Meanwhile, the coffee shop that Saya brought in under her guidance was a cozy place with a calm atmosphere. The three people who chose a seat at the less popular, hard-to-hear end of the conversation sat there. Magnus sat next to Claude, and Saya sat face to face with them.

(Still... well... it's just a thin, vague memory... but it won't change so much in 10 years...)

Claude had seen Saya a couple of times via Magnus, but the feeling I saw at that time certainly seemed to have a good look, but I was surprised because everyone had turned into a beautiful woman who turned around once in 10 years.

(To be honest, she's probably the most beautiful woman I've ever seen...)

Claude has played with so many women as he wanted to play, and has interacted with many noble children and female adventurers like Alicia, but Claude thought that she was the most beautiful of those women and looked at Saya in front of her again.

(Now... if you can talk to me, I'd like you to cut me out of Magnus first...)

But Magnus, the line of Claude's request, did not say a word. I haven't seen her in a long time, and I don't know how to treat my beautiful disciple before.

Claude sighed lightly and tried to tell Saya that there was no choice but to cut himself out.

"I'll tell you first. I'm not going to give you my precious, lovely daughters."

Saya glanced straight at Claude. Claude was upset when he suddenly came up with a central topic, but it was Magnus sitting next to him who was more upset than Claude.

"Ha!? Claude! What does it mean to give Saya's daughters!!?

Magnus stood up and stared at Claude. And Claude starts rushing even further.

"The teacher doesn't seem to know what Maristel did to my daughters."

"Ah!? Of course!? I... well... I just wanted to make sure that Saya was living well..."

Magnus complained slightly down at the end. Claude sighs slightly at such a best friend, but Claude relies on two persuasions.

"Magnus, just calm down! As I said before, I am certainly the Third Prince of Maristel, but I disagree with the way the country does things. I know Maristel doesn't make a good impression, but can you believe me?

Claude always appeals to Saya with a serious look. Saya sighed after a moment of silence.

"... I see. I'm a friend of the teacher's. I somehow understood that I was not a bad person. It's just...."


"If this person is also a negotiator, it's a complete mistake."

When Saya answers, suddenly there is a wind, and suddenly the sword is swinging down from the side of Saya. But Saya did not seem particularly anxious, and took the sword with only one hand.

"Hmm... the boulder is Magnus' apprentice... it's hard to accept my surprise..."

It was Alicia, the brave man of the fierce wind, who waved his sword down on Saya.