"Ah, uncle.

A girl comes to the store at the green fruit shop.

"Hello, uncle.

Who's this beautiful sister?

The girl said, "Ha?" and lean his neck.

"Heh heh, I'm going to tell you today with your daughter too.

"Yes, hello.

Ask the general here that your daughter is expecting me.

I'm here.

So, I was going to tell your sister and your daughter.

"Yeah. Uncle, sister, thank you.

So, uncle, I need you to tell me about the apples in the meantime.

"Yes, I understand.

But can you tell me one thing?


"Who will your daughter make it for?

"I want to make it for your mother and father.

I was crying this morning while your mother and father were hugging each other when your father was out.

So... I want you to eat that apple and get better.

"Well. By the way, what does your father do?


"Well. Your mother and father need to get better.


Hear the girl's energetic reply. Takeo takes the apple out of the crate and starts preparing for the course.

"Okay, here we go.

"" Yes!

Layla and the girl reply well.

"Um, are you both new to using knives?



We're both inexperienced.

"So I'll explain briefly from the way you hold the knife, right?

The lecture began with the initial way of holding it.

"Uncle, it's done.

I'm going to show you the apple rabbit cut made by the girl.

Cut from one apple into 8 equal portions, cut off seeds and hectares, until a series of tasks could be done to cut the skin.

It's a bit... thickly cut the skin area a lot, but it was a rabbit cut.

"Yeah, yeah, you're good.

Lovely. "

Takeo answers in a frank manner.

"Mr. Takeo, I can do it, too, right?

Leila also cleverly cuts the skin area thinly.

"... you have a thin ear area.

But the basics are done, so it's not a problem.

"Ugh... it's a little dry when Mr. Takeo's rating is me.

"Naturally. The evaluation criteria are different for adults and children.

Leila protests with her jitsu eyes, but Takeo doesn't care.


"Is that it, Kra?

"Ah, Hilda, sister.

A slightly older girl who went through the store speaks to the girl in front of her.

"What's going on at the store?

"My uncle taught me to rabbit apples.

"Hmm?... uncle...?... Huh? Leila, your sister?

A girl called Hilda sees Majesty, Takeo and Leila.

"... erm, uh... isn't it Master Takeo?

"Oh? Have you met with me?

Takeo, smiling, was searching his brain for the inner "I wonder where he met you".

"No!? Well... my father says every time I work at the Elvis family and when I come home, Takeo's idea is amazing...

I've seen you a few times from afar.

Hilda says as she orbits.

"Hehe, let's not dare ask who it is.

I'll give it to you in the future.

Leila says pleasantly.

"Right ~.

Hilda, would you do it if your daughter was free, too?

"Er... I'm free... what are you doing?

"I'm using apples as rabbits!

Klu shows the rabbit's apple as she says happily.

"Pretty... then I'll let you do it too.

Hilda comes to an empty seat and Klu tells me.

Hilda looks at the sample and cleverly cuts as she listens to Klu explain.

"... you're good..."

I admire Leila as she looks at the judgment.

"I guess you make it routine.

"... So, what is Mr. Takeo making?

Leila looks at Takeo and squeals.

"Huh? It's a diamond cut?

Takeo had made the first few rabbits, but he was tired of them, so he cut them in diagonally while crossing them, peeling the skin out of his teeth to make a diamond apple cut.

"Don't make a work of art.

Layla is dismayed.

"Huh? I just skinned it with a cut in..."

Takeo laughs bitterly.

"Uncle, wow!

"Why do you come up with such a pattern?

Both Hilda and Kra are surprised.




There is a voice calling the girls' names from the left and right directions of Takeo and the others.

"Ah! Father! Welcome back!"

"Good day, Father.

It was the soldier chief who called me Clarice and Clares.

It was the chef who called Hilda.

Takeo and Leila said, "Oh? I looked at it thinking."

When I came to the store to make sure Takeo and Leila were sitting relaxed.

"" Why are you two here!?

Soldier and chef surprise at the same time.

"Dear Kitamizato, I am so sorry.

Please forgive my daughter for what she has done.

Apparently the soldier chief had heard from his daughter that he was going to learn to cut apples at the green fruit shop today.

... No way, I didn't think the instructor was Takeo.

I apologize for what happened earlier.

"It's okay, soldier chief.

Such a pretty woman asked me out on a date. Would you be rude if I refused?

"Overlapping, thank you.

"Hey, Dad?

You know my uncle?

"Oh... Dear Kitamizato, I'm sorry.

"No, from Klu's point of view, it's uncle enough.

You can't scold me, soldier chief, can you?

"... thank you.

"Klu, shall I show you the results of the practice?


Clares splits the new apple into eight equal portions to take the heta and seed and skin it.

"Yes! Father.


Receive the apple and take it seriously.

"It's Kra's work, the apple rabbit cut.

I said I wanted to cheer up your father and mother, and I practiced hard.

"Ugh... you made it cute, you're good.

The soldier chief says as he makes his eyes url.

Takeo and Leila looked at the sight with a smile.