Gatagotto and rocking carriage.

Looking out the window, the same blue meadow spreads everywhere, creating a slight boredom with the same view that continues in extension.

As you peek into the back of the window and look forward, there is another carriage of the same type as the one we ride in front, and you can also see the armed soldiers surrounding that carriage and this carriage.

And now when I turn my gaze into the car - sitting face to face with me, a horribly thoughtful look Nell.

Ever since I heard about the lord's old man, she's been like that.

Though it's a slightly out of place feeling...... she had a worried look on her face and the way she was bringing her head to the wall of the carriage was like a single painting, with a picturesque beauty.

- This country and the environment surrounding her are currently in a complex situation inside.

First of all, the most central point of this time is the prince's civil commotion, which I jumped into the vortex before.

The case itself has already been solved... but it seems to have been very troublesome since then.

The neck of those who participated in the rebellion of the prince, who was being manipulated by the Demons, flew physically in dozens, resulting in a temporarily unstable situation of internal affairs.

He said the king's desperate efforts promptly led to a rebuilding and a major renovation of the central personnel - the next thing that started was interference from other countries.

Peripheral and potential enemies who perceived political instability began to harass each other openly, including skirmishes along borders, deliberate exercises, and toys in deals, he said.

Well, they say this country is quite a big country in the human country, so that's about it, so what's not going to happen...... still, shake (...).

Particularly painful are the pullouts and espionage of those who have become new and central officials.

I'm not accustomed to spying on bribes, even if I don't feel like it, but I leak information polarily, and I'm perfectly embedded in color tricks.

The story is that the lord's old man wasn't sleeping because he came and went with that city he ruled and the king's capital, and was running around to follow up on that kind of thing.

After the civil unrest, he said, the political enemies in the country themselves have decreased considerably... perhaps that much has come of that never-ending follow-up.

And - Nell has something to do with it, from here on out.

If the country becomes unstable, it becomes proportionately insecure.

When insecurity gets worse, people start wanting things to flatter them.

Seek a place in your heart to relieve your cramped life and anxiety about your day.

If so, the people of this country are the subjects - that is, the "Church" and the "Brave One".

You'll understand religion.

When the chances of dying of illness or injury are significantly higher than in the modern age of previous life, and when daily life is painful and food is not available satisfactorily, "At least live satisfactorily in the next life or so…", he tells religion.

So if you're a brave man, that's because in this country - rather than in the people of this world, a brave man is a hero that is heard in bedtime stories as a child.

I've heard of Tan, the brave man of this world, before to Nell, well to sum up: "The brave man saves and guides the people. Whatever happens, it's safe because the hero lives in this country."

Nell, who is such a subject, was (...) out on an expedition to the demonic realm when the country's political situation became unstable (...).

A brave man who was supposed to protect his country was in a situation where he was not in the country.

Well, Nell was just not in this country, and what he was doing was an act to defend the country... a folk is not what he found out.

Nothing, I'm not making fun of you.

But people of these times are idiots (...).

Realizing that Nell wasn't there, they naturally said, "Why aren't you there!" Stuck in a church educating the brave.

The Demonic Expedition is a top-secret operation and there is no reason to talk about it, so I told the people, "I have no problem with brave men. She is fighting now for God and the Son of God".

In fact, that's the right translation, so if you stay put, it should just be a folk danced to rumors,... then Nell really (...) disappeared (...).

Because I lived in my dungeon for a month or so.

The letter appeared to have been sent... but the effect of it being suppressed by one thing seemed to have been known.

I don't know where I'm going anymore, which means both the church and the country's center were in chaos, and they were pretty much going right and left.

… if it is easy to understand, do you feel that the location of only one nuclear weapon in the country is no longer known?

She's not a weapon, she's a human being, so of course there's no way she's going to stay in one place, and because she's adjacent to the professional danger of being a brave person, I can't get in touch with her, I think there's something normal about that... it was a bad time, should I say?

Worse still, it turns out that a new asshole official overflows the polo about it, and the folks get to know that she really doesn't know where she is, and the noise will accelerate even further instead of subsiding.

Plus, she's been in my dungeon before, life or death - that's when she came to my dungeon, but sometimes she's gone.

Because of those two unknown lifetimes, her strength as a brave man is suspected.

I've never seen anything else, such as a person with as much potential as she does, but this is a world where achievements are seen, and most importantly, the normal person cannot see the status.

Due to the overlapping of such various bad conditions, there is now noise in Wang Capital seeking Nel's 'brave dismissal', which he does not even know is safe.

Should I say that coincidence overlapped too much or that I was unlucky...... the only thing I can say is that the current situation she is in is a lot of responsibility to me too.

Because the most important cause of this case is that I've held her in the dungeon too long.


Often, watching her side, I delay my thoughts.

I... I wonder.

What do you want from her?

- Let's get this straight.

Tell me it was instigated by Leffi at first... I also like her.

I'm not going to let go of her anymore, and I want to live with her at home forever.

However, doing so would impose a heavy burden on Nell, who is deeply connected to the human country...

"... Nell"

"... what, Oh-ho?

I said just a few words - I lifted her body sitting face-to-face and put it on my own lap.

Her warmth and the pleasant scent of tickling her nostrils.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa."

"No, your body feels warm and good!

"Suddenly what!?

Hahaha, and then I laugh and then I keep saying the words.

"Hey, Nell. What do you want?

"... what do you want, what do you mean, what do you do with the 'brave'?

"Oh. What do you want?


To my words, she shuts her mouth cuddly.

"I... Nell, I want to be with you. Not only me, but my face, I'm pretty sure he thinks the same thing. It's just... you're a brave man. There's one connection that's different from us."

"... yeah"

"What are you brave for?

She often opens and closes her mouth small and then eventually speaks out with a potpout.

"I... I thought I wanted to help someone."


"I thought if I became a brave man, I might make it easier for the mother who raised me."


"But now I'd rather be with you than be a brave man, but until a while ago, I wanted to live as a brave man, and I didn't want to be doing anything halfway through it, and I didn't want to be bothering everyone because of it."

Tears begin to mix with her words that speak so.

"Always, I'm halfway through what I do, so I don't know what to do anymore... higg, I don't even know what I want to do... ugg"

It's like what you were desperately pushing to stop cutting the weir (shears), and a large amount of tears begin to overflow from her eyes.

"Woo, ooh, ooh, ooh..."

Being a brave man - one girl, she distorts that look and buries her face on my shoulder.

I kept stroking her head as she began to sob...