A Lady’s Tranquility

Chapter 252, the past, the world is going to go (1)

1) Disciplinary

The stars in the night, becomes dull in the evening of the eaves.

Autumn cold cream.

The two Zhu Hong palace wall clamped the vicious slightly mouth, a man and other screens, the half-point voice did not dare to send, it was the dew, and the drain was treated in their hairpin, and did not have a hand to wipe it.

Thank you for a long time, a cold.

The fainted sky is put into his silence. If you fall into the dark waterhol, you can't afford it.

When Yan Lin came out of the Kunning Palace, although the wine in the body was not scattered, the wine was all awake.

The big hatred, the power is in the grip.

The generals of this ambitions, at this time, there is an nearly fascinating Dynasty, an nearly fascinating, and the clothes are messy. Going close, you can also see a frappling of a fine blood on his cheeks.

What did he do last night ...

That double with a pleasant and amazing eyes, loving tears, suddenly drawn from the mind.

Yan Lin was a step.

How much blood is not left on his face.

A commander of an anti-thief, after the anti-home ban, the queen of the Queen, in the early morning of the day, from the Kunning Palace, the clothes did not come out, what turned out, it is self-evident.

When I saw him, my eyes were slightly smoked.

I can't say that there is more disappointment, or it is more surprising.

When he went to the nearby, he stood in front of the lavender door to the mist.

This power is extremely heavy.

Yan Lin did not avoid it, almost played, and the throat also spread a vague bloody.

He hopes to thank you: "Brother ..."

I didn't see some emotions in my face, only said: "Kneeling."

Yan Lin tighted his teeth, and he had a bit of a bit of a bit. It was red, and the big channel: "It is she lighters me first! What is wrong? Today, everything is it!"

Thanks to a pair of eyes, it is finally cold.

He didn't pay attention, this time is a diameter in his leg, and his sigh: "Kneeling!"

The two confrontation on the palace road.

It seems that he does not refund each other.

The west of the weeks did not dare to slash, and they were very excited about what they expected to this scene.

In the past few years, it is dated Huangzhou and the blood shift is all behind him.

The elder brother is like a father.

Yan Lin looked half of him. In the end, he did not ignore the panic and confused from the palace. It seems that the person who did something wrong is not her, and it is ahead.

The body that has been grinding with the fighting and the battle, and the face is also grinding in the wind, and it has become tough.

It is like a statue of a slate that is wet.

However, Xie is not half-point, but throws the long stick to the ground, said: "She is the queen! Have the training, the saints, is it to make you do this? People say, before, before Dorsing, if you really want to harm her, continue. "

Yan Lin did not return.

Xie criticizes only to the left and right: "Tell. Thirty sticks of military law, call himself!"

If you turn around, you will walk.

Before dozens of days, Zhou Wei's head is also nail nails on the door.

The blood above this time was not cleaned.

Yan Lin is long.

When I left, I came to face. After a moment, I had a light "General's sin", and then raised his hand and sentenced to the sound, and the young general cleared the fist and never issued a half-point sound.

2) Kill

The case is high.

Xie did not go to a page.

When Lu Xian came, I saw him holding a bow in his hand, taking the arrow, blocked, when he stepped into the door, the slender fingers were a loose, "", carved the arrows, actually deep I was shot in the bookshelf, and the books that were shocked to be swayed.

The others did not dare to mess, I only worried about my head. I have different after all, I have listened to the following people, Yan Lin was punished, and then watched the case, it was observed that his mood seems unpleasant.

The words are turned in the heart.

He considers a moment to export: "The Si's mind, no one can see. Although you are a long brother, you can fly him today, it is inevitable to give birth."

Xie criticized the bow, looking at the arrow feathers who were still trembled, indifferent: "If he is surnamed Yan, with this ridiculous, I have killed him today."

3) Memories

Blood washed half a court, and the name of this name is the shadow that is shrouded over the capital.

