Iruna's family is dead.

The humans came to attack, and their parents took weapons to protect her and fought the humans, and a large number of them didn't pull a step toward the end - and they died.

The last words they addressed to Iruna.


Satoshi understood that her parents had died for themselves. That's why I desperately fled in despair, whipped my body not to trample on my parents' thoughts in hopes that I would never see (see), and moved my legs forward.

And - my parents' life-threatening wishes, they came true.

There are people around her today who can be called family.

First, Yuki - stay with Iruna.

Kind, funny, gives Iruna blood, someone she loves. You care a lot for Iruna, and I always think in Iruna's mind, "Thank you".

Blood is the same as' raw 'for vampires. It is something that will always be necessary in life and is therefore even regarded as sacred.

Iruna had been taught that if you were going to get all that important 'blood' from a person, not an animal, but someone like your father to your mother, and she had also repeatedly understood that it was very important.

That's why I'm really glad the person who saved me gave me blood for myself, and Iruna quickly missed him.

Nowadays, being with him makes me feel so warm and relieved above all else.

And, Refi - Iruna's Hey.

Someone who has a slightly strange tone and is childish for saying hey, but can count on you very much in times of trouble. I loved her, too, Iruna.

We were supposed to live together a while ago, Leila. Hey, you and Lew. Hey.

At first, I heard the word 'concubine' from you, Leffi, and I got a little angry when I heard what it was like, but we were both very good people, and now we're very close.

There are also pet lil and si. Those kids always entertain me, even when I think they're always a little boring to play with Iruna.

Surrounded by everyone like that, Iruna only smiled every day.

- It's fun here today, and it heals my sad feeling that my old man and my old man are gone.

So don't worry. Thanks to the two of us, Iruna is now, very mixed up.

Thank you, old man, old man...