Saya missed two of the slavers. Because she was already catching up with Subaru, and she knew that Subaru had taken them both.

But Saya was able to think calmly, either out of anger or vice versa. That Subaru was just asked to do it. Maybe he's behind it.

The untouchables who seized her daughter will be tried thoroughly. That's how Saya dared to let Subaru swim for a while. Of course, if Subaru did anything more for the two of us, I would have made the mastermind vomit, but apparently he only used the magic to sleep, and it was convenient on the contrary because you won't be able to show my daughters anything.

"Hyiiii!!? We don't know anything!!?

"We have nothing to do with it!!?

"Ah!? Temee et al!? Wait for me!!?

Granif's friends try to escape from fear of Saya, leaving Granif behind, but suddenly they suddenly blow bubbles out of their mouths.

"Ha!? You!!? What the hell did you do!!?

"Oh? I can't believe it. I kept my men here when I left you to escape."

Saya said with a faint smile. That said, all Saya actually did was hit people outside of Granif and his daughters here. That's all Granif's men are down. The two slavers were missed, but Saya couldn't have missed the others.

Shit!? Can you do something...? Is there any way to escape...!!?)

Granif thinks he's devising a way out of here....


Is it lucky or bad? Subaru was beaten by Granif and fainted, leaving Saya unwilling to kill.

As Granif noticed, he smiled and approached Subaru, opening the lid of the bottle he had and forcing Subaru to smell the scent flowing from it.


"This smells like hallucinogenic violence!!! He who smells this smell keeps going wild until he dies!!! You'll buy me time to get away!!

From the beginning, Granif thought only of abandoning Subaru as a token. That's why it didn't hurt at all to do this to Subaru.

(You don't like it!? You don't like it!? You don't like it!? I hate it!!? I don't want to die!!?)

"Noooo!? Noooo!? Noooo!? Don't mess with me!!?

Even if your head and words complain that you don't want to do this, your body will take the sword and burst into chaos. Subaru wished he didn't want to die, but he was prepared to die.

"You're not gonna kill me, are you? I'm so sorry to have to kill you and get caught so I can't see my daughters."

Saya releases one magic spell to Subaru when she says so. Then....

"Eh...!? Is that...!? Your body... moves exactly as you think...!!?

Subaru was unable to move freely at all until recently. I thought it was weird on my own, but I wondered....

"Your redemption. It's about burning what's happening right now in your eyes."

Saya says so to Subaru. And Saya is running away, staring at Graniff.

"Burn it in your eyes. If you stay like this, this will happen in the future....."