A Mid-level (Middle-aged) Office Worker’s Laid-Back Industrial Revolution in Another World

Episode 1328: Magic Class of Agricultural Officials. 5 (Takeo et al., South Down Middle. )

"... talent is scary..."

Flora is poking the ground with twigs.

Obviously I was entering Ijike mode.

"Ha... Mr. Nilde..."

Taylor is exhaling a big sigh.

"I'm sorry, I could have done it if I'd listened to manager Taylor, so I wanted you to see.

"Mr. Jilda expressed a white fire, and Mr. Nilde didn't expect the operating system to ripen from the very beginning.

You're talented enough to be afraid you've been buried in the field before.

"This is amazing, isn't it?

"Yeah, very much. If the place is a place, the Knights or something will come and be hired by soldiers.

Or you might even be able to enroll in the College of Mages with special treatment.

"Mm-hmm. If I told Kitamizato, would Kitamizato do what Taylor said?

"You won't.

Taylor answers Nilde's question instantly.

"That one doesn't feel like soldiering you guys in the first place.

Plus, Gina, like a chunk of talent, is normally sidelined as a civilian, calling it a social tour, and sending her to Wang Du for training.

"Is Gina awesome?

"Yes, I have the force to be Alice's successor at that age, I can do my job as a maid normally, I don't remember things badly, and it's a high specification that I can move on thinking about earlier things.


"It's not strange that noblemen, royal families, and Wang Capital's bureau should hold it at a high salary... because they demand that they be in the Kitamizato family, and Kitamizato and Alice respect their intentions.

You won't let those two basically do what you don't want to do.


"It would mean that both the Elvis and Kitamizato families care about their families.

The working hours are short. Mr. Gina is part of the Kitamizato family.

And Mr. Nilde, Mr. Gilda and the Bertes are all part of the Kitamizato family.

I'm not asking you to force me to fight or go to a study hall.

"That's reassuring.

"So now while farming as much as you want, magic will be good to the extent of hands-on learning.

"Yes, I understand.

and the beach breeze comes to everyone.

"This is a report from Master Yugiri.

They say Victor's headed this way with rice.

"Ah, yes.

Mr. Donato, Mr. Bona, they're going to get your stuff.

What kind of rice is that?

Taylor is a little excited about the unknown food coming.

"" Yeah.

Donato and Bona against normally answer.

"Hmm?... has the front carriage arrived?

When Taylor noticed, everyone saw the front carriage.

"Sure... it's rice.

Bona was checking on the carrier.

"This inner 200 kg should be used for making.

We will use it for cooking as soon as the Lord returns.

"Ha... Um - Lord Victor, has Master Kitamizato eaten?

"Yes, Lord, Master Alice and I received it, but it was very tasty.

The Lord and Conoha were convinced and Master Alice looked satisfied.


Bona will listen back.

"I didn't know the elves were growing such delicious cereals, this rice seems acceptable for sure.

The Lord is on his way out to Count Godwin territory, but as soon as he returns, he will have Count Elvis eat too, but maybe in other fields.

Victor smiles.

"Huh? Was it delicious?

"Yes, it was very tasty.

I also hoarded it in my stomach and thought it would be good to eat it on the move or in the morning.


Bona thinks about it.

"Hey, let's just get you indoors.

Donato calls from behind the front carriage.

"Uh... yeah.

So, do you want to take it all off the carrier for now?

Everybody help me!

"" "" Yes.

Zilda replied to Enma, Flora and Nilde.


Takeo and the others were heading south from Seoul.

"Lord, there's a strong one over here.

Mia rides Takeo's shoulder and stretches her arm to indicate the direction.

"... there he is.

and when Takeo hit the trigger of the small gun modification 1, the bullet flew along with the sound and the target's high oak was blowing away.


Two oaks fall to the ground as Alice shakes the bastard sword off the sidelines.

Of course there's a flame coming out of the incision.



Meyer and Baynon are also defeating the oak.

"7 Alice, 4 Takeo, 2 Meyer, 2 Baynon... 3.

The first snow was counting as I watched the battle.


"Kyu, Kyu.

Vieira and Ku, next to the first snow, were eating dried food and watching the game in their spare time.

"Hmm... aren't you anywhere near me?



Vieira and Ku nod at the inquiry of the first snow.

"I put the slimes around me.

I'm checking, but... no abnormalities.

Oh, it's over.

and Takeo and the others return to the first snowmen.

"Phew... how many were there?

"21 bodies.

The first snow answers Takeo's query.

"Director... are you on the right