- When Yuki was rambling in the tavern.

"- What do you say, Haloria? From you, Yuki, you are."

On the throne, Final, king of the demonic kingdom, said so to his men who lay in front of him.

"... well, as you've been on the road so far together, let me tell you - for better or for worse, you get the impression that you're a chig-hugging man"

"Heh? What do you mean?

To Haloria's unexpected appreciation, the Demon King gives her a slightly surprising look and urges her to continue.

"I feel a little complacent about power like the demon king of the dungeon, wondering if there is a self-indulgent side to it, I don't feel as arrogant as I say, and it looks very sweet in my body. Also, the shallowness of not trying to negotiate much and swallowing the story, even though the thought is quick and the king's story and intentions are just brains to understand immediately. He sees a lot of contradictory aspects like that."

"Ha ha, you sure are such a kid, Yuki you are"

To her words, which I observe often, a king of the demonic world who laughs.

"Perhaps things are a little off with what we take care of. Chig hugs, for better or worse, because of their unique sensibilities."

"Yeah, yeah, I know exactly what you're trying to say. You're right, maybe he has values a little different from ours. I don't know what to say... I guess the way we think about it is a different image from ours"

Um, and twisting his neck, the king of the demon kingdom keeps talking.

"From a species I know called the Demon King, and from a species called the Demon Nation, he feels a lot off... I guess that one. Yuki, I wonder if you're from another world."

The king of the demon kingdom, who should not know that Yuki was a otherworldly man, but because of his heterogeneity, he had almost spotted the right answer.


"Ha ha, right"

And that's when the two of you were talking, Sussus, and approaching under the king of the demon kingdom, one shadow.

"- Dear Final, Internal work, done. It is possible to send out collaborators at any time"

"Oh, is it finally over? How's the planting going? You've arranged for us to move safely, haven't you?

"C, everything is going well, as instructed"

"Good. Good. Neither do I. I don't want to turn him around to my enemies, and I want to stay with him for a long time if I can. I'll take care of the area."

"I'm in awe. - And there's another report."


"Yuki the Demon King has made contact with a human brave man in a liquor store. What will you do?"

"Oh, you're the brave one who had reports of breaking into the demonic world before. Well, you don't have to worry about that. He probably noticed your presence, didn't he?

To the king's inquiry, his men snort.

"Once, I sent my gaze to this one where I was hiding, definitely first"

"Then I mean, he decided it was no problem for me to find out he had made contact with a brave man. Besides, the brave ones are probably with us and the enemy. I'm not saying that enemy enemies are allies, but if there are a lot of enemies for enemies, I've never been over it. I'll leave them to you, Yuki."

"Ha, roger that."

To his subordinates bowing their heads, the King of the Demonic Realm nodded yeah satisfactorily before continuing his words.

"Thanks for the report, then - I'll call them when it's tomorrow"

"- Yuki. Do you want me to go to the fight?"

The day after Leila made me sit up front and told me all kinds of novels about the tavern.

I was called again between the thrones, and the king of the demon kingdom sat on the throne told me so.

"Martial Arts Games?

"Yeah. The proud children of the powers of the demonic world are gathered here in Lagegiheg in the arena soon to play, well, the power of anything proud tournament. It's going to take a couple of days, but it's a pretty big tournament, so the whole city's going to be a festival at that time."

"Heh... that sounds fun"

Is it opening a store or something? Looks like you could show En something interesting.

... but, well, it's a power bragging competition.

I expressed it mildly.

"So it looks like the devil children will be sending in plenty of proud athletes to show off their authority and increase their support for that tournament. So Yuki wants you to take them down in the game and stand out as best you can. - I mean, you win."

"... don't be so easy on me. I know you're saying this now, but I'm not so sure I know how to fight. I'm not gonna lose that easy, and I'm not exactly gonna smash everyone out to get out, but I can't make a deal, okay?

All I can do is fight and kill.

Weapons and magic, it's a basic ballistic tactic.

Therefore, if the opponent is also a power fighter type, the battle will be easier, but if he comes out with a martial arts master or something, he may not have a hand or leg.

In that case...... right. Fly away and continue to unilaterally tear an air strike out of the sky?

If they had wings too...... well, we'll think about it again.

"Fine. When I forced you to screw in as a contestant, the contestant confirmed it all under the authority of the king, but first because there was no stronger than you"

Wow... do whatever you want.

"But there are only a few people to watch out for, so I'll tell you more about the kids, the weapons they use, the style of combat."

"Nice to meet you.... oh well, that's how you guys even attack in the back while I'm crushing your opponent's ments on the surface?

"Huff, you know exactly what I mean. - Oh, and you had a mask to hide your face, didn't you? Then yes, I'll give you this."

"What is this?

That being said, it was one ring that was handed to me by the king of the demon kingdom.

"With it, you'll be able to change the color of your eyes and hair. I'll give it to you, so use it effectively when this is over."

Ring of Change: By instilling magic, you can freely change the color of the subject's hair and eyes. Quality: A +

Heh, I see, props for disguise.

Sounds pretty good to me, and unlikely to be seen through.

"Well, thank you."

Quickly, I'll put that magic guide on my texty fingers, other than the left hand pharmacopoeia, where Leffi's ring fits.

As for the colors...... right, I figured it would be better for disguises and to look divergent from the usual me, so a flashy color would be good.


With one color on my head, as I put a refined magic into the ring that I now fit in, I try to echo it and my head and eyes get thinner and thinner and more magical, eventually it completely covers up and completes the change.

"Heh... it's funny"

Susus, the demon maid who stopped by prepared me a mirror to see what was happening to me, so I leak an interesting voice.

- Silver hair and silver eyes.

My dark hair and black and red odd eyes were turning silver.

Hmmm...... now, if you also change your status to a disguised status, the chances of finding out who you are will be grossly diminished.

And when I'm seriously confirming who I am, I get a small, crisp laugh in my ear at that time.

"Ah? What is it?

The source of the laughter - turning to Leila, she replied with a smile with Nico.

"Huff, no, I thought it was the same color as Leffi's."

For the first time since they said that, I realized that I was unconsciously choosing silver instead of red or gold, even though I thought it was a flashy color.

"Ah... yes, no, this just happened naturally because I wanted to make this a flashy color. Beth, it's nothing like Leffi."

"Yeah, I know."

Grr... stop, don't look at me with those raw warm eyes.

After coughing with Cohon, I pull my magic out of the ring and return it to the color of my original hair and eyes, and face the King of the Demon Realm again.

"Well, okay. Let's do what we can. Well, when is that fighting competition?

"Five days from now. You'll want to practice something or something, so I'll lend you a practice field."

... practice.

Me, I've never trained in martial arts or anything, so I honestly don't have much to do when they say practice... shall we try to develop something, a martial arts competition or even some flashy magic to go with the festivities?

All right, let's do that.

Here... combine multiple magic and show it as a single move, like.

As far as I can imagine, that's it. He competes for Poke-On contest moves.

Mm-hmm. I'm looking forward to the fight, too, apart from cooperating with this king.

Shall I show you the power of the Demon King?