The next day.

In the meantime, I slept and refreshed my head, and I put a set of futons in an item box, and then I showed the DP catalog and looked for the groceries that would serve as breakfast.

The item box is a specification that when activated creates a crack in the void and sticks objects in it.

When I think about what to do when I take this out, something like a list floats in my brain, and with that in mind, when I stick my hand in a crack in the void, I seem to be able to take things out. That's convenient, Oi.

By the way, why do you know the next day or breakfast time in a room with no windows, because the current time and date are displayed in the top right corner of the menu screen?

It's a game! I almost stumbled upon it, but when I thought about it, it was used as a game screen reference.

Having made breakfast bread (15 DP) and bacon (30 DP) appear, I have no other chair so I sit back on the throne and start eating in the first place.

I also have to think about securing a DP. Sounds like an early point. I have 1000 DP, but this is my lifeline now.

I'm a little uncomfortable that it just disappears.

There are several ways to secure DP,

There is an intruder in the dungeon that is not under his own authority (strength increases the acquired DP).

· Kill intruders in the dungeon (increased acquired DP due to strength).

-Absorbing carcasses or something to feed in the dungeon (obtainable DP increased due to objects)

· Natural recovery (increase in acquired DP due to range of dungeons).

There are four.

As you can see, DP revenues depend on intruders.

I can't help but think that you can't secure the meal without the intruder to produce a janitor to avoid being killed by the intruder.

Well, is that what weak meat eats? Dungeons are creatures, too. I guess I can't get away with that crackle.

Although there is natural recovery, this is a fairly insignificant recovery of 1DP or something in three hours, so I don't know what will happen in the future, but I can't really guess right now.

I need to get in shape as a dungeon early on, but to do so, what kind of perception are dungeons and demon kings made of?

Is it geography later? You have to know that early.

That, if you don't know the demand, you can't create a supply, or something like that. Previous life's wandering knowledge.

Because in Mr. Brain WikiO Dia's information, which was forcibly planted in the dungeon, there was only a description of the intruder as a perspective on the part of the dungeon, so I wasn't sure.

Says, "He who is like a demon who comes to kill us".

Well, yeah, yeah. A being who comes to kill himself would look like a demon.


After breakfast I pampered my hand breadcrumbs and turned my gaze towards the only door in this room.

In the meantime, what I have to be nervous about right now will be making sure I'm ahead.

Confirming what's spreading is like half the interest, half the horror... but nothing starts unless you do it here first.

I got up after a little prep, and when I headed to the opposite side of the room, I opened the beautiful door in such a way as to be terrified -.

"... cave, huh?

What was spreading outside the door was one big cavity.

A crystal stalactite-like stalactites hanging about wondering how many years it is, and reflecting the light plunging from a small rift in the cave ceiling area, illuminate the surroundings slightly.

There is a build-up of water in the slightly muddled area, which is fairly transparent and clear to the back with little impurities.

It's quite a fantastic sight.

Apparently, this door was generated inside the cave.

The only place in the dungeon area yet is between those thrones, so I guess this cave is not created by the dungeon but a natural thing.

After I make sure there's no other organism around me, I seem to be at the exit of the cave that I can see a little further - no, I aim for the sun light that plugs in from the entrance-like place, and I move on.

Katsung, my footsteps echoing Katsung.

The air is soothing and comfortable for the skin. I don't need cooling in the summer.

Eventually, my vision, which reached the entrance, opened at once...

- Clear, infinite Ethereal Dome.

Fill one side, the Great Green Forest. The wind rocks the trees, and if you clear your ears, you can even hear the rubbing sound of the leaves of the trees.

Illuminated by the light of the sun and sparkling is the Great River, which has lasted a long and long time.

A horizon that stretches everywhere and a magnificent mountain range that pushes through clouds and overwhelms all who see.

Is the vast blue that stretches out at the end of the horizon the sea?

In the sky on the other side is floating something like an island, from which the waterfalls flowing down from the sky to the earth, with rainbows hanging.


The beauty of the scenery makes my eyes unwittingly hot.

What was spreading there was a magnificent by mysterious, worldly figure that was never unrepresentable in my poor vocabulary.

... I don't think I can fly in the sky. It would feel good to be rusty.

By the way, I don't have wings on my back right now.

When I was in the way of sleeping, I wondered if I could make it smaller or not, or if I could fold it more beautifully, and it disappeared.

This wing, apparently, consists of my still poorly understood power, magic, which I could arbitrarily put out or erase, so it's been left out ever since. Convenient body.

Once in a while, he gets enthralled by the scenery, then returns to me and returns to his original purpose, the geographic confirmation of the surroundings.

Apparently, this is the middle of the mountain. Even if I say middle belly, maybe the altitude is high there because it's about to see this view. What looks like a crowd... it doesn't look like it's anywhere near here.

What I look back at in my sight is a chopped cliff.

I hear the cave that just came out was made on this cliff.

Uh... this one doesn't look like it's going to work. I want to go upstairs for now.

With that in mind, I started walking in the mountains wondering if there was anywhere I could climb.