Saya embraces my two beloved daughters, and embraces their beloved mother.

"Mom! I'm home!

It was Lana who greeted Saya cheerfully again. Platinum blonde long hair. Character is bright and social. Honestly, I don't know which one of them was born first, but Lana claims to be her sister and often makes Shea look like her sister. Saya thinks such a place is very cute.

"Mom, I'm home."

It was Shea who returned the greeting late. Like Lana, she has long platinum blonde hair and looks like twins, but Shea always has slightly sleepy eyes. I feel like I don't know what my personality is or what I'm thinking. But Saya thinks such a mysterious charm is cute.

All in all, Saya thinks her daughters are the cutest in the world. Even after deducting the unique aesthetic beauty of the elf, my daughter Yaba and Saya continue to think about it every day.

However, the idea that such cute daughters will one day leave their own place, find a man they like, and marry him ~...... is in Saya's head.

"Mother, thank you so much for everything!

"From now on, we will marry this man."

"That's why!! Your daughters are mine!!

I wonder why... only when I think about such a nasty thing, the face of a man who marries two people comes to mind in the face of that damn brave man...


"Mother!? Are you okay!?"

"Hold on!? Mother!?"

Suddenly, seeing Saya, who felt nauseous again, Lana and Shia rubbed her back gently. Their tenderness quickly healed Saya's nausea.

"I'm sorry. I just got sick of imagining you guys going to my wife's."

Saya confessed so honestly to both of them. Saya stopped nauseating when she saw the blood, but this kind of thing hasn't changed.

"Already, Mother! You don't have to imagine that! We're always with your mother!

"Yeah, we love mom."

"You guys...!?

Saya can relieve the impulse of wanting to hug two people without feeling impressed. I noticed Diaz's gaze in the immediate vicinity, saying, "How long have you been doing this?", and I decided that I can't play with my daughters forever. We must complete our mission to make both of you eat delicious meals as soon as possible.

Well then, I'm going to make dinner.

"Oh, Mother! I'll help you!

Lana raised her hand and said so.

"Okay. So, Lana, can you wash the vegetables and cut them?

"Ha ha!

Lana is already ten years old and good at cooking alongside Saya. I am also accustomed to handling knives. Saya may have a heart that can't beat her daughter in cooking when she buys a cookbook.

"Mom, I'll help you too."

Sia, please arrange the plates and wipe the table.

"... yes"

Contrary to Lana, Shea was only bad at cooking. I could do other chores as usual, but cooking was really bad. Saya, who was delighted to eat her daughter's cooking, was too bad to experience her death in cooking for the first time.

This is the daily routine of Saya and her beloved daughters.