Then proceed with the carriage without anything in particular, staying overnight in the boarding town on the road, the next day.

Spread forward are the vast blue brilliant reflected in the light of the sun and the harbour town formed in the cove.

There are more than a dozen ships lined up in the sea, and we can still see a few in and out.

Quite a size.

Am I not one of the leading port towns in this country?

"Hey, wow!

Look at me cheering for the sight in front of you, and Nell calls out.

"Oh, oh, could it be the first time the ocean has?

"Uh, no, it's not the first time."

But I'm sure it's been a long time.

The ocean extends behind the demonic forest, and when it flies, it can be seen at the end of the horizon... It can be impossible to go somewhere as light as "I want to see the ocean" because an area of the ocean is behind the mountain range of the northern area where Yichan and Refi were formerly residing in the western area.

You'll have to get serious gear and be ready for three nights outside.

So it can be the first time I've been near such a sea since I came to this world.

As you indulge in the sight in front of you, Carotta opens her mouth from the side.

"This is the port town of Posa. Based here, there will be a dungeon attack. Before I do, I'll say hello to the lord here... the mask, I'm sorry, but I'll have you come with me."

"Hey boss, I'll make it easy on you."

"... No, I'm not going to be your boss..."

"Mr. Carotta, he's pretty much always like this, so it's okay through"

"... when I first met him, I thought he was a little more serious."

That's what I said, Carotta, filled with bitter laughter.

Rude, I always live my life very seriously.

Oh, by the way, it's totally irrelevant, but after Trump, I blurted out and lost.

Well, I'm not a gambling professional or anything, even if I say something great!

In contrast, Carotta is a great runner on a daily basis!

Well, the average person - no, the general demon king's me losing, too, that makes sense!

Nell, too, has kind of been getting stronger with cards lately... and heck, I'm still an inhabitant of the other world, I'm not insulted.

And while we're talking about it, the carriage goes on and reaches the port town gateway.

It seems that the man of the Holy Knight who is the owner of this carriage - certainly named Serrow - has been allowed to pass through the town slowly after exchanging two or three exchanges with the soldiers he was packing at the station.

After all, because it is a town of the sea, residents walking around the town often have light black skin burnt in the day, and overall wear thin clothes.

Hmmm...... I'm not going to go into details because I think Nell is going to turn a jito eye, but it's a nice town to watch and man. I won't go into details.

Then, after a few minutes in the landscape of the port town, a large mansion appears as soon as possible.

I can see several servant-like people waiting in front of the mansion, whether they had been contacted earlier.

This must be the Lords' Hall.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived"

"Okay, so far, thank you, Serrow."

"Thank you, Mr. Serrow"

"No, this is my job. So"

Slowly slowing down, and when the carriage stops in front of the mansion, we descend from Tallap.

The other carriage stops behind the carriage we were riding, and the other saints descend and come this way.

And at all stages, one of the waited servants, a rather young butler, bowed his head to us.

"Holy Knight, you're on the line. Let me show you under the Lord. Do you mind if I leave the carriage to you?

"Got it. Sellows, nazzles, help me. - Now, give me a guide."

"- I'll be the first to see you, I'm the lord of this town, Arbel-Lebriad. Regards."

We were greeted by a man of the sea, a man with short hair and good gatai, like the perfect word.

He has a pruned head, shallow black skin, and a tattoo on his arm.

If you weren't relative in the mansion like this, would you mistake me for some group leader at first glance?

"It's Carotta-Demayer. Nice to meet you."

We name each other, and they shake hands stiffly.

Others, including me, are just stepping back and watching their interactions.

"Let's just talk - and, uh... can I ask you one thing before we do that?


"Who's there? He doesn't seem to be a holy knight, but if..."

Lords who say that as they look at me wearing a mask (...), like they guessed something - Arbel.

"Oh, he's our helper Wye. This is how I was asked to cooperate with the dungeon offense because I am a man of solid strength."

"Hi, nice to meet you"

Hilarious hands, that's what I answer.

This mask is worn because Carotta asked me to.

For once, he worked pretty hard in this country for Nell, so he decided that if he wore a mask, he'd guess what I was like.

In fact, this gutted old man seems to be aware of it.

Nell also said yesterday that, after all, this mask to hide his face is now more famous.

"Heh... this guy..."

The gutted old man sharpens his eyes only for a moment so as to identify this one, but immediately hoists the nibbly end of his mouth, continuing the words.

"... To be honest, when I heard the church was coming out, I wondered what the priest meant... apparently I was insulting you guys"

"Undressed words on Lord Arbel's teeth sound like rumors."

To Carotta, who said that with a bitter smile, Arbel flaunts her shoulder.

"Sorry, man of the sea is that kind of creature. On the ship, then, all a community of destiny. Therefore, the most important thing is credibility. You can't get on the same boat as someone you don't trust, and it's essential to know who they are beforehand."

"Huh, well. Then will you decide that we can take the same boat?

"I have repeatedly understood that you and your men are coming here in a serious manner to see you bring them even to the Lord Brave. If so, let's welcome you and the others with the attitude you deserve. - Welcome to the port of Posa. We welcome you (...) as dear compatriots"

"... I can't believe the Church put its back in there."

After a row of saints returned from the mansion, Arbel grumbled so.

"Right, head... I didn't expect you to bring even the brave ones"

In the words of his own Lord, his men who were in the room - the young butler - stop being extra verbal and hammer in a cheerful manner.

"No, so is the brave lady. In addition to that," Sword Princess "Sama is an example of a" mask ". Isn't that why you brought the highest power the Church has?

"Isn't the masked man talking about not being part of a church? In fact, the Saints didn't seem to be wearing the armor they were wearing."

"It's not very important there. In fact, you're more on their side than you're acting like a fellow church man like this.... Oh, but right. Instead, it's doubtful you've brought a guy who's not part of the church."

The young butler pushes silently for a while before opening his mouth again.

"… what exactly is the purpose of this?"

"Well. Hooray if you can just focus on the dungeon offense, for apparent reasons. - Either way, the church is a pain in the ass when it turns to the enemy. Even if not, I'm talking about that sword princess Sama being a pretty good doer. I've never been over to get along. I said you'd be welcome, and tell the people in town to be nice."

Copy that, head.

"And you, stop calling me head here. He's a great lord now."

"Ha, lord. I'm very sorry for your loss."

Arbel overflows with cookies and laughter at her own men who make extra verbal appearances in a purposeful, serious rotten way as soon as possible.

"- In the meantime, I'm seeing things now. You don't seem to be wrong to be strong. I need you to commit to the crusade."

That being said, the lord left his body behind the back of the chair and turned his face to those who had left them.