A Mid-level (Middle-aged) Office Worker’s Laid-Back Industrial Revolution in Another World

Episode 1971 Today I'm going to prototype a cream croquette.(Arrived at Levant's shop in the demonic kingdom.)

Guest rooms at the Earl of Elvis residence.

"I'm back."

Takeo enters the guest room.

"Welcome back ~"

"Welcome back, Mr. Takeo.

The tailor is delivering the package. "

Konoha and Alice welcome you.

"... is that Gina's underwear?"

"Yes, and Jihei, Steteko, etc.

Konoha is sorting it out. "

I see.

Thank you, Konoha. "


How was Takeo-sama?

"The promotion of medium-bodied sauce is going well.

The children were doing their best.

I went home tired and fell asleep, so I hugged Victor and I. "

"That was tough."

"This is the only time you can hold a child.

In the meantime, they'll hate you.

Nevertheless... Viktor had quite a bit of it, but I kept it for a long time.

Each person in one hand is painful.

Well, they might say that the last one was more in charge than a hug. "

"That was... really tough.

Ah, and the chef said we'd have stew today.

She said that she had prepared the ingredients Takao-sama had requested for the time being. "

"All right! Pana! Konoha! Change!"



Tibipana becomes a reality, Konoha becomes a Tibiconoha, Tibiconoha rides on Takeo's shoulder, and Tibipana rides on Alice's shoulder.

"It's because stew is a time consuming thing.

Today is a prototype! Cream croquette! "

"Yeah! It's a prototype!

Takeo, do you have a corn? "


I'm asking you to buy it.

I was told to come in from the Count Temple Territory in the warm region, but it is likely that the seasonal pattern has not yet emerged.

So hope is thin. "

Wow ~, the corn cream is delicious.


Well, I wouldn't have done it if I hadn't.

Today, let's make a cream croquette with nothing in it.

That said, I am the first cream croquette challenge.

I don't know if it'll work! "

"Well, cream croquettes are tough.

If you think hard, you'd better buy it and fry it. "

Tibiconoha nods at Takeo's words.

Er, can't you have that cream croquette today?

Alice will ask.

"I think we can do it if we do it well... but I don't know this time."

"Is it that difficult?"

"It's difficult... yeah, it's hard to say it's difficult.

At least it has been confirmed that the royal castle does not have this recipe.

Then you can think of it as a way of cooking that is not even here.

Well, refrigeration technology is involved in the manufacturing process...

Cooking itself shouldn't be so hard... just...There is a question as to whether the process will proceed as we suspect.

Konoha, what do you think? "

"Well, there's no problem with the contents of the cream croquette because I've already made them.

I think Takeo will have to work hard to keep Blizzard and Frost together.

Alice, if this works, it could be a dish that can only be served in the Earl Elvis mansion, followed by koshi paste. "

"Huh? That much?

I thought it was something that the people could teach me. "

"Yeah, I mean, it's been magically cooled for about 20 or 30 minutes.

It's impossible without as much magic as Takeo. "

"Ah... is that the only meaning of the house?

For now, you can only do Takeo-sensei. "

"That's what I'm saying.

I'm sure Takeo will make us a refrigerator. "

"The refrigerator principle alone allows you to place ice on the top of the box, and if you put something you want to cool down at the bottom, you'll be able to make something cool."


"Well, let's make it for once.

I wish I could improve the cabinet with the small doors that I found in the furniture store before.

The problem is how to treat the water. "

"I'll put the ice on top.

All we have to do is make sure it runs out. "

"... will you think about it gradually?

Then, Alice, I'm going to the kitchen. "

Takeo tells Alice and Chibikonoha.


Takeo and Chibikonoha were aiming for the kitchen.


A shop in Levant, the capital of the Demon King.

Daniela and the others had taken Simona to the city where the residence of the Viscount of Fallon was, and had returned to King's Landing early enough, and now stopped by Levant's shop to talk about it.

"Hee ~... Lord Kitamizato.

The letter from Mr. Simona first said that it was only about the transportation of wheat to the 1st Army, but later he will inform me of the age and position of Lord Kitamizato and his companions.

Daniela, do you think the letter will arrive the day after tomorrow? "

"I don't know...

But we also need to prepare wheat over there, and it is unrealistic to say a few days after we leave because of the amount.

Five days at the earliest... six days is no wonder. "

"I see ~... I'm sure they won't come yet anyway.

Would you like to prepare a small item that Kitamizato would be pleased with from his colleagues? "

Levant said with his arms tied.

"That sounds like a big deal, but do you take a good look at what Lord Kitamizato has collected..."

Valerie is worried.

"It seems impossible...

Hah... I don't think I have anything to prepare for when I come. "

"Wouldn't it be better if you didn't sell it to a regular grocery store?"

"Hmm... what should I do?"

Levant put together his thoughts, listening to Valerie and Briani.