"Huhahahahaha!! Wait, kids!! I will eat you all, the great demon king of evil!!


I'll chase the kids from behind, cheering and running.

And he had a leg on his way out, and one child fell.

"Whoa, you're running away with care. Otherwise, the evil demon king will run you over."

"Uh, hey, thanks, Mayushama"

"Whoa, never mind. The Demon King is a bad man, but a gentleman."

I let him stand up and stroke the kid's head with a pom and then I said, "Huhahaha!!" and chase the children around with evil high laughter.

Then three little ones got stuck in front of me.

"Wow! I'll kill you!

"You showed up, brave men! Huh, but can you take me down like you?

"Fuck you!! This is how the Holy Sword works!!

"Ho ho ho ho!!

"The Sacred Sword this way, TWO!!

As the little ones attack, I blow up in a real act and wave.

"Gwwwwww!! K, shit...... so much for my ambition too, huh...... But don't be alarmed. When you defeat me, the second and third demon kings will appear and make sure you... whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey, man, you know what?

When I catch a kid in the air jumping on the way over laughing, the kids who were watching it join me and jump on me.

"Huff, you're completely missed. The Demon King was completely on the board."

A brave man crouched near me when he was screwed and fell, looking down at me, said so, overflowing with couscous and grin.

"Because it's real."

Neither do these kids think they're playing brave against a real demon king.

"I'm very good with kids."

"I do it at home all the time."

Even so, they want to play Demon King at home, so I'll play the part of a brave man. The role of a brave man who is attacked by a demon king and returned to him.

Justice is the Demon King in our house.

"You want to do it, too? The Great Demon King of Evil. Now you'll have my mask spare without a leak."

"I don't need that"

Is that an instant answer, is it?

A female knight watching us with a bitter smile - Carotta talks to the woman next to her.

"I'm sorry I pushed you so fast."

"Never mind, because we are always helped by the Church. Besides, the kids seem to enjoy it."

Here - the nanny, who manages the orphanage (...), said so while Nico.

After yesterday, Carotta brought us to this church-run orphanage.

Thanks, they say the inn that is currently inside the Wang capital is almost closed, and none of the places they still run are equal to none.

He said this was the only place available, because places like church-held quarters also use everything to hide troops that he had not managed to muster in Wang Du.

Why, the Inn… or so many others are closed, but the shops in the Wang capital are not open - it is due to food distress (…), which completely seals off the Wang capital.

They say that food in the Wang capital is covered almost by imports from surrounding cities, but because of the coup d 'état in this city, merchants bringing food stopped coming.

- The merchant of this era is dangerous and sensitive.

Maybe you'll lose your life in a war. Maybe even bothering to bring food, they'll take it in by the military.

And in fact, they say that the food brought to them by small and medium-sized chambers of commerce and merchants affiliated there is being bought down for about a tenth of the value of the purchase.

Where it doesn't benefit me like that, I wouldn't bother trying to go from me.

It is possible to enter and exit safely if it is also a major chamber of commerce, but it seems that the price of food in the Wang Dynasty has risen markedly, taking a look at this situation now at its feet and blowing it at a very high price.

And since all the surplus food has also been received by the army, it now seems that the citizens of the King's Capital are in a very bad situation, as they must contend for one piece of bread today.

By the way, the prince and his uncomfortable companions who invited such a thing seem to be doing an admirable turnaround job because they are only rebels as they are now.

It doesn't even have to be anti-prince, it's trying to persuade a good number of neutral aristocrats to take sides and take substantial control.

Therefore, it is the anti-prince who has no time.

So far it's the principals who are in the dominant position, and the opportunistic guys are getting more and more flowing that way.

I guess that makes it an overcrowded schedule to decide on the operation the day after the operational meeting in order to lose so much advantage over time because of it.

"I'm sorry, you deal with the kids. You're a customer."

"No, don't worry about it. I just let you stay. That's about it."

I flatter my shoulders with a grin on the nanny who looks sorry.

Well, you won't see the look on your face because you're wearing a mask.

"... I was going to ask you about your qualities, but you're starting to wonder a little about who you are. You look young, but could you possibly have children?

A female knight asks this way.

"No, you have two things like a sister. I'm always dealing with him."

"Hey, stay in the mask!! Let's do it now!

"Whoa, that's good. Well, you guys..."

And, as I tried to continue the words, the noise rang small from the belly of the child in front of me.

"What, are you hungry?

"Yeah... but we're all hungry together, so we can't help it"

- Well, that was food distress, this city. I forgot because I'm so well, but were you just patient?

The breakfast I got split was honestly a poor minister's thing too, and maybe these kids aren't eating anything decent here.

Hey, were you too late to notice?

"... All right, all right. Nell, follow me. We'll cook the meat."

"What... Wait, what's all the sudden?

"I don't care what you put down first. I'm hungry. It'll take me a while to prepare myself, so help me. Excuse me, I need to borrow the kitchen."

"Yes, please feel free to use it"

Bosoli and Carotta muttered when they saw us pulling the brave men straight into the kitchen.

"... and that man, he's supposed to be a squire, right?