A Mid-level (Middle-aged) Office Worker’s Laid-Back Industrial Revolution in Another World

Episode 1198: You're home. (Your gift that you should return to your daily routine. )

The doorway to Elvis Mansion.

The carriages of the Earls of Godwin and Temple were stopped.

"Bye, Takeo, Alice.

Will the Honorable William move next time?

"I guess I'll leave a message then.

"In the realm of His Highness William...?

But I wanted to make sure Jesse was feeling better, so I was thinking of going to see her in about a month.

"Right. That would be good.

Come anytime.

"I was going to go see my stepnephew, but that doesn't seem to be the time because His Royal Highness William's relocation is holding up.

Takeo laughs bitterly.

"Right. I guess I should stop by on my way home, huh?

"I'll go check it out too!

"You're going to be pissed off if you don't specify a date and time then and call Alice, too.

"Oh, come with me.

Well, I've spoken to my father, and you want to get in the carriage?

"Ahhh... for once, I'll tell you, a souvenir for a pan new kiss... because I think you'd be pissed off if you broke it, wouldn't you?

"... Jesse's worried, but let's just say he's going home modestly.

Bye! "

"Yes, thank you.

"Have a safe journey.

Takeo and Alice pay tribute to Count Godwin.

and the Counts of Temple and Grandpa Elvis also seem to have finished talking and the Counts of Temple are in the carriage.

"Um, this one's over.

Grandpa Elvis is approaching Takeo and the others.

"Yes, this separates you.

"Um, it's been a long time.

"Well... right.

All three of them are smiling bitterly.

"I'm leaving!

The carriage of Counts Godwin and Temple leaves the premises.

Grandpa Elvis, Takeo and Alice waved off.

"Well, I'm home.

"It was a furious day.

"Ha... Erica... ah. Were you watching from a little further away?

Alice confirms Erica is approaching.

"I watched from afar thinking I could join the boulder to drop you off.

Ha... you seem to be able to do it slowly.

"Mm-hmm... I feel Erica has settled in.

"Ha, that won't help either.

So? Erica, what happens after this?

"Erm... especially... hmm? Lord Frederick and Lord Victor are here, aren't they?

Erica notices two people approaching.

"Lord, the paperwork is hoarding.

Please return to the office.

"Lord, the paperwork is lagging behind.

In the study, please.

Oh, and Lord Meyer is arriving today.

I just got a report from the first snow.

Hi, Master Smith, I think I had tea with Gina and the others.

"Takeo, I've been relaxed until today.

Looks like we'll be back to normal soon.

"Sounds like it.

Well, there won't be so many rulings for me.

I have to finish it fast and welcome the Meyers.

Alice, Mr. Erica, please.

"Yes, I understand.

Mr. Erica, next up is the inauguration of the exam platoon, right?


I'm instructed to look at it all, so... I'll be separated for the time being.

For now, that's tea until the exam platoons get here.

"Yeah, let's just be adults in the guest room.

Oh, do you reverse it?

"You don't mind chess.

"Huh. I don't have a problem with that either.

I'm growing up, too.

Then let's go to the guest room.


Alice and Erica leave for the guest room.

Grandpa Elvis and Takeo were taken to the mansion by the butlers of both houses.


Taylor's Magic Store on the ground floor of Steno Technologies.

"Hmm? What the hell?

The ringtone was opening the parcel at the desk in the store and making a weird noise.

"Suzune, what's wrong?

Teto speaks from the counter.

"No, it's a parcel from the 2nd Crown Prince family that the Inspector General brought me earlier.

"Ah... you were coming for something.

Additional orders for pocket watches?

"That's what I thought too... Teto, this.

The ringtone brings it to the counter.

"... paper?... five-line spectrum?

"Oh, there was a letter in there.

Um... thank you Kitamizato for your help the other day.

Krina also started practicing violin.

I work hard for my younger brother who is born.

Not yet, but I'm supposed to go with practice so I can tell you someday.

Send the spectrum to Suzune, Kitamizato's subordinate, on instructions when you receive the violin... and... "

The ringtone is solidified.

"Ahhh... this is a score for Suzune, isn't it?

"Let me see!

... Aria on G-line, Kanon, Hungarian Dance No. 5, Libertango, Concerto for two violins, prestigious... what is this famous song series... "

I see one bell sound, one song name and wannabe.

"You have more Suzune repertoires.

"Yes, but! It's not! I don't know.

And... there's no sign of rewriting it to the five-line spectrum, did you write it up in one go?... it would be a lie.

You sent me... Mr. Callis.

"Ah. Callis of Carites.

I was with Jesse when I was a sister of Panneukis.


You want this, Clina? So, surely the second prince's son started doing it?

More than that, Mr. Takeo, you bought me a violin?

"Hmm... why don't you just take it to Takeo?

"Yeah... yeah... you are!

Teto, I'm coming.


We have to tighten the door.

"It was!

Tetto and Ringtone rushed for support.