A Mid-level (Middle-aged) Office Worker’s Laid-Back Industrial Revolution in Another World

Episode 915: Day 105 Slaver's Union Enters Store. 1 (Needs motivation or not. )

"Is it here..."

Everyone was thinking uniformly of the offices of the slave traders' unions from the opposite side of the road.

"Right," he grins bitterly as Burt and Follett see how it goes.

The exterior of the Slave Traders' Union office is a regular grocery store.

There's no sign, there's not even a sticker.

I can see that small items and items are arranged both in the store and in the store.

The difference with nearby stores is that the beauty seller in the store doesn't wear a collar (...) or so.

"You don't know this.

Meyer says arm in arm.

"... well. Good.

What's with the appearance is the personal way of thinking.

If this is good, I guess it is.

Okay. Shall we come in?

Um... Mr. Burt. How do we get in?

"The back of the store is the entrance.


Enter the store ahead of Takeo.

"I beg your pardon.

Beyond this will be the Slave Trade Union Office.

What can I do for you?

A seller stands in front of Takeo.

"... my name is Kitamizato and I have been told by His Majesty the King of the Kingdom of Azpur to lead the mission.

I was told in front of the gate that I could take a tour of the Slave City, but I came to confirm that.

"Excuse me. Mission Hall.

Welcome out. We have also been contacted by the union.

Please proceed.

I'm sorry to hear the information when I go inside, but please ask me again.

Sellers pave the way.


Takeo took the lead and entered the store.


What about the two people watching the Takeo and the others?

"... Louis. What's the point of surveillance?

"Sorry. That's what I was thinking right now, too.

Valor asks Saijo next door as he watches Takeo enter the union office.

Seijo also says as he looks at Takeo and the others.

"Grandma. I'm not even trying to hide at all!

You've come all the way down the avenue! What is that!? I don't give a shit about tails or raids!?

"I don't think any city is raiding easily, though?

"... if you say so.

No! Why is it so normal!?

You must be the people around your grandma who can!?

"I'm sure you trust him... his grace is fat!

Compared to that... it's a small thing!

"I don't compare either! You're my spirit!

Let's move for the Lord more!

"... tail him?... you can't!

"Yeah. You're so crisp and incompetent!

"It's your spirit!

"... you're..."

I don't know if we're going to tail him or not. It was two of us.


Those who monitor the two.

I was doing surveillance from an alley a little further away.

"It looks like Er-Hun has arrived at his destination as planned.

"Squad leader. I'm taking turns.

We'll do it later.

Two people come from behind the alley.

"Copy that. I'm coming around.

Perhaps they won't move either if the Second Lord doesn't move...

Watch your sights.

It's dangerous to gaze at a spiritual opponent.

"Got it.

He was doing good surveillance.


Takeo and the others were inside the office.

There was an old bank-like atmosphere counter in the interior like the Adventurers Union office, with reception sitting face-to-face.

and. A woman who seems to be a union member talks to me.

"Excuse me.

Sir, what can I do for you today?

A union woman asks.

By the way, this woman doesn't wear a collar either.

"My name is Kitamizato and I lead the mission of the Kingdom of Azpur.

I was told in front of the gate that I could take a tour of the Slave City, but I came to confirm that.

"The Mission Hall. Welcome out.

We are available to contact you.

The person in charge will talk to you about the details.

I will show you to your room.

A woman starts leading the way and Takeo and the others follow.

Takeo and the others were allowed into one room and the woman exited when she served tea.

Looking indoors, it looks like a reception room.

"Well... what's coming.

Meyer also says looking indoors.

"Indoor combat is the key to defense, so..."

"You didn't train in this face.

Baynon and Arlis mutter.

"I don't say things that are noisy.

Besides, if it's an indoor fight, I'll be the best foot fighter.

Someone please decide on a shield.

Takeo says with a grudge.

"No. The chief defenseman in this is the director, right?

Andersen is stunned.

"It won't be.

That's all I can do, and there are about two ways I can take it.

All you have to do is do something with your mouth.

... try to make tools and line them up because they are less capable than the others.

Gather talented people because they don't have enough organizational skills than others.

Legion only in shops... even if there is a difference in degree and in the tools needed, we are together where we seek them.

"Even if there is a slave trade in the means of securing human resources?

"If you think about it with the exception of personal emotions, neither the employment contract nor the slave trade is wrong as a way to attract people.

It might be cheaper than your monthly salary if it's better with only the original value and cost of living, right?

"Is that what you judge?

Meyer makes a difficult face.

"Only if it's the kind of information written on the top piece of paper.

It's rewarding there. It adds a sense of purpose and increases organizational strength.

No matter how physically capable you are, we do not believe that those who are unmotivated can use it.

In fact, Vieira or something is an unmotivated head.


Biella held by Follett sees Takeo.

"Vieira would make less sense to put in some army, wouldn't she?

These kids don't care about the state or the group.

It's annoying stuff around when you put a kid like that in tissue.

Then to some extent, it's better to create an interest, create a place, and then say hello to each other.

"That's what the director said about the artificial lake?

"That's one thing.

But the truth is, what does Biella want to do herself by learning about human society? It will be after you think about what you can do.

You just have to discuss it then so that both sides have a benefit.


"Speaking of polarity to that, not only Vieira, but everyone does.

There will be a reason for each of us to make money for the city we moved to, for the country we were born in, for the children, for the family.

Business, soldiers, civilians... and so much more.

But what we have in common is that we are motivated by our own purpose.

Because I was told, because my parents were doing it... and that's why I might be able to live, but it doesn't seem like fun, and it's something that I get and my business doesn't go well.

If I'm willing to do that, I'd be willing to think about what I didn't get enough of if I failed.

That way things will go up a little bit.

"" Right.

Everyone snorted at Takeo's words.

and the door knocks and a man comes in.

"Excuse me, sir... Huh? Young husband?"

That was the first voice of a man looking at Takeo.