A Lady’s Tranquility

Chapter 102 Shengxian Devil

The governance is already more than 50 years old, and a face is very thin, and the body is similar to dryness. The appearance looks flat, the chin has left a hill hull, a pair of eyes mistakenly penetrates the hearts of the people, and is fine, and the gray robes are worn on the body, and even the old show is hard. I believe, such a unrestful person is one of Hech's famous Tiansheng 2nd, one with a very high position with the first side.

He is more than 30 years in the day.

The things experienced by the first side are more countless, and you can say that you have seen it early, you can't surprise.

Just when I went to the door, I would like to pay a way to the house, and the old-fledged person is still smelling a few unusual meaning.

The gauge is not afraid of their wakes.

After all, although the head is raised that this person is two decades and even the monkeys, it seems to be as good as self-sufficient, very trusted, thank you for the special world, which is the extent of this trust, I am afraid that I don't think about it.

He is just a bit suspected.

But people have been looking for the door, where can I go?

And stayed in Beijing in Beijing, the governance is found to find some unrelenting ends, and I am pondering that I have a proper opportunity to knock to thank the dangers, so that he remembers, what is your own points.

So, he is still coming.

"Please come."

I have passed a thank you in the Qinqin.

As the gamper is in the Jinling, it is generally, and there is no change in the year.

He has turned around and he went in.

The sword is standing outside the door, not going in.

There is a slim light outside the window, thank you, wakes a white robe, only one elsepin is sent, and most of them are scattered behind them, reveal a free and idle in the family. .

A tea set has been prepared.

He looked up to see the singer, please sit down, smiled: "I heard Mr. God of Jumen to Beijing. I still have some unbelief. If I come to Beijing, I will tell Xie a sentence. I didn't expect, Mr. didn't think Come. "

The core forces of Tianjiao are in the south.

Beijing, the strength of the North, the court is deep, the weaker the south control is, and it is suitable for teaching and teaching and development forces.

Player is often in Jinling.

As for the capital, it has always been weak.

However, since I got a few years ago, I will start to take the test. Esse, especially four years ago, I returned to the capital to plan to help the Sink, such a person became the dark pile of Tiancheng to enter the court, and even in the years. The power of Tianzhi has also been impressed in Beijing, and it is already a scale now.

It's just here, thank you for the people.

According to reason, the same is a person who teaches, and the melody is coming to Beijing. No matter how to greece, he is greeted, but he doesn't.

The governance is opposite to Xie. At this moment, he raised his eyes. He seems to be deeply hidden behind him. However, the opening is very straightforward: "Teach the first life, urgent is busy, busy payable I haven't forgotten it, let alone, do you know it? "

Xie Qi will imply the water in the tea into the tea.

The gamper looked at the pan-like water, faint: "When I arrived in the capital, I was very eye-catching, and the head of the head is, there is still someone to ask if I should ask you, where is it? I have to know you? "

Xie wanted to take the pot, said: "Mr. Jumei is heavy, and the Tianzhi is under the first as the first, and life must be, there is a must, teaching the first to be a mountain, and the danger is dare. ? "

The gamper smiled coldly: "Yes?"

Xie Quan will put it back on the furnace, and the face has not changed, and it has also been placed on tea for the governance. "The dangerous self-satisfaction does not have a damaged day.

The sonograph suddenly became a sharp, standing, two steps, overlooking him from a relatively high location, actually said: "How do you explain outside of Tongzhou, Fengtai two cities?"

Thank you for drinking tea, picking eyebrows: "What?"

The gamper looked at him. It didn't know the appearance of the matter, and finally I finally thought that an anger from the chest, the sound became sharp, repulsical: "Dog Emperor is a chess and wrong to deal with the Yong Yue Houfu, It can incite the people in the world, which can take this to draw the force, and teach it. It is a subverting of the God of the court! It can be sent to three people. If the mud cow has nothing to do, there is no news in the pier. I found the corpse, all of them are killing! You will not know ?! "

About the water is used by tea, the tea soup, the tea soup, the tongue, but it is a little bit of taste.

In winter, spring new tea is crashed.

Xie wanship is slowly putting down the tea, and when I lifted my eyes, I smiled slightly: "Oh, there is such a thing? Since Mr. I will enter Beijing, I don't dare. Inserted, a matter of affairs is in harming, but I really don't know this big thing. Can you find who did it? "


The four eyes are relatively, the eyes of Xie are peaceful and the gods are very peaceful, but the merits are tightly stretched, and the whole face has a difficult dignity.

Even if the well is not committed to river water, it seems that the monograph seems to have always been grateful.

He felt that this step of the first step was wrong. In the past, he should not leave such a person in the past, and he also gave him a high level of the heavens, and he gave him the capital of this day!

The wolf is in the room, and the tiger is returned!

The governance: "That is true. The monks thought that the relationship with the Yong Yifu after all, this time, the young family, you also kissed it, taking it, looking like it. Read the appearance of the old feelings, and though you have a dissatisfaction with the plan of Heaven, secretly obstructed, think that the head is too cruel! "

Xie Xiao said: "Mr. Zhang was misunderstood."

However, when he said this, he did not look directly at the metrophic, but turned to see the grass in the court, then he went to the end of the window: "My ambition and the ambition of the present Generally no two years, Mr. Zhang is in teaching for so many years, what is what I have known. "

"That is before, the monks think about it. Today, it is time to know people." Gun is a laughter, "Dynasty is in the up and down and even the entire capital, 'Xie' s" is very popular, even more In charge of the Hanlin Institute, the status is getting stable. I am afraid that I will wait for two years, I don't only have the name of the emperor, but I am afraid that the Emperor is faster! Ronghua is rich and charming, who still remembers the oath that year What? "

There is exquisite carvings on the window, quite a few points of Jiangnan.