There are many things, and some people are suffering every day.

Yan Lin is only a few people who are punished in the palace, and they have not been transmitted. He seems to be self-known, and after the 10th, he did not step on the Kunning Palace.

Just, there is a fool called Guild, and I went to Beijing. I said that they committed the rebellion. After the queen of the queen, they would put them out, please read the Queen, and also reserve the monarch.

Who is going to the top of the field, don't you, Jiang Xining, "Red Yuedu"?

This score of the replies, it is very loyal to the state, but he is loyal to the state, but even the dog under her hand, it seems that he is loyal to betray, he is biased with a strong ax, The theory of Dynasty.

If he is ignited by him, he is not good, when it comes down, it will only repeat a sentence loudly: "The Niang Niang is not what you said! She is not a bad person!"

That is, it is an unbearable.

I will even make people a doubts.

Yan Lin has been aroused, and the wine will only make people think of it, think of her. The top of the five internal organs, there is no feeling, the burning, loves to hate, and look for her.

After a few days, I was originally only in the privately, and I took the style and floated all the court.

"Look at her, a Fox Meng face, or if she seduce first, people like the generals can see her?"

"I feel that this is the world ..."

"No rules!"

"No mold?"

"I want to say that the blueme bamboo horse in the past is now the old feelings."

"She is a means, I don't know her."

"Do you know that Jin Yiwei command makes Zhou Wei? All is confused by her."

"There is also a man of the Criminal Department ..."



In the end, it was passed to the vital ear, and Yan Lin did, he was clear, but suddenly I thought about a certain day before, the group of ministers, but all the temple waited, Jiang Xianning was out of life, they In-in, lifting it, I saw the young emperor's finger, and the positive level of the punishment of the punishment of the punishment, there were fewer in previous days; and they did soon, he and Zhang smoked one palace. On the half road, I met the Queen's Niang Niang waiting. He won the moment, looking for an excuse to return, then two people stayed in the road.

Yan Lin is the blood of Houfu.

Xie Gui, he can't do anything else.

4) Five stone

After the night, the palace people took the lights.

He has a headache, not sleeping in a few days.

The little eunuch of the hand-legged, and then quickly made people put the five martial arts with the spirits, and served him.

Shen Yan is to serve Dan medicine.

Words are not good.

Thank you to know.

However, he serves five martial arts that there is no madness when he is a medicinal episode, but it is just calm, awake, and even a general, batch reading, and planning.

People are the most painful is awake.

Cinnabar grinding, like blood.

He put the pen and died with cinnabar, and it was like a blood in his eyes, and sketched in the paper, it was a life of the sinking

The upper part of the end is gradually shaking in the light shadow.

On the night of the deep palace, the lights bloomed in the light, and the air floated in a villain.

Xie wanked up, seeing her.

The fairy skirt of the goose yellow, the straight face, the black hair shakes, walks, trembles a step, and the eyes are vividly afraid of Ai Ai, the tall sandalwood is covered with lights. The moiste and poor of the light shadow.

The Buddhist scriptures said that Wan Mind is entangled, struggling is difficult to solve, and the evil magic is invasive.

Xie Jing Jing quietly looked at "she".

She also made a food box, came to him, took a few points and carefully, put a good ginseng soup gently in the royal case, there is a soft, but also lost : "Night deep cold, thank you, thank you, please use ..."

Xie Ten, this magic dream is really strange.

He looked at the soup, and he looked: "Is the queen confused?"

The bright face, it flashed, but it was pale.

It seems that it is a knife.

Her white hand even withdrew from the porcelain porcelain of Sheng Tang, it has been trembled, and it turns out a non-awkward and Huang.

Such a look, it is easy to make Xie Quan people have seen it in the sound field, those who are tangled, sweating, such as silk charm, want to meet.

Enable that people don't know what people know.

He smiled and looked at the wrist she took the case. It turned out to take the hand and took it. The hot finger abdomen slowly smashed the piece of this piece. There should be a shallow scar, but it is almost a lot of jade. The flawless skin is gradually flagrant.

