A Mid-level (Middle-aged) Office Worker’s Laid-Back Industrial Revolution in Another World

Episode 460: The daily life of the city with the residence of Count Elvis. (Exploration of Hilda's food. )


Hilda was watching the apple in free time by completing today's topic.

"Oh? Hilda, have you finished your homework today?

The chef's wife, who finished the laundry, returns to discover Hilda.

"Yeah. I did the vegetable sorting thing your mother told me to do.

"Which... well, it's a little cluttered, but I wonder if that's the point?

The chef's wife says as she looks at the cut vegetables.

"As I was told, the leaf and core parts of each vegetable were separated, right?

"Yeah, but the vegetables change the position of the hard core.

You see, this would still have a little bit left in the leaf area, right?

You can't give this to the Counts.

The chef's wife takes up the impossible cut and shows it to Hilda.

"Ugh... tough..."

"Home cooking would be nice.

As a profession... as a cook, you have to pay attention to the details.

I don't use things I don't use, I use things I use. You can't cook well without making it right.

"But sometimes, for example, even dishes that don't use vegetable cores use wasabi and cores, right?

"There is.

But Hilda's not at the stage of using it yet.

You're right to learn how to sort things properly first.

So, the next step is to learn how to make it without sorting it as a wax.

"Yeah? You know how to sort it, then you know how not to sort it from a waza?

Isn't that for nothing?

"Wouldn't that be in vain?

You can't make derivatives without knowing how to cook them properly.

So now I'm teaching you how to make a king's way from scratch.

Be thorough with that, too.

The chef's wife says with a laugh.

"Ha, I was wondering if you could cook better soon?

"Hmm? Hilda, do you have something you want to be in such a hurry?

"Nothing... I wonder if I want to be as good as the cook at the Count's.

"Um... is it good to be just like your father?

The chef's wife asks Hilda.

"I also think working in a tavern... is something different..."

"Besides the cooks and the taverns at the Count's, there are sweet shops and restaurants, right?

"Mm-hmm... I feel something different.

Hilda groans looking at the apple.

"Well... no...

Hilda wants to be a cook?

"I want to cook a lot.

When I say cook, it feels like I'm cooking a meal in the morning, noon and evening...

I want to cook for individuals, I want to make sweets, I want to make sandwiches that I can carry... "

"You really want to make anything.

But how about as a business?

In the end, if you belong somewhere, it's a knob or stewed in a liquor store, a course in a restaurant, sweets...

You're going to concentrate on one or the other.

Well, I wonder if it's about the Count's mansion that can do all that?

The chef's wife also says troubled.

"How did your mothers become cooks for the Count?

"Hmm? You want to hear it?


"The Count doesn't have regular hiring.

I only hire the cooks I hire when they fall out.

At that time, recruitment requirements will be distributed to the entire city.

So, only those who have a recommendation from the store can take a hiring test.

"That's right... then you can't even take an exam if you don't get a job somewhere.

Hilda squeaks.

"Yeah. 'Cause we're not hiring unidentified travelers, are we?

And if you don't load it down, you can't hire a rookie who can't clean cookware properly.

"I'm not just a good cook.

"No, I'm not.

Of course the cook who belongs there has an idea.

There are only people who can handle cookware carefully and keep it clean.


"Besides, the stores only recommend it and I'm sure of the taste.

Dressings and sauces are generally just licked to reveal the ingredients used.

"Huh... that's awesome.

"So that's all you know about things.

"So, what about Master Kitamizato?


The chef's wife answers instantly.

"I knew..."

"Taste, ideas, cooking methods... everything exists in our stature.

Plus, I found out with Hilda's lasagna and pudding, but they're both ideas in a different direction.


"Yeah. Lasagna would have used pasta in planks first, right?

There's something wrong there first.

"Hmm? Why?

"You enjoy the flavor with the sauce by thinning the pasta to intertwine with the tomato-based sauce.

However, the flavour should be thin because it cannot be intertwined with the sauce in the first place.

Could that have been... white sauce?

That makes the flavor thicker. It's the opposite of what we think.

I have an idea of how you can tangle a lot of sauce in pasta, but if you can't tangle it, it's not normal to thicken the sauce.

Well, after eating that dish, I know you have that idea... "


"Yeah. And pudding is a dish that takes advantage of the characteristics of ingredients that people don't care about, although it's natural to consolidate when you heat eggs.

I can't imagine that.

"But it's obvious, isn't it?


It's a natural idea if you ask me about lasagna and pudding.

Even if everyone's watching or thinking about it, it's easy to create something that hasn't been shaped, and it's even more delicious... just genius.

"Hmm... sounds like you'd enjoy being a cook under Master Kitamizato.

"Yeah, Hilda would enjoy it.

But the more you become a veteran, the more you take care of your arms and tongue.

Every day, if they break the concept... you might cry.

The chef's wife sighs.

"Dad, you don't cry well, do you?

"Oh, because your father is fat and he likes new things.

"Is my character a father concession?

"Yeah. The exterior looks good to me.

Now, shall we use the vegetables made by Hilda for lunch?


Hilda's parents and children started cooking happily.