Just Jiangnan did not have such a cold rider, so big white snow.

On the side, there is a flower goblin, but there is no fresh flower branch at this time, it is just three arrows inserted.

Xie dangle reached out and picked up.

After starting, the arrow clusters are made into Xuan Tie, and the detachable silver is drawn, but the arrow feathers are two exquisite gold foils, embedded arrows. This kind of seeing some Chinese and false things, I know that it is about which colleague giving it in the face.

His fingers turned softly.

This arrow is also turning it.

Xie Xiao: "Mr. Zhang, this speech, is not to believe me. So, the palace is a case, and is the hand of Mr.?"

The jade dedicated to Xiao Tai is engraved with the opposite party.

A storm is broken down, and he has been arranged in the innermost palace. In the past three or two years, the blood is destroyed once, and it is actually forced to see the self-insurance! He is not countless!

It is said that there is a relative feeling that has a tired of a knife sword shadow.

I laughed at the mean.

He has a robe, re-sitting down, taking tea, but yin sink: "I broke your arrangement, move your people, you really are dissatisfied!"

Xie wanship came to the tea table. Behind the back of the wall, only the wall of the wall, only: "The people will seek, will be pulled together. In the palace is poor, most of them are born people Yong Yi Houfu is a loyalty, Baofu Wei Guo, claims to be a social building. Mr. Zhangji, a second year of teaching, strategizing, strategizing, and has spread to the line, now the capital is a case Take a lot of innocent people, but also to trap in the unfaithful place, set it full of life, dare to ask Mr., do you still remember the oath sent by the year? "

"Okay, good! It can be truthful!" The gamper couldn't help but care, but he watched the vitality of Xie Danger, "" Monthly predecessors first sent my secret to Beijing to understand the situation When I was hosting the overall situation, I have worried, I am afraid that you are rich and fans, I am afraid that you will talk to Houfu too deep! I miss you is a person who is a general situation, I have not discussed it. Words! "

Thanks to the danger of him, there is no call.

The gamper is cold and cold, and even the sound will take a few more colds. "You don't forget, who is in your life, who makes you now have everything! You know the day Top your kindly, shape it, you should know where you are! Teach the primary thing, is there any room for you ?! "

Xie is still nothing.

That arrow is in his fingertips, there is no temperature.

Only the golden arrow feathers, reflect a little bright, and reflect a bit of light.

The monk's tone is not talking, but it is called, and the year is the distal, and thanks to the world, he has a qualified lesson, he is so qualified.

The speech is even with a bit of a bit of threat warning.

After this time, Xie Quan will will lose the trust of the pretending, and he will not be in the same position as himself, and it is very good, and the world is in danger. It is a big thing. Sacrifice a few people who are slightly, and sacrifices a brave Houfu, what is it! The saints are just a waste. On the world, there is only a lot of hion! "

In the chaos, the saint is just a waste. Only the world can subvert.

Thank you for a long time.

Until the gold foil arrow on the hand in his hand, he didn't refraction of the sky, he slowly jealous: "You are right."

There are many people who say that they have finally ended tea to drink a bite, and they rushed to loud the scorpion. They didn't look back at his look. He only said: "From now on, you should not interceach it again - "

I just said half of it, he suddenly had a heavy brain!

I didn't know when I went to him. I stretched out, and I used to hold down his head without a sign, press it on the tea table!

" !"

The tea table piled up on the tea table fell!

The governance is not to say, and I have never thought about what happened today, I will encounter something dangerous to thank Quan Fu, because I haven't thought about my gorgeous education for many years, dare to make anything surprising, fundamentally Come!

Everything is in the moment!

Xie Captain has no expression, and the arrow is coldly put into the neck of the merits. The sharp arrows made by Xuan Tie have wear it before the throat. The power is greatly nailed to the desktop. The blood of the neck burst spurting the blood of the big stock, splashing his white!

" ..."

There are some unidentified whispets in the throat of the gampers.

Both his eyes were frightened because they were frightened, they were crazy, and they reached out, they died and grabbed their hands and held their own hands. It seems that they want to save this weak effort. Your own lapse life.

However, all this is in front of this indifference!

Not willing, don't bother!

The governor is full of blood, and he is dead and he is dead: "Du Yao! You ..."

However, it is very vague, but it is unclear.

Xie Quan seems to be a bit embarrassed, I remembered that the high cherry tree of the Yongyi Houfu is still general, slowly, the light is said: "You are right. The saints can't make things, this world is about The people who have a rule, always have to be difficult ... "

So what is the rule?

If you do things, he is doing, and you will be more embarrassed than others! As soon as this!

In the end of life, the governance finally realized what, and realized that the words of the words of Xie.

However, there is no mental time.

Regret is late.

The blood in his neck, no longer generally generally dramatically, just like it is the original spray, slowly dried up, becoming peaceful.

The tea table is over, I have a piece.

Gradually no gas.

The blood of the temperature was brought to the end of their worship. He didn't move one step until it didn't move this dry body under the hand. He slowly opened.

The sages of the sages, but it is full of blood!

Turning around, the snow white clothes were already shocking, and they looked at the sword book at the door, and he looked at him.

Xie Tang Yu, only walked over, picking up a copy of the police, placing hands, moving, "Packing up."