Eric was upset by Lana's reaction, which seemed entirely unappealing. Certainly, there are places where charm doesn't work because children don't know the charm of adults, but Eric was still upset that he had charmed both men and women.

(The other one...!?)

Eric looked back at Shea as not working for the other twin.

"Ngungu... moggu..."

The other person showed no interest in themselves and was working on digesting food that was full of both hands. Not only Eric, but Eric's party members are upset that neither of them is attracted to him.

(Nnnh!!? Stupid!? Damn it!? What if this happens!!?)

"Don't say that. Lady, we'll lead you to a world you don't know."

Eric used enchanting magic that should only be used on monsters. It is forbidden to use it on people because it entirely enchants them and makes them captive, but Eric used it for his own pride. but....

"Sorry, we're really in a hurry."

Lana lowered her head and urged Sia to leave Eric and the others, and started moving quickly to where Saya was.

"My mother told me to be careful because strange people appeared at the festival, but it was true ~ Shea needs to be careful."

"Ngungu... moggu..."

Lana and Shea have such a conversation and leave Eric and the others. Taking those two words, Eric startled and stunned to the point where his jaw was about to come off.

However, this result is natural, and Lana and Shia are not attractive, but they love and love Saya the most. If there is such an opponent who is attracted, it is not attractive unless it is more attractive than the opponent. It is obvious whether Eric, who cannot confront the monster without exercising his charming powers, or Saya, who can manage the stampede alone, is charming.

But as it stood, Eric and the others tried to speak to Lana again without forgiving their pride.

"... you guys. You used enchanting magic on them a while ago."

Kuroko, who had been ordered by Ada to escort the two men from the shadows, slapped Eric on the shoulder. Eric turned his voice in surprise, but Eric lost consciousness without seeing Kuroko's face.

A few days later, Eric the Beauty Warrior and his party members were arrested for using enchanting magic on people.