In the illusion of this drug, she seems to be very afraid of her, as if regret it, I don't want to go back, I want to pull back my hand, just bring a bit of swallowing to him: "Chen Chen is just Before I remembered, I have been with the Taishi adult. Now I am in the middle of the truth, I don't dare to give forgive, but ask for a lot, take a sir, please ask Mr., please ask Mr. Pity, pity ... "

That one "unfortunate" is clear.

But she can't say it.

Thanks in voluntary fingers of her wrist, I took a bit more, and I slowly used a nail to draw a fine blood mark above.

She has a sore.

Xie Customs, I don't know if she is from the recommendation of the pillow too light, or I can't export the second word, I am going to myself, I will laugh at myself. : "Mother, this is not known as it is self-respect?"

She is afraid.

I want to struggle.

It can be struggling to control the fear, not struggling, just tightly, look at him.

The Buddhist scriptures say that if the evil spirits are arrogant, they cannot be indulged, and they can not be willing.

So Xie Dangent, I turned into a pen, I was taking a pen, and I was full of red, and then took her, then she slowly slammed from her right neck, hooded. From the glutinous skin, it fell in the left heart.

Like a dripping blood mark.

It seems to have a sharp blade, and she will have a whole person, there is a kind of almost cruel.

Cinnabar is evil.

She is so surprised to look at him.

Thanks to the honesty to ablate such a look.

He cutes maliciously, and the eyes are indifferent, and the lips will go to her ear, and the tip of the tongue is only clear and clear: "Roll."

Evil seems to be finally scared by him.

She has suffered a huge humiliation, and after he letting her, after the wolf, the bowl of ginseng, I have forgotten the end, falling.

Xie criticized but sat back.

He kemped in the chair, blinked, saw the Western Wen Pavilion who returned the cold, the hand was on the side, and the refusal of the cinnabar, the pen, the pole, the point of the loose, the ground.

A huge empty join.

Thank you, I am asleep.

Just, even if you borrow the pharmacity of the squid, this is too shallow.

When you wake up, dark incense has been going.

He looked at the high-level case, and he remembered that there were still many things that did not handle it. When they reached out, when they went to the pen, they looked up, but saw the case where the corner was quiet. Ginseng.

The eunuch of the wheel value is guarded outside the temple.

After a long time, I suddenly heard the inside: "I come."

They suddenly became a hop, and only the Ino entered the public.

Xie: Sitting after the case: "Who is it last night?"

Most people look at each other and shook their heads.

Xie is slowly closed, remember: "Who is this value last night?"

At this time, there was a small eunuch leg soft, and even the land on the ground, he was defeated on the ground, and he wrote it. When the slave was a ghost, he promised her, the Taishi people were fighting ... "


Thanks to the fingers of the end of the body, it seems that there is a painful feeling of bluntness, late for a long time, from his body, let him have awkward.

Outside the door, it has been four overnight.

5) outside the door

During the ban on killing, the palace wall is all troops.

The more you have a winter, the more you see.

There are fewer people, and if the line is not going out, if it is going out, I don't dare to raise my eyes, I am in the road, even the Tunning Palace in the past, is also a prisoner that is sleepy.

When the sky is not bright, Xie is stationed outside the palace gate and reads for a long time.

The cinnabar of last night has not wiped clean from him.

He looked at it, lifted his step, slowly walk into the palace door.

Little tens of two sides of the two, no more shocking, and bowed to him.

Xie criticizes only gently.

They will be exported to please, so they are silent, and they don't dare to lift them, until they have passed, and they will not start up.

The old days of luxurious palaces, although they have not changed, they can have less popular, adding a cold and clearing of the world.

The scenery pane is inlaid in the window paper in the window.

He walked into the closed palace door, and he was half a mountain, and he raised his hand, and he did not know whether it was to be a door, or it would be so popular.

