Saya magically throws Subaru, Granif, and Granif's allies into different spaces. Then....

"Nh...? Is that...?

"Where is this...?

Lana and Shia woke up when Saya finished throwing all the graniffs into the room. Saya stunned Subaru because she saw Lana and Shia wake up. To keep the cute daughters from getting scared.

"Are you awake?

"Is that... Mother...?

"Why are you here...?

The two of them drool because they don't know the situation. Those two are cute, and Saya smiles unexpectedly.

"You don't have to worry about anything. I'll explain the situation to the school, so come home with me today."

"Nh... I don't really know..."

"I want your mom's hamburger fast."

Lana and Shia joined hands offered by Saya and went home to their parents and children.....

However, further problems were beginning to arise at the place where Saya's parents and children returned.

I've received reports from Kotaro and others, and I'm sure Corona will be fine, but I'm thinking of dealing with a lot....

"Corona!? Oh, my God!!?

"Mr. Mino? What's the matter with you? Such a rare rush....."

"So Mino-san...?! Not now!!?

Meanwhile, in the imperial castle of "Teluka".....

"Your Majesty!? Oops!!?

"Hmm? What is it? Which idiot hit Saya's daughter again?

"No! No!!

"There are three stampedes on this" Teluka "right now!!?"

"Excuse me!?

"What the hell!!?

An Oak Lizardman Minotaur stampede is on his way to "Teluka"....