A Mid-level (Middle-aged) Office Worker’s Laid-Back Industrial Revolution in Another World

Episode 2350: At the coffee shop on the first floor. (Let me get Hilda's report.)

General Affairs Department on the 3rd floor of the Institute.

"Viktor, Ascena, the first snow is back."

Takeo calls out to Viktor and Ascena as they take their seats.

"Welcome back."

The two of them stand up and greet each other with gratitude.

"Welcome back."

The first snow also replies.

"Yes, I'm home.

Viktor, did you get anything? ”

“I don't have anything in particular.

How was the Lord? "

Viktor asks.

"I've been to all of you."

Work well with Victor, Ascena, and Ellie's grocery store.

I heard about the list, and I heard that the orders coming from all over the city were handed over to them. ”

"Yes, as soon as Ealy's list arrives, we will meet with Ascena to select the products that can be exported."

And I've sent a request to Simona, so I think she'll get back to you soon. ”


Takeo nods.

and to the open door of the Commander-in-Chief.

“Meyer, I'm back.”

"Yes, welcome back."

Meyer replies from the desk.

What do you got?


Ah, the map of the relationship with the Demon Kingdom on the countess Godwin's side that the director brought is spread out in the conference room for now.

I would like to dry it a little, so please wait until the day after tomorrow. ”

“Yes, I understand.

In the meantime, I went to the cooperative workshop to say hello.

The Beltés and Steno Giken weren't there yet.

They will come back to you at a later time. "

"Yes, I understand."

Meyer nods.

"Now... let's go back to the room and process the documents."

Takeo was about to return to the director's office.

Director's Office on the 3rd floor.

Takeo was reading the paperwork on the desk.

"... nh?... ah! Lunch!"

Takeshi stands up looking at his watch.

“Victor, I'm going downstairs for lunch.”

I see.

"Welcome back."

Seeing Victor and Ascena reply, Takeo goes down the stairs.

Coffee shop on the ground floor.

"Hah... it was delicious."

Takeo finishes his lunch and says he is satisfied.

Kitamizato-sama, it's Dandy tea.

Hilda brings you tea.

"Yes, thank you."

“And here's the report!”

Hilda places her notebook in front of Takeo.

"Yes, please."

Takeo said that and took out his glasses from his chest pocket, put them on and opened his laptop.

”Which one... Hilda wrote this?”

Takeo asks Hilda when she sees the notebook.

"Yes! I wrote hard!"

Hilda says it.

... yes... I see...

Takeo rolled the page lightly through his eyes in amazement.

"... what do you think?"

Hilda was frightened to hear.

"Hilda... it's a very good report."

Illustrations are also written, and the impressions are written separately on the texture and sweetness... this is easy to understand. "

Takeo nods as he reads.

Thank you!

Hilda lowered her head.

"Hilda seems to have a talent for writing in this hand.

It might be a good idea to create an information magazine. ”

"Is it an information magazine...?"

Hilda leans over and listens.

"Ah... nothing."

I will use this as a reference. "

Takeshi closes his notebook and says:

“What did Hilda think when she did the research?”

"... I thought there were surprisingly few types.

I ate from various shops, but there were things with different tastes and shapes... and there were many things that I thought were the same thing when I divided them into large pieces. "

"Oh, I see."

"I feel like I can put fruits on a fluffy dough, or the shape and taste of Madeleine are different..."

"I see, Hilda, it looks like there's still room for development."

Do you have any thoughts? ”

"No... I don't know what to do, but... I thought it might be better if there were sweets in a different way."

I didn't have anything like apple pie or shoe cream that Kita Mizato told me about.

That's why I wanted more kinds. ”

Hilda says.

"Yes, it would be nice to have more sweets."

Ah, yes... I've decided to import from the Demon Kingdom a different kind of wheat. "

"Wheat... the type of wheat?".

“Yes, there was wheat suitable for bread and wheat suitable for sweets.

I'll buy a small amount from the Demon Kingdom for now.

I'll tell my dad which store I'll handle, so if you're curious, order one. ”

"Yes! I understand."

Hilda nodded happily.

“By the way, what's the difference between wheat for bread and sweets?”

“Simply put, bread-based wheat (strong flour) is sticky and bulging, and sweets-based wheat (light flour) is not bulging.”

"Is it swelling or not swelling...?"

“Yes, I think that bread in particular will feel more fuzzy than it is now.

Depending on how you use it, I think there will be more sweets and bread. ”

Is Master Kitamizato going to make something too?

"Yeah, I'll take the tempura."

Tempura? Tempura?

"Yes, it's fried food, but the texture should be different... so I'd like to make it."

"Can I eat that too!?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

I did it ~♪

Hilda was delighted.