A Mid-level (Middle-aged) Office Worker’s Laid-Back Industrial Revolution in Another World

Lesson 2311 I will give a lecture on vacation with souvenirs in a hurry. (Start the test of the drive unit.)

Entrance to the dormitory.

"I'm just coming back... did you do it?"

"Welcome back, Gina."

Amy and Donnelly were there when Gina returned to the boarding house after seeing off Takeshi.

... haa... when your master asks you, what is it that makes you all act quickly?

"Even if I tell you... I've been doing this for a long time."

Amy says with a bitter smile.

"Gina-sama, you heard me."

I don't like holidays. "

Donnelly will tell you.

No, I'm not good at it, am I?

"No, when I look at Gina-sama every day, she's in a job."

I can't do this.

So, once again, I decided to teach the first-year students about that area.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered in the cafeteria, so please join us, Gina.

Please don't be late, as I'll finish explaining lightly. ”


Gina turns her back on her life.

"Well, I just want you to check your treatment thoroughly."

I need to tell them again that they need a holiday.

If Gina is like this, maybe something else is working. "

Amy went to the cafeteria.


A training ground for a test platoon in the city where the Earl of Elvis is located.

The test platoon has five shields lined up with peepholes at the top.

And there were people watching the things on the desk about 5 meters away from the peephole.

Chief, I'm ready.

The bell rang while looking at the list.

Yeah, where's Carol?

“I can see it.

It's all right, Lord Tracy. "

“Now, everyone, please.”

Tracy tells Andersen.

"Reinforce your shields! Reinforce your shields!"

Others activate shields behind their shields.

Just in case. ”

"" "Roger." ""

When the Bainons responded, the magic began to strengthen their shields and deploy their shields.

Chief, we're ready.

Andersen tells Tracy.

“Yes, thank you.

Well then... do you think you can put some magic into this, Mr. Szune? "

Something like a string extends from something on the desk, and a square box at the end is on Tracy's hand.

... is this okay, Suzune-san?

"I tested it with a pocket watch, but it should have the same effect as putting my hands on it..."

The bell rings.

"Yeah... let's do it."

Tracy decides to get ready and puts her hand on the box.

"Well then, I'll count as I cross."

... three, two, one, please. "

Tracy focused her magic power on her hand when the ringtone finished counting while looking at the pocket watch.


Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.

There is a certain sound coming from the object on the desk.

The test platoon is always ready to move.

"... let's not have an explosion."

... one minute after startup... "

The ringtone said while looking at the pocket watch.

... you should think of it as a good spin.

Carol gazes at the things on the desk and says.

"Nh... I feel like my magic power is consuming quite a bit."

Tracy says.

"Chief, please... one more minute."

The bell rings.


Tracy says.

"... the sound is sounding at regular intervals means that it is turning steadily."

"Yes, I wonder if the SL-01 liquid (red slime body fluid) can be sprayed well."

No load, so even if SL-01 is not ignited, it will turn. "

A bell rings in Carol's mouth.

“The worst part is that it's used for lubrication.”

"... I'll disassemble it and confirm it later."

The sound is stable, isn't it? ”

"Well, I checked several times to see if I could hit it by turning the shaft by hand."

I knew that if I started going around, it would start moving continuously. "

I asked the head of the office to supply the magic power, but maybe the size of the gems I built was good.

"It was a small 5mm square."

Let's also disassemble and check the area. "

Carol says.

Chief, the magic power supply is stopped.

"Yes, yes."

Tracy releases her hand from the box at the sound of the bell.


The sound stops coming from the box.

... it doesn't even seem to explode after stopping.

"In... two minutes, let's see how it goes and get closer."

"Yes, Chief, we will all approach in two minutes."

"Yes, sir."

Captain Andersen, we'll be moving in two minutes. "


We all shared that we were going to move in two minutes.

After everyone approached and confirmed that there was no problem, they withdrew their shields, and Tracy and Carol began to check the appearance of the objects on the desk.

"... there's a surprising amount of heat left."

Suzune-san, how many minutes have you been moving?

"Um... 3 minutes.

Are you the one with the fever in three minutes?

And... it doesn't seem to expand due to heat. "

The three of them checked the appearance while talking.

The test platoon members were chatting in their car seats a short distance away.

"Hah... in the meantime, I'm glad there's no fire or explosion."

Baynon says.

"This is one of our original jobs, isn't it?"

Kay tells the veterans.

"Yes, it's one thing to be involved in laboratory experiments."

"It was the first time today."

Allston and Blair say.

"I was nervous.

Huh... where's Anita and Mirko? "

Pamela says.

"I was thrilled."

"I'm so excited."

Anita and Mirko say.

"Doing something new makes you nervous and exhilarating.

Anita, Mirko, Cade, and Cohen shouldn't be overly nervous.

Now, as soon as we're ready, let's get back to the lab with that test drive. "

Andersen was going to tell everyone.