"Ha... ha... ha!

I move my leg muscles, rowing my bicycle pedals full of strength, exhaling roughly.

"Look, Yuki, hurry up. Or you'll be late for school."

"Temeye this!! I'm going to think who blamed me for being such a hasty shark!!

I scream backwards unexpectedly at the voice of a relaxed girl coming from the carrier behind me.

"Hung, I don't think it's a good idea to blame people that way."

"I guess I'm late because you slept around," If you don't eat breakfast well, you can't move "or something, and you relaxed and ate shit!!

To my words, the girl in the cargo carriage - Refi - who shrugs her face away from me.

Yes, I'm rowing my bike so desperately because he fell asleep and had a slow breakfast, even though I was in a hurry to run out of time.

Because of this, I'm leaving the house pretty late, and I'm in such a hurry to frame you.

What annoys me more than anything is that while I'm desperate and sweaty rowing my bike, there's no particular rush on the part of the late culprit, and he'll be relaxed.

Damn, whose fault is it............!!

"... you, it's me. You're sacred, aren't you? So like this, you can't even use a technique that makes your bike faster?

"Lord, what do you think of Non? There's no way you can keep that."

"Chip... you can't use shit like that. You're him"

"You say that much?!?

I said, behind my back, "Undo it! Non is a woman who can use it properly! Undo it!!" Ignoring the loud refi, he just kept rowing his bike.

"Ahhh... during, it fits, it..."

I sit down with Dosun in my seat, breathing out my words constantly.

"Good morning, Mr. That was critical."

When he is breathing roughly, he can speak from the next seat.

Turning to Chirali and you, sitting there was a boyish-looking, uniformed girl.

At her feet lies a wretched looking wolf with a beautiful silver fur.

"... yes, Nell. And, Lil.... The guy from Leffi is a sleeper. He's seriously waking up too bad."

With the girl next door - Rukiru Sound - and also speaking to the wolf at his feet, the wolf - Mofril also returns the meeting to this small one.

Oh... he's smart and cute.

I want to trade it for our Pong Tips.

"Huff, huh? Is Leffi in the library, as usual?

"Oh. He said," Classes are boring, "and he went to Stakola all by himself on my user-demon's ass."

Why is he so free to move around when, normally, the user demon should not be able to leave his Lord?

You're kidding. I'm such a fucking bore class, too. I just want to devour my inebriation.

However, it is obvious that if I do that, I will be framed for not liking "educational instruction" and being run around the school yard, so I will be patient now, and I will spit out this depression on him when I get home.


"Nice... I wish I could play games with you that way, too, because I can't have this kid on the boulder"

"...... ku"

Lil at your feet squeals like, "Please don't be lame."

By the way, when my classmate Nell says why he calls me "ooh-ooh" or something, it's kind of like an aura drifting from me to the neighborhood, so let's just say.

I don't know. It's him.

"Wouldn't Lil be able to? He's pretty smart, and like this, with his front leg, he grabs things like this."

"Oh, that might be nice! Hey, Lil, can I ask you a favor when I get home?


And that's how talking to Nell, that's when the chime of initiation rings, the ragged doors open and the tough faced teacher enters the classroom.

"Whoa, my job is here. We need to be quiet."

"Huff, you've got eyes on me."

At the end of the conversation, Nell looked forward, and when the classroom he had been bothering to quiet down, the homeroom began to function as...

The demon of use is a commonly used being in modern times.

They are used everywhere and blend into the everyday life of this world.

Those who use the demon of use are called 'contractors', and nowadays in the military special units made up only of contractors are often put in to control criminals, etc., and the importance of their existence grows daily.

But - a user demon is not just a one-sided being used either.

If the Contractor performs any act contrary to the covenant he has entered into with the Demon of Use, the Demon of Use can break the covenant on his own initiative and return to the world in which he lives, here, where he is simply called 'the other world', and if the Contractor performs any act that undermines the credibility of the Demon of Use, the Demon of Use can refuse to exercise the power called 'divine power' and be without listening to the Contractor.

It's just, well, that's only a story if the contractors were assholes, and as long as the contractors are credible enough for the user demons, they're supposed to be smart guys listening to what they firmly say......

"... I wonder why you are like this"

"Kuh, this...... Kuh!

With the game controller in one hand, a rough refi.

From this appearance, I can't even feel fine dust such as the intelligence and wit felt by the user demon. Tell me, my selfish daughter in the neighborhood would be a good place.

Besides, he doesn't really listen to me. Despite the fact that the contract is not different.

Incidentally, the contents of Leffi and I's contract are: 'To make sure we eat three meals well' and 'To provide a warm bed'.

It is rounded out with a sense of substance.

Koitsu, he said it seems to be quite a high place in the other world... Hi, I was kicked out of my former residence because of too much gu-tasting, and I couldn't find it on the rice, so after plotting to become a demon to use in this world and secure the rice, he appeared in the ritual of summoning demons to use, which I did as part of my school class, and became my demon to use.

