed up the groaning on the horses without giving them a rest.

Minerva smiled awkwardly.

“It's been a long time since I saw you, and the word got rough. ”

Elyme sighed deeply to see if Luther's point was being met.

“I'm sorry. I don't have a face. ”

Salion was beaten.

“If you'd listened to me, this wouldn't have happened. The Elf Society is what you have done. ”

Minerva snaps her head in his excuse.

The energy emanating from the clean body was fierce.

“You always did. Always ignore us and say you're right. Do you really think this isn't your responsibility? ”

“Didn't you do this because you didn't follow my will? ”

“Why should we follow your will? Why don't you stop acting like a boss? ”

Salion's eyes were filled with heat.

“Did you say all that? ”

“It's not over yet. ”

Minerva laughs.

A whirlwind rises around him, as if he won't go after a hot salion.

Luther watches the situation with her arms around her.

"You're a gazebo."

Salion and Minerva have a tight fight, and Noah bypasses.

At least Elyme is trying to mediate, but no one listens.

‘I can't watch anymore. ’

The louder Luther muttered.

“Measures have been taken. ”

The words were spilled in secret, but everyone didn't miss them.

Elyme, who was frustrated, received it quickly.

“Measures? Any measures? ”

“Yes. I need to block you from the Elf Society. ”

All the spiritual kings were blamed for what he said.

Minerva smiled awkwardly.

“What's that supposed to mean? ”

“We're running parallel lines without compromise. It seems that the elves affected by the spirits are not willing to accept each other's arguments and retreat. I will now eliminate the contact between you and the Elf Society. They will not invoke spirits, and you will not affect such elves. ”

Salion immediately refuted.

“You're going to drop us and the elves? Is that true?”

“Yes, I mean it. I won't let you see what you're doing. Because of you, the elves are on the path of collapse. I can't let that happen. ”

Luther considered the elves to be an important species.

They love nature more than anyone else and seek a harmonious life.

However, because of the selfishness of the spiritual kings, they are being destroyed.

If you leave it like this, the fall will surely come.

That much must be stopped.

Elyme reasoned.

“Luther. If you lead, there will be no confusion. ”

“That's just an unpublished book. Moreover, I have already decided to govern the world. Solve your own situation. You guys are so desperate to give up a useless house. Go back, all of you. I won't let you go. ”

On unilateral instructions, Salion set the lights on.

“If you drop us off with the elves, the fall will come sooner." ”

“Crisis is an opportunity. They will learn to live on their own without the help of the Spirit. It will also serve as a reflection of the existing wrongdoing society. Your presence is disturbing the Elf society. ”

“Do you think we're going to step back? ”

Luther snorted against Salion's resistance.

His body floats round in the air and approaches the front of Salion.

Luther asked with indifferent eyes.

“What if you don't back off? What are you going to do?”

Salion swallowed groaning without a word.

Luther said Nazi.

“Speaking of which, I'm not a dragon. I'm not like them. If you disobey my will, it doesn't just end up hurting you. ”

Luther was empty.

The void begins and ends.

I could have annihilated the current spiritual king and created a new spiritual king.

I didn't know about Sal Temp.

Luther was fundamentally different from the dragon.

He almost single-handedly annihilated the old dragon, annihilating Naxanore's Demon King.

Such resistance was meaningless to him.

It was not revealed, but Luther's true identity was absolute.

I wonder if Luther's hard warning has worked. Salion's energy is dead.

Elyme pleaded.

“Admit we did something wrong. I'll try, so please don't tell me to stay away from the elves. ”

“I didn't say it was going down forever. But now I have to fall. I have to abandon the Constitution House to build a new one. What the elves need now is a new home. ”

The faces of the spiritual kings are bruised.

Luther looks indifferently at the spiritual kings and turns around.

‘We have to find the answer that has already been set. But until then there are no spirits. ’

For an elf, a spirit is like a leash of life.

Blocking spirits will create chaos in Elf society.

But we have to.

To preserve the elves, the spiritual kings must be changed.

At the moment, I had no intention of doing so, so I had to force myself to solve it.

‘Time will solve it. ’

Any race will find the answer, as it always does when a crisis comes.

There will be pain and confusion in the process, but I don't worry much.

‘You should do the same as I did. ’

Luther gave the Sultanates their free will to make themselves independent.

However, the Elves were still a baby wrapped in sackcloth.

The baby should grow up someday.

That process was necessary for the elves.

Router overlooking the forest in Dragon Realm.

However, he was not just staring into the visible forest, but was observing things that others did not see.


Four elemental spirits are active in the world.

Luther sees a spirit called by the elves and is convinced of his determination.

‘The spirits are distressed. ’

To observe society, he looked not at high, but at low.

The same is true of human society.

Nobles are rich, but ordinary people are poor.

The spiritual kings rushed to make their claims, but the spirits in direct contact with the elves were distressed.

I deserved it.

There are constantly battles between peoples everywhere.

The lower spirits must be ordered by the elves and kill the elves.

Their distressing voices swept the entire forest.

Luther recalled the past.

It was no different from the way the spiritual system cried out in agony when it was struck.

‘Not like this. ’

I can't let irresponsible spiritual kings interfere in the world anymore.

Now that I've made up my mind, it's an execution.

Luther reaches out and touches the spiritual system that is connected to the present world.

The spiritual system that was circulating suddenly began to pull the spirits unilaterally.

The spirits who stayed in the forest were sucked into the spirit system.

Luther blocked the entrance of the spiritual system as if sealing the bottle lid.

Of course, the elves who were in combat burst into horror, as the spirit that was trying to bully disappeared.

“Sylphid! Sylphid! ”

“Show up, salamander! ”

“Why aren't you attacking! ”

“No! The spirits are gone! ”

The urgent cries of the scene are echoing everywhere.

Luther looks indifferently at the confused elves.

‘Destroy the House of Constitution and build a new house. ’

If you do not shock the current Elf society, you will not rebuild the right society.

If so, it must be completely defeated.

The absence of spirits will raise awareness of the Elf society.

‘Time will solve it. ’

Luther, who has given extreme prescription medication to the Elf society, has now turned his gaze.

The next one was the Demibeast, where Chiara is.

‘If Chiara hasn't heard from me so far, there's a problem. ’

I hoped there would be no problem this time, but it won't be easy.

Luther moves towards Demibeast space with Chiara.