
The sun is disappearing to the other side of the horizon, and the moon is peeking into your face on the other side of the horizon.

From sunset to night, in the time between bundles.

The street shadows are also somewhat less, and the hustle and bustle BGM blends into the background into a loose-flowing crowd.

There are two shadows that illuminate and stretch out into the West as part of a city that weaves a fantastic landscape that is different from the noisy scenery of the day.

In a peaceful, comfortable atmosphere, I was on my way back to yesterday's inn with Leffi.

We have already broken up with the brave men and are to rendezvous in front of the Lords' Palace before lunch tomorrow.

Isn't he enjoying being with us quite a bit? "I'll see you tomorrow," he said from himself.

Maybe in my daily training as a brave man, I didn't really get a chance to breathe this way. Next time you come to visit our dungeon, I'll try to entertain you quite a bit.

"-But not that one. It's a shame they're not in the dungeon."

"Well, if they were here, it would have been more fun to make more noise."

I'm sure Iruna rushes down the alley and Lew rushes after it, watching as Leila nicks behind it.

Lil and Si... yeah, all I can think of is a future where the city gets noisy. And Lace's daughters.

I laugh when I think about it.


"No, I didn't think you'd say that. Because I was a little surprised."

"... Sure, of. I didn't know the day would come when Noh would regret the absence of others..."

Yes, a refi with some strange look on his face.

To her, I flatter my shoulders and return the words.

"Ma, this is how I like the two of us to walk relaxed. It's been a long time since it was just you and me."

"Oh well.... right, well, that's it. This is quite an interesting feeling. It's been six months since I met your lord, and I feel like I've been dense for decades."

"You're still pretty good in the dungeon, you say that a lot."

"When Noon was in his previous bed, he usually spent the day sleeping in Zara's bed."

"... what do you mean you're better off in this life?"

"Well, I'm working pretty hard right now, and I'm full of them, so I can't help you with your chores."

"No, what theory is that?"

Yes, overflow a bitter laugh at her.

- And we were walking together in such a comfortable atmosphere, that was then.

A scream of a woman, like ripping silk.

The source is - close.

S, and looking that way, a man appears in the street from the alley, making sure that the right woman who seems to be in the water business rolls out - plus from behind, a man whose eyes are totally icky trying to chase the woman.

It's in the man's hand - a bloody wet, knife.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah"

...... chip.

Damn... even though I felt good.

"Don't give me water!!

I pick up the stone that was falling downstairs and I throw it to the man's head, sounding the wind cut, buon.

Brilliant, my thrown stone gets sucked into the opponent's forehead, and the blood splash flies with the bagon and the dull noise...

"Hey, what's up, man?

The man collapses into an unintentional attack and falls flashly behind as he is, but rises up with a sleigh in some kind of jonesy-stained disgusting motion.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

"... Hmm. Yuki, look at him with your magic eyes."

"Heh? Ooh, ooh."

As Leffi told me, when I activate my magic eye and look at the tochi crazy man on my head...... what? This guy. His whole body is tied up with magic...?

"Did you see that? - Perhaps that man is already dead."

"What... Seriously?

"Mm-hmm. Once upon a time, I fought the Necromancer, but the Necromancer he had used had been magically bound to the bee like that"

"... I see"

I mean, is that it?

He, a zombie (...).

I'm not managing to move with a virus, I manipulate my body by magically tying it up and keeping it under control, like I did with the demon sword of the example curse - I mean, does it feel like a marionette?

Then I guess someone is manipulating... but there is no hostile reaction to the opponent.

... Well, for now, let's do something about him.

If you manage to cause a virus, you can defeat it if you break your neck bone if you blow up your brain, but he's moving with magic. Probably would move even if I lost my top from my neck.

"Refi, how did you take down Soitz and the others before?

"I burned every surgeon"

"Oh, wow."

The filth is disinfectant, I know.

... That's it, if it's working with magic, would I overwrite it further?

You changed your target for being attacked, you turned your face here with a grunge and a disgusting move, and then that's when I hang my legs and rinse off the guy attacking me with a zombie-like move and grab a gassy grasp of Soitz's skull that fell to the ground.

Instantly I work out my magic, and I'm forced to pour it into the man's skull.

Then I feel a great rebellion from the magic that dominated the man - but to that extent, I can't stop him.

"W, a, a..."

While the magic was running, the man cramped his bigbig and his body - eventually, when I fully mastered it, it stopped working, even with Pickle, as if it were a broken thread puppet.