I learned the second half of "Gu Ha" not from him, but from other user demons.

He's pretty sure he's a high-ranking being, like he said, but he was stunned by other high-ranking beings because of his laziness so much, he turned out like that.

Absolutely... what is it that says, "Summon the powerful." Respect the power of the LORD, and let Noah lend you further strength.

Didn't you just get in trouble for dinner?

"... Yes, bye bye"

"Wow!! Yuki, you!! I told you to stop doing that!!

In Brawl Smash Sisters, the blown self character tried to get back on stage and was sunk off the screen again by my operating character, and yes, the refi that eats and hangs on me.

"Huh... you idiot, that's the kind of game this is originally from? Or would you rather be entertained by me?

"Muggu, stay on track about winning the first battle...! That stretched nose, I will definitely break it!!

"Ha, I'm the man they called" Zeldia's Existence, "huh? You can't go beyond me like this for a lifetime."

Niyaniya laughed and said so, he was a refi with a grumpy, regrettable look, but suddenly I thought he had a hazy look, he squealed something bossy.

"............" Hide the reason of the world ""

"Wow!? Hey, what is it?

All of a sudden my vision is dimmed and I can't see anything around me.

And I wonder if the controller I gripped trembled with Vv, and at the same time my operating character, Zeldia's voice, gets hit.

"Temeh, you're using your god power!?

"Ha ha ha!! Hey, Yuki! Your Lord's manipulators are standing still, huh?

"You, when I was in a hurry this morning, you refused to use it, and you used it for such nonsense!!

"I don't know what you're talking about! A game is something where you bet your whole body and soul to compete for real!! If so, there's nothing wrong with Non using his divine powers seriously! Because divine power is a part of the power of Non!! Huh, now it's a toddle!

What I saw in my sight when I suddenly saw Ba was a screen where my self-character blew up to a distance and became a star, with zero residual machines that had three.

"You're already dead, aren't you!? Ku... okay, if that's what you're saying, I have an idea too. I was a bit of a handful thinking it was pathetic for the boulder, but that's over too!!

"Hooff, how strong can you be? Now that you've liberated your divine powers, you're no longer the strongest, are you?

"Ha, say it!! I'll show Themé something called true power!!

That's how the second battle began.

Early after the battle begins, Refi again tries to exercise some divine power...

"The reason for the world."

"... next time I use my divine powers, I'll reduce your evening items by one dish"

Refi turns to me with a stunned look on my voice, whining bossly.

"Colour!? Yu, Yu Ji, that's cowardice!?

"Ha, what are you talking about? Games are all about gambling and fighting, aren't they? I mean, I'm the one who's making your dinner, so it's okay to hit the game with all your strength."

"Ki, you......!!

I had a proud look on Leffi's face when he ate his teeth and tied me up.

"Well, shall we restart the game?


"Oh, you're up, Yuki."

It was in my sight that I opened my eyes lid-- the usual, dungeon.

The Irunas and the young girls play the deck in the corner of the room, with a mix of lews playing with them.

Layla folded the laundry she had taken in, and Leffi was either hitting it alone or forming in front of the chessboard, and looked up from the board and looked up at this one.

"... me, you were asleep"

Apparently, he was falling asleep on the throne.

... dreams, huh?

…… What's the matter, you look so frightened?

"... you, you can be the user demon who made a deal with me?

What are you talking about, suddenly?

Girl with silver hair, with a strange look on her face.

"No... sorry, nothing"

"... he's not crazy."

Leffi leaned his neck strangely at me for saying that with a bitter smile on his face.

That's right. Leffi's nothing, he's not my user demon or anything.

She says that Lefisios is the legendary Heilong the world fears, her former residence in this dungeon - and now my family's, the companion of Yuki the Demon King.

- But.

But I'm sure... in another world, me and Leffi, oh and every day, we talk about crap, we fight, we're kidding.

The Irunas and Leila and Lew are probably around me, too, right? Maybe he lives next door.

So, around the weekend, you come to visit us, play games with us, make noise and play.

I have such a similar feeling about certainty.

- That way, that sounds like a fun world.

"...... haha"

Without knowing it, I can laugh zero.

- Right.

In another world, am I going to be with Leffi?

"What is it, Yuki? Sounds like fun."

"No... more refi than that. You were pointing to chess all by yourself? Then I'll deal with him."

"Well, that's good. Today is the day when Non will make the face of the Lord cry."

"The crying side,"

- The refi in the other world, I'll slap him on the nose, was it?

"? What are you laughing at?

I was wondering if I could do that with your strength.

"Stuffed, did you say that? Huh, then watch. I have trouble getting you to think of it as the previous nonsense. Now is the time to show the Lord the fruits of the special training."

"You, I'll tell you that, because you always say the same thing, don't you?

That's what I say like a scratch, I get off the throne, I pinch a chessboard and sit on Leffi's face.

And so I am, just like me in another world.

Also today, with Leffi, we spend the day -.