A Mid-level (Middle-aged) Office Worker’s Laid-Back Industrial Revolution in Another World

Lesson 2028: Four-Party Talks. (1) Let me explain the importance of Mia.

A small meeting room in the Royal Castle of the Demon Kingdom.

Valeri, 1st Army Commander Freddy, 4th Army Commander Gloria on Dragon Road, Fairy King Ciro and Malta, Takeshi, Biella, Mia and Brooke.

When I tried to choose one of my companions from the test platoon, Brooke's eyes were incredibly strong, so I chose it.

Brooke said on the spot, "No, I was just looking at the director," but then he left everyone and said, "When the director bought 'Thea', Mr. Follet who came this time drew a tie.My men? A soldier of the same caliber, of course.'That's why the color of the other eye changed for a moment.So I appealed. "

Takeo laughed at Brooke and said, "Is that so?I think you think too much, don't you?I looked at Sormi, who appeared too soon, and thought, "It's very likely that you've been waiting for us, but you won't be joining us."

Let's start by having Master Kitamizato explain the availability of Viera and Mia.

Valeri turns to Takeo.

"Before you do that... are you sure you want to put it on everyone?"

"" Yes. ""

Gloria, Ciro, and Malta nodded.

... haa... so is my emperor... but isn't he too free?

Takeshi says in awe.

"Huh?... you're free, too, right?"

It's not official, it doesn't make sense to talk hard. ”

"" Yeah, yeah. ""

"Hah... I see.

So... um... where do I start?

Do you want to start with Mia?

Then we'll talk about Willip's trip to the Allies, and we'll talk about Vieira and Ku and Ritz. ”

Yeah, thank you.

“First of all, Mia, the encounter is a raid on goblins and augers in the territory of Count Elvis of the Azpar Kingdom.”

When Valeri said that, Takeshi started talking.

Takeshi roughly described his encounter with Mia.

... the transfer magic of a human wearing a hood...

Valeri murmured as she thought about it.

“In the Kingdom of Azpar, existence itself is so much on the books that the way it is done has disappeared, and it has never been used in the past 100 years.”

Takeo explains.

Lord Kita Mizato, how credible is this story?

Gloria asks.

"It is a testimony from a former magician who was accompanied by a royal castle in Japan."

I think it's pretty expensive.

Therefore, as a country, we cannot activate the transfer magic itself.

Daniela, what about the Demon Kingdom? "

... hah... for once, there could be about two maids with a king.

This is a magician who specializes in evacuation in the unlikely event of an imperial castle.

However, this magic is handed down one by one, and these two families are loyal to the Demon Kingdom... since they are serving from the founding of the Demon Kingdom... I can't believe they went out of here.

Besides, I have heard that I have to imagine the place where it will be transferred in detail due to poor usability, so I regularly go to that place to spend time so that the image does not collapse.

It's hard to maintain... "

Valeri says.

"With transfer magic to the fairies' dwellings?"... can you do that?

Even Lord Valeri's place is two people, right? "

"As a matter of fact, I know from the testimony that Mia and the others used transfer magic to move to the meeting place of Augur and Goblin.

Maybe there's a simple way to use transfer magic. ”

Gloria and Chilo say.

Lord Kitamizato, who is the implementer?

"At the time of the attack, there was no one but the target goblin and auger."

I don't know who did it... or more precisely, my wife, Alice, did it in the same way as this time. "

Takeo says.

"Twice... the interval is short by chance."

As for my country, I didn't tell you anything. "

Valeri says.

"We have a person from the Demon Kingdom."

We know that the Demon Kingdom can defeat the Azpar Kingdom head-on without doing such trifles.

At least I didn't think that the Demon Kingdom was responsible for Count Elvis... but I'm pretty sure they were after me. "

"Well... I guess it's in a place where it's easy to aim."

What do you do with the Kitamizato and the Elvis? "

"Yes, we have Mia collect the family of eagles and wolves living in Count Elvis' territory, and we are asking them to observe and crush the monsters around them, mainly in the city where the county residence is located."

"If there is any abnormality compared to the current situation, it will be known immediately.

Mia's job seems modest, but it's important. ”

"Yes, what Mia is doing is something that the human species can't do."

Hopefully, Elvis' family name will be sold, and his ability to respond and speak up will be enhanced.

That's just in case, I don't think it would be easy to protect other fairies. "

Takeo explains the importance of Mia.

I see.

Maybe I can't leave work soon enough. ”

Valeri turns to Ciro and Marta.

"Seems like it."

There's a place where fairies play an active role, isn't there?

The two of them nodded.