It was a sudden suggestion from Karin, but Marcia and Rico started agreeing to Karin as well. Lana sighed lightly.

"For now, I'll ask your mother."

That said, I took out the portable communication magic equipment that was handed over to Saya. Lana pressed the registered Saya number and made a one-call.

Lana!? Shea!? What's wrong!? Something wrong!!?

Lana smiled unexpectedly as she heard Saya's voice in a great hurry.

"Mom, it's okay. Me and Shea are fine. I need to ask your mother something right now. Are you okay?

What do you want to hear? No problem. What is it, sir?

Lana told Saya that Marcia and the others wanted to stay at the house today. I finished listening to Lana.

"... I understand the situation... for now, Lana. I always keep my wallet, so please buy more food."

"... yeah. All right, all right. Mother."

Lana nods honestly to Saya's words because she knows that Karin eats well.

"I'll be out of work in a couple of minutes, so I'll be back as soon as I'm done."

"What? Mom, you're not finished yet? Today was definitely the day to defeat the sudden emergence of a unique monster, wasn't it?

No, that unique monster is over.

Saya's job today is to crush the sudden appearance of diamond dragons. Diamond dragons are a nasty monster whose skin is said to be as hard as diamonds, but Saya cut them in half as soon as she met them.

But it looks like a stampede is happening nearby....

"Eh!? Are you okay!? Mother!?"

It's a stampede full of monsters who are good at poison attacks, but it's no problem because it doesn't poison me.

Even though you're worried about Asari and Saya, Lana is wondering if you don't need to worry even more right now.

Well, I'll be right back when I finish stamping.

"Yeah, Mom. Good luck!

Yes, of course.

Saya cut off the communication after saying so. Marcia and the others who wonder what kind of reaction she got, look at Lana's face and complain.

"It's okay. My mother is also coming to Stampede, but I will deal with it in a few minutes and come back, so I was told to shop first, Shea. Stay with me."

"Nh. Okay."

"Even though the stampede happened, I can say that I'll do something in a few minutes, it's Shizukuishi Saya!

Marcia, yearning for the strength of Saya, sparkled her eyes and said so.

So Marcia and the others went shopping together. Karin stopped trying to buy, finished shopping, and Lana and the others headed to our home where Lana, Shea and Saya lived together.