A few days later... as Kotaro suggested, Saya made an excuse and sent Lana and Shea another leader. Who is the leader....

Well then, Lana and Shia-chan, why don't you let me know how strong you are?


Lana and Shea's chosen leader. It was aromatic. Because....

"No way... I can't believe Aroma's profession was a singer..."

"Singer" is literally a singer. This is also a fine adventurer's proper profession, and singing raises physical abilities in parties and lowers enemy abilities. It's a profession that sings and fights.

"Aroma is famous among adventurers, right? Didn't you know?

Diaz, who is watching Lana and Shea's song instruction just like Saya next door, said so.

"I was chosen as an adventurer's proper profession, and since entering the brave party, I've been filled with combat training and chores, so I didn't really deepen my knowledge as an adventurer... when I was with Lana and Shea, I was filled with two people..."

Saya answered with a light sigh. When I belonged to the brave party, I remembered the contents of Magnus' sword practice and used it for miscellaneous purposes in the party, so I couldn't afford to hear such rumors. Since I met Lana and Shea, I've been obsessed with Lana and Shea and I don't really care about anything else.

"I'm sorry. It reminds me of something I don't like."

"No, I don't mind."

Saya, who doesn't really care at all, replied. But I think this is a good opportunity, and Saya decides to listen to the story of Aroma's adventurer era.

"What was Aroma like in his adventurer days?

I see. She was as active a daughter as the head of the dry ad said before. "Monster Destruction" was called by two names. "

Saya opened her eyes in surprise to two names that could not be imagined from the present aroma.