A Mid-level (Middle-aged) Office Worker’s Laid-Back Industrial Revolution in Another World

Episode 1941 Let's go to the royal castle.(... is this scenario correct?)

In the dormitory around 15 o'clock.

"Well... you're ready."

Gina was dressing herself in her room.

"Hey, Gina.

I didn't say anything to Mari or Al, but... it's okay, right? "

Tibbipalas stood on his desk and listened.

"I don't mind, Palace.

Darkness... Your husband is involved, but it is the royal family that is preparing it, so we just need to help Mr. Smith without worrying about it.

The Elvis family also told me that it would be good for Mr. Smith's education.

You don't have to tell each spirit beforehand. "

"Hmm... I wonder if Smith and Amy are going to do exactly what we're aiming for?"

"I don't know, but ultimately, your Majesty will give instructions to Pat and Amy.

You won't be able to refuse it.

Mr Smith just needs to get a quote from both princes and place an order.

Well, I'm a little worried about the transport arrangements to the Elvis family. "

"... Gina, do you have a purchase order?"

"I'm ready.

All you have to do is fill in the order amount and get Mr Smith's signature. "

"How about the wagon?"

"What does Mr Smith think?

As a precaution, there seems to be a caravan in Wang Dynasty that is producing transportation, but I don't know him, so I rely on him through another place.

I have an estimate.

Didn't you see Palace? "

"I knew it... Takeo is probably there, but Gina is also weird, right?"

"... I just relied on something I happen to know with your husband's hand.

I'm glad I belong to the Kitamizato family.

This would not have been the case with the Elvis family. "

"Ha... I thought it was strange to use Takao's monopoly bureau, but Gina used Takeo's handler... I wonder if she looks like a mentor?

Even so, that uncle must be quite a person.

I was happy with it, and I made a quote right away. "

"You must know your husband by the way.

Then, depending on how Mr. Smith decides to allocate the carrier, it will be decided whether or not to ask for it.

If the other party orders it, it will work, but if it doesn't work, it's just a story, so they say there's no problem. "

"Still, I don't think people will get together unless I tell them sooner."

"That's right.

We'll have to have Mr Smith negotiate around here. "

"Hah... just in case, you should report it to Takeo."

"I will summarize today's results in a report, and I will send you plans for the future with it."

Gina nods at Palace's whisper.

"Well... ah, Al and Mari are ready."

"I see.

So, gather at the front door. "

Gina left the room.

Office of the Third Royal Family in the royal castle.

"Take your time."

"Let's have some tea."

Leila and Alma put out the sweets in front of the four of them.

Erica was only watching with a bitter smile.

"... Leila Onee-sama, I need to see Erica today."

Smith said confused.

"Yeah, I'm listening.

But you don't have to do it right now, do you?

Do you think there's time for tea? "

"... there is certainly a slight due date... but I think it will be insufficient if we don't move firmly from now on."

Smith takes the orders from the Elvis family and looks inside and says.

"Is it that hard?

Buying wheat, right? "

Leila tells Smith.

"Yes, it's not too much or too little, but I don't think we should buy it at once and temporarily increase the price of wheat in King's Landing."

Smith says.

Hmm... Erica, what do you think?

"Yesterday, Lord Gina told me to look into it lightly this morning, but it seems that the amount of wheat flowing into King's Landing is basically determined monthly.

So to a certain extent, if a considerable amount of wheat is taken from King's Landing at once, it has to be picked up from somewhere more than usual.

There is no denying the possibility that it will become more expensive because it is an additional purchase.

There is a possibility that the price will increase due to the temporary thinning and the purchase of additional products that are not planned will stop high for a month or two.

I think this is the same for the King's City and the region. "

Erica says.

"Hmm... the Elvis family buys in King's Land, and the King's Land buys from local territory...

But if you buy it at a shop, you might be concerned about the price hike in the local area...

... then why don't you buy it from the local aristocracy's stockpile? "

Leila tells Erica.

"... we can handle it, but...

Moreover, Master Smith is the next master of the Elvis family, but he is still a student.

I think it's rare for aristocrats to respond. "

"Nh... ah, there are the first and second princes.

Can't you ask those two houses to do it? "

"No matter how influential Lord Kitamizato was, he was a bit..."

"Hmm... Ah, then let's ask your stepfather to move the two houses."

"Leila, it's harder to move your stepfather.

It's not Elvis' purchase to make a move, we have to make some other reason. "

Alma complains about Leila's words.


Well, how about this?

Erica started explaining the main lines.