I'm home.

"I'm home."

Back in the True Throne Room, it's a pretty late hour, so when we both say hello home in a low voice, we get one reply.

"Mm, are you home? Welcome back, both of you."

The Lord of the Voice is Leffi.

The Toddler Girls already seem to be in deep sleep in the futon, and the maid squad seems to be pulling into their bedroom, too, and I can't see them.

Refi was... well, he was up today because of the night shape, or he was basically late at night because of his self-depravity.

"Nell, didn't this idiot come up with something stupid?

"Hmmm...... there was a bit of that, but I think you worked well and were active? 'Cause some of it was cool."

"Well, then - no, but the Lord has a little, because there's a side to spoiling Yuki. Don't be too trustworthy."

"Oh, well, I guess? As far as I'm concerned, I don't mean to..."

"No, Nell is definitely the sweetest of the three Nong et al. guys. Well, the Lord may not be the only one who sees you every day, so he may have some choice... but be careful. I'm too spoiled, and I don't care if this guy makes me a man. Because it's bad for educating the girls."

"Ugh, yeah. Okay, I'll be careful."

Yes, Nell nodding cocklessly as he convinced Leffi to say something like a proper guardian.

In the meantime, by the way, I am silently preparing the futon.

When my daughters and daughters are having this conversation, even if they have a lot to say, they understand very well that pinching their mouth causes burns, but it is a late response.

Huh, I'm used to it, too....... in the present environment laid on the butt.

... Well, blah, I'm pretty sure I don't hate that environment.

"Uh, you two, I'm sorry we're having a conversation, but should we get some rest? Time's up, and I'm a little tired of boulders."

"Mm, well, your lords had just returned from work. I'd like to talk a little bit more, but I'll see you tomorrow."

"Whoa, do that. - So why don't you guys sleep together?"

Laughing niggardly, tapping on both sides of the pom pom and laid futon, Leffi and Nell face each other.

"... well, non is good"

"Ugh, yeah, me too..."

Refi clapped his shoulder like he was "in trouble," and Nell scratched his cheeks poly with a slightly shy look - and the two of them lay their bodies beside me.

Feeling from both sides, their warmth.

It is a little narrow because the three of us are in one futon… what is it, its narrowness, is very comfortable.

"Bedtime accompanied by my daughter-in-law on both sides...... the best. No wonder there's no Lew here."

"It's not for Lew to ask for it later. I'm sure he doesn't like it even though he's a taffeta."

"Haha, right. Why don't you ask around tomorrow?

"Yeah, I'm sure we will."

I fell asleep, feeling a time of bliss.

The next day.

"Sea Blessings, I bought a lot of them. Oh!



"... the pleasure of the sea"

To my words, to Si and Iruna, who shake up their arms well Nori, one roars, "Do you imagine the flavor, hmm?"

En, it was originally inorganic, because you didn't know the act of 'eating' before, or because there is a surprisingly foodie side to it.

Huffle, that's good. We should eat as we go and eat food from different worlds...

"Behold, this great flock of fish! It's a march of seafood!


"It's gonna be so full -!

"... looks delicious"

The young girls cheer at me for arranging large amounts of fish in my basket on my desk.

"... why is he so expensive?

"Sure, your husband, he looks like he's having fun"

"Huff, I'm glad to be with you all, I'm sure"

"That amount looks like it's worth the dish."

Yes, as the adults relax and have a conversation, I invite Refi for a moment.

"Refi, Refi"


"An octopus. Oh!!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!?


All of a sudden, either for a fresh octopus in front of me, or a surprised refi slaps me in the face with a par and a batin.

Maybe all of a sudden I misapplied the force, eating that vinta of Leffi, my body blows away as the triple accelerator spins with the same momentum, and finally stops where it hits the dungeon wall flashly as it is.

Now half of my HP is gone.

These days, it's the worst amount of damage. I thought I was going to die.

"Gu, gu, gu... Yikes, it hurts"

"Come on... I'm sorry you're still here, aren't you?

"Oh, yes, I'm sorry"

Me who calmly gets Iruna's attention and normally apologizes for staying in a blown weird position.

On, with a good mind...... hehe.

"Hu, hu... well, yes, my lord! Keep the creepy mon in front of you all of a sudden! I thought my heart would pop out!

"Sorry, sorry, sorry."

But honestly, it hurt as much as shit, but I'm very satisfied because I could see that amazing face of yours.

My cheeks still hurt Jinjin, but for now I recover to the point where I can move, I blow together and peel off the octopus that was riding over my head and get up.

"... Gohon, Sa, get your mind back on it! This massive sea blessing! What the hell do you think we're gonna do?

"Yes! I think I'll do a fish ko-shin basket!

"Shi, I'll do it!

"... depression"

"Then I am a leech!

"No, I'll see you next time at the fish march."

Three of the toddler girls each started to mane the fish I said, so I deny it with a bitter smile overflowing.

And you guys, why, yes, choices are like that... you've got some more, something else.

"Do you? Fish march."

"... in it. I'll have you play fish then, too. Hey, Iruna."

"Yeah! Hey, have one of your fish, too!

"Eh... um, yeah, in there"

Leffi, who spoke to me niggling about whether I and Iruna had been blanketed in their response, answers that with a little agitation the next time.

Huh, you idiot. You wanted to see me cramp for answers, but you're on the road too.

During the fish march, I will ask you to join Shi in the deep-sea fish.

I'll do the tuna and swim gracefully around the rough waves.

"Gu, gu... did you dig the grave"

"Cook, your thoughts are all prospective, Refi. I'm not with Dada every day. - I don't know, I don't care."

I coughed up one with Gohon and then said to all the faces in this room as well as the toddlers.

"Gentlemen - we're having a seafood barbecue!!