However, at this time, it has passed the voice of the speech.

Two women.

Or is it a beginning, just when he just stood outside this, the mind is not there, so he did not pay attention.

"Niang Niang ..."

"Xie Juan is just the devil wearing saints, Xiao Yu is dead, Zhou Wei is dead, Shen Wei is also dead, what can I do? People are under the roof, always want to be a snake. Think about it, I don't have anything. Ok, I am not allowed to be the Queen of the New Dynasty. "


Her voice did not have a panic and last night.

There is only one kind of silence calm.

So that it is also cold.

Xie wanhoused the palm of the threshold, stagnant, finally a little, slowly tightened, resend it.

However, in the early morning, the ,,.

He took a look and lifted it without any discourse, and he turned from outside the temple. When he gave him a complete palace door, the talents behind him dared to get up from the ground.

The closed temple did not open.

The deep palace is a flocculator of two women.

That kind of daughter is actually a daughter, but it is soft and sigh. "" If I am good, I am very poor, I am very poor ... "

6) Dagger

After returning to the Western Wen Pavilion, I remembered the cinnabar that I finished, I wiped it at a point.

A small eunuch came in and said: "The man has been disposed last night."

Xie Qi Jing went to a moment, suddenly said: "Go to me to find a knife."

Xiao Echuan suddenly glanced.

Just don't ask, there is a "Yes", I will go to the House of Internal Affairs, but I don't know what kind of knife who wants to do, I have to take a handle, even mixed. Going in the two sorts, taking the battle, presented him.

The eyes of Xie have drawn one by one.

At the end, the finger parked on a dagger.

That is really a good-looking dagger.

The silver-sheath is inlaid with a round gem, and it is like a play.

Then pull out and the blade is overflow.

The thumb of the thumb and belly took a soft touch, and he saw the blood, and he was very sharp.

So, let it drag it back.

He said: "This dagger, give the Queen Niang Niang, send it."

On the small eunuch, wait for a moment, but did not wait until he said something else, he wakes up, and immediately put the paint plate with the dagger, sent to the Kunning Palace.

7) forcing

Over the past, two days ...

In the past, January, March ...

What didn't happen.

Yan Lin also entered into the Kunning Palace in the middle of the night, and finally passed to the field.

Who can tolerate the queen of the front of such aqueous poplar?

Many people have to funerally funeral, and they have died in the same life in the whole world. At the same time, the old dynasty is turning, through the sinking of the sink, and will take Jiang Xue Ning to the capital of Jingcheng, and settled as a reservoir.

When the residual winter will do it, Xie is still unwilling to go out, only in front of the window of the black cloth, ask Lu Xian: "When is the child?"

Lu Xian said: "Seven eight years old."

Xie Quan said: "The age is still small."

Exercising, the royal kills, Xiao's is tuned, who does not think, in the future, the wanship or Yan, there is always one person to go to the emperor?

Lu Xian hopes to thank you.

It is nothing to do if it is Yan.

But listening to the tone of the moment, he actually born a little warmest, suddenly asked: "Don't you think about this child is a reservoir?"

Xie did not answer.

There is no move for the old party to Fuzong.

Just haven't waited for the spring, and I have passed the news outside: the young child died in half, it is the hand of Yan's honesty.

He called Yan to ask.

Yan Lin is as anger, it is ambiguous, cold and authentic: "Thousands of people killed, one child is there? This world is you, I want to write a few small. Baby is an emperor ?! "

Xie Xiao Jingjing see him: "Do you want to be the emperor?"

Yan Lin said: "Why can't I think? Let the child when the emperor, she is not when the Queen? How can she be too much! She should be my queen!"


Xie wanted to see him, finally didn't endure, gave him a slap.

He was beaten from him.

