"All right, Leila, help me out"

"Yes, I'm in awe -"

Cutting up to play a little early, I was getting ready for the barbecue with Layla on the beach.

The sun hasn't even begun to fall yet, but the girls and the adults are definitely going to be sleepy at night more than just this much swimming and playing and making noise.

early preparation in anticipation of it.

Everyone else told me to help, but I suddenly came out to play today, so I'm not really ready for anything, so I'm still asking them to like me to play.

Now, it looks like I'm riding an oversized banana boat with a refi engine and going a little far to play.

As far away from the beach, there will be more sea demons, but there will be no more problems than both Refi and Nell.

When I first create a brick out of magical soil, I build it up and make a stove.

A barbecue stove is recommended because it creates a very ambient atmosphere on top of being surprisingly easy to homemade and hassle-free as long as you have a gold net and a brick.

It's pretty important to come to barbecue like this and see if there's an atmosphere or not.

If we leave the frame behind, we can reuse it again.

Next to me, Leila is cooking so I can eat meat, vegetables, fish and shellfish that En and Leis daughters have picked on the prepared simple table.

When I'm done over here, I'll try to help her.

- Hey, Leila.

I spoke to Leila as I set fire to the charcoal I had laid under the gold net with my first magic fire.

She is now weaving a hoodie over her swimsuit and that suits her well.

Slurpees and long legs peek from under the hoodie, glossy.

... If you look at it too much, let's not do it because it looks like a pervert.

"Yes, what is it?

"Well... I'm sorry, I always let you help me like this. Even when Leila comes to see me like this, she's getting ready for dinner and getting dressed, right?

Leila was originally hired as a maid.

But now you're like a family to me.

I rely on you because you can rely so much, and maybe without Layla, my house wouldn't go around, but I have a few thoughts about the current situation where I'm letting her do a lot of chores.

Well, unlike other adult groups, she's not in the position of daughter-in-law, so there's something disgusting about saying she's family on her own......

"Oh, demon king. I like this life. Okay? It was fun today."

But it seems subtly out-of-heart, and Leila answers that.


"Yes, I love 'Know' more than anything... but I also like to take care of it."

She smiles beautifully with her inner emotions peering in, and goes on with the words.

"Everyone is comfortable in my cleaned room, everyone eats my cooking sounds delicious, and I can do as much research as I like in between. That's how happy I am.... The Demon King may not have noticed, but there are so few places where you can freely do whatever you want, let's just say the world is wide open -?

"... well. We're happy we have Layla. I really think so."

"I, too, have so much fun and happiness being here with everyone and the Demon King. Thank you so much for putting me here."

That said, she had a glossy, beautiful smile that seemed to come crashing unexpectedly.

"... if I didn't have a daughter-in-law, I'd be quick enough to propose to Leila"

"Can I be your daughter-in-law, too? Ugh, I'm glad."

When I was unintentionally coming to Leila with one hand on my cheek, laughing nicholly and saying things that I don't know if I'm kidding like that or if I'm serious.

I notice a shadow watching us sneak out of the shade.

"... what are you looking at, you guys?"

It was Nell and Lew who were there when they were coming back here.

"Hey, hey... Something was creating a good vibe, so it was kind of hard to get in"

"Beh, nothing, I wasn't trying to peek... haha"

Two people who say that with no excuse.

Apparently, the young girls were leaving it to Leffi to come back to help us over here.

"From that, your husband! Hey, over here."

"Am I?"

When I go to Lew, who invites me for a moment, she gently slaps me in the ear while I nibble.

"Your husband, maybe now, if you whisper love, you'll be a dick! We're going to create a chance, so please keep dropping Leila!


"Aye!? Why are you getting chopped up?

"Don't be silly, help me prepare dinner. It's time for the belly monsters to come home."

"Eh, yes."

Lew looked a little unfaithful and went under Nell, who was going in to help Leila first.

... at all.