At this moment, the gap in a few months suddenly became a crack, making him shredded the originality of the surface, rushing his way: "You never look like her, even if you are in the governor, you want to set up Deadly! But I like her! Who wants her, ask her to funeral, I will kill one by one! See if they still have to mention half words! "

Thank you, I'm shattered: "Who wants her, who makes her funeral, you have to kill who, is it?"

He suddenly waited for the knife sword book.

It is not yet from Yan Lin, and you will move.

However, the double boxing is difficult to get four hands. In the end, Yan Lin is squatted on the ground, and he has heard the blast of the wind that he is in his words. It is time to crack: "What do you want to do ?!"

Xie wanked up the long sword that dropped on the ground, only said: "Then I will kill you."

Words out of the door: "The ban is from the army."

Then he took the man's mouth, bind people, and pushed to the Kunning Palace all the way.

The banned army is heavy, and the whole palace is full of the whole palace, and there is a few palace female eunues in the whole house.

If the banned army fell, he killed a clean.

Yan Lin is red, struggling, and almost looks at him.

However, Xie is just that he is standing outside the door, and the sword is in the hand, the snow white robe is not refreshed, and adds a kind of cold, in the inside: "The Queen's Niangniang, people are dead, can come out."

It seems like a voice that speaks.

And quiet.

After a long time, this suddenly shouted: "Thank you!"

Xie Quan does not say.

Her voice is calm, like this is full of white snow, it is tight, it is cold, there is a taste of the people: "You kill the royal, , , is a hand The authority, also hold the person of my life. According to the reason, I don't have the qualifications and you. I have used many people, I can take a clutter, I will continue to be, Yan Lin also retaliates me; I use Xiao Dingai , Zhou Wei, they also borrowed me; I counted the sink, and now I have to funeral for him, go to Huangquan. I don't owe them ... "

Yan is like a choice.

Jiang Xining's voice stopped, and it had been slightly trembled: "There is one person, a life is cleaned, the rule of the rules, it is their threat, harm him to astray, and he is a half-life. He is a Good official, sincere, I hope that I am in the past year, and Xue Ning will feed the blood to you. I will live, change him, let him live ... "

That moment, my winter is awkward.

However, she is waiting for her voice, and that name has floated from his heart -

Zhang Yin.

A person who is silent in the chartroom, a non-fun, a person ...

He silently opened his lips, and he smiled steep.

But Jiang Xianning also invisible.

In the heart, it seems that there is a red fire, but his voice is still with the coldness of the cruelty: "Can."

At that moment, it seems to be long to eternal.

However, it is just a blink.

The Palace first is no sound, followed by "when he heard" when he heard the blood seal throat, from the human hand, fall to the ground.

Yan Lin is in a dream, it has been reacted for a long time.

Even the swordsmanship of the knife is stunned.

He is red, and it is a common force in the body, and there is no ability to compete in the body. It suddenly broke away, and he went to the palace, and shouted: "Ningning, Ning Ning - "

Blood is filled out from the temple.

That's afraid of pain, afraid of the dead, the girl in a lifetime, and then fell in the bloody.

Golden Committee, step down.

Yan Lin, I picked up her, and commanded three armies, and the people who attacked Tartar. At this moment, I was flustered. It was crying like a young year. I cried: "Too doctor, Taifeng! Call too doctor -"

He has a full of blood.

That is helpless.

The sword didn't know when he had fallen into the ground, and Xie did not move around, and saw a long time, he did not take a step in it.

Jiang Xining is finally dead.

8) Green Mei

Yan Lin's soul seems to follow her.

Stop Kunning, the courtier or not dare, or disdain, don't come.

Only he is sitting in front of a day.

When you are drunk, you will repent with her; I have to be awake, and I blame, hate her, blame her, as if she is still in the world ...

I don't know who I suddenly mentioned a sentence. The Zhang of the Punior Ministry, I wrote a criminal, a long page, and the three-dimensional will trial, and there is no tolerance.

So he suddenly sent it crazy.

It is necessary to go to the Criminal Minister to make a big punishment.

The head is reported to report, thank you, there is still a book, and the oversight supervision is in the prison department, and it has been a long time.

Yan Lin is naturally stopped.

He thought of a moment, he only said: "Before the birth, the shank of Jiangfu, take it to him."

That should be a long time ago, Jiang Bo Toy Hand, Jiang Huanwei, who came from the dusty warehouse.

The sword is opened, and there is a new cluster in the end of the year.

It is a good sword that is precisely forged.

The swordsman is still engraved with a congratulaps, a one is a little, it is very deep, and the last year is still.

When you go to send the sword, the general of Yan is watching the sword, and then there is no drink, just in front of the Kunning Palace, sitting a whole night.

Xie is too lazy to take care of him.

Just reading a book at night, I saw a "say", I wrote a word "", followed by: harmful.

He put this book into the brazier.

The next day, Tianming, snow, he remembered the Zhang Shuzhan who was sentenced to the penalty of the autumn, and went to the punishment department.

It's just that the exit is, it is: Ning Second.

Later, I was added: Your maiden is awkward.

At that moment, Xie was only a kind of irony, as if I was a joke, I saw my jokes like myself.

In addition, he did not impress it.

From the punishment department, when he wants to leave, he saw that one person was standing outside the door, and the patriarchal battle with the guards did not stop.

It is also an official service.

Just look at the life, the hand is holding a late open green plum, the colorful petal is blooming on the dead branch, and it seems to be a foreign species in the palace.

I thought about it, I remembered: "Is it a guard?"

The knife piano is on the side, said: "Yes."

Xie Xiao: "What is he doing?"

The sword book went forward, didn't come back later, whispered: "It seems that the Queen has a confidence in his life, To him folded a branch, give Zhang Gen."

Xie is silent for a long time, said: "Let him go."

Sword book again.

Those talents put the guards.

Wei Yiang also saw Xie dangers, but the gods were quite unhappy, not, but not coming, even got got denied, and the radius left towards.

Xie crickets in their place.

Wrants have not seen the guardian.

The knife sword is thinking about it.

At that moment, he was cold, and he didn't know that there was a reverse scale.

This is clearly deep.

The knife, the sword, the knife, the sword, did not touch him, but they had to catch the guards in the big prison. They also brought back to the brilliant cold plum, and sent them to their worship.

Xie Wanjian's finger is handled, see a moment, throw it on the ground, slowly step on.


When I went back, the street market seems to have forgotten a big disaster in a few months, and gradually recovered.

There is also a displaced people to beg along the street.

A small feet of the little feet were played as a group, blocked the front.

Xie is sitting in the carriage, don't ask.

The sword is coming: "Several small squats fight, have been persuaded."

Xie wanked out the cavity.

The little head saw the blood, crying, but a pair of eyes stared, looked at an adult who was playing with himself, and he didn't talk.

Wolf is the same look.

There is also an active angry.

There is also unwilling, don't want, don't work ...

He suddenly said: "Bring him over."

The knife piano took people before the car.

The little is not known to be deep, and I don't know who he is.

Xie Qian: "When?"

Xiao Yan wiped the blood on the shot, said: "Seven years old."

Xie Quan and ask: "Is there a name?"

That little said: "No."

Xie is slowly put down the car curtain, and the sword is said: "Take him back."

But not to the palace.

Instead, I went to Xiefu.

Just, when Xie walked into the wall reading, there was an empty wall, and he had already set a figure.

It is Yan Lin.

Xuanzhi's strength, let him look very poor.

I just heard the footsteps, when I turned it, I was soaked in a pair of silence, and there is a sharp ridicule.

The exquisite dagger of the gem is inlaid, and he is thrown out from the sleeve and falls.

Yan Lin asked him: "Is you giving her knife?"

Xie did not deny: "So?"

At that moment, Yan Lin almost made a blazing heart, the waist sword was turned off, and the rack was on his neck!

He didn't dare to imagine what this person did!

In the Kunning Palace, I never dared to leave what Feng Rui, even the golden jealousy, he was excused.

But this person has sent a dagger!

Jian Feng took him with his neck and has already gone.

Yan Lin bite his teeth: "How do you dare, how do you dare to make such a thing! She is alive in this world? She has not hurt you, what else is eligible to die!"

Xie Xiao: "How do you know, I give her a knife, I want her to be self-sufficient?"

Yan Linked.

Thanks to a pair of calm eyes, watching him, distinguished and slowless waves, but people feel the madness of the miles, and even the people are cold: "It's both a knife, everyone can kill."

He felt that he was crazy.

Xie wanked up: "Unfortunately, she is a coward, I don't dare to kill you, I only dare to tell yourself! This kind of person is dead, and what is it!"

This is his brother.

It is also that he has met the next ten years and a five-year gentleman!

He handed a knife to Jiang Xianning. It turned out that she kill him!

At this moment, Yan Lin only felt a great ridiculous, almost wanted to kill him here!

However, Yan Musu is in the end, and it is true.

Jianfeng turned, and finally rosted from him, squatting in the book, divided by half: "You and I have this, there is such a case. I have never seen you, you are a mad madness!"

Yan Lin is gone.

Xie Quan does not seem to don't matter.

10) World

That little scorpion was taken down by the knife, washing, washing, the wound on the head was also wrapped, replaced with a new clothes, and some of the bureau promoted.

A pair of eyes see people with a strong vigilance.

As if he can abandon this every time, go to escape.

Xie asked him: "Do you want to be the emperor?"

The child probably knowing his identity, some fear, but there is a desire to say, straight and white, there is no half a bit to answer: "Think!"

Xie smiled and laughed.

He took him and went to the high city.

The child asked: "Do I have a name?"

Xie said: "You can give yourself in the future."

The child said: "What is it to call?"

Xie said: "What is called, what is called."

The twilight is shed, the greenery is not green, and the wilderness outside the city has extended to the horizon.

Thank you to the high place.

The child took his neighborhood, standing around him, and he went to the next square.

Xie Qian asked: "What did you see?"

The child said: "Bare."

Xie Xiao: "It is the world."

He is so happy: "I was an emperor, that is my!"

Xie critically shakes his head: "No, it is not yours."

The child is confused.

Xie wanted to raise his hand, and he finished down: "You see this Jiangshan, you can't get on the head, you can be the real master. You are expensive as the nine-five, and you can only make the world. Under your feet, you can't make this world a point of color. Even the people who are squatting at your feet, and never be low than you. You are the emperor. If you can't help you, if you can't help you In this 10,000 people, there will always be someone standing up, fighting for a death, I have to grave you from the dragon chair, telling a world, telling one of them or is afraid of a lifetime. "

What is the reason?

After many years, it has become an emperor of a generation of Xianjun. It is always wake up from the nightmare. If you think about the mystery, the mystery is the same.

But he forgot to ask.

Just when I went back, he was very happy: "The people who like it will be in the future, you can seal her to do the queen, and you can also blocked the squat."

Xie is silent.

He is confused to see him: "Do you have anyone liked?"

Thanks to the dangers, it seems that there is still what is suppressed, but I still don't say anything.

Later, Qianjun occasionally thought about this scene, but still in the fog: that kind of look, really doesn't like people? That maybe, there have always been a very special person, and once a deep scratch for him.

11) Snow

In the last few days, I couldn't live in the palace, and I couldn't live in Xiefu.

He lives in Baita Temple.

Standard in the nearby mountains in the nearby mountain.

The day before spring, thank you to visit the mountain.

The spring is late in the mountains, the more the height is getting colder, and the hut is turned off.

Forget the earthquat in tea.

He sat down and drank a few, the snow in front of the court, and the roof will be covered with a small jug.

Forget the earthquat: "The world is sometimes not broken, people in the world, live a life, many people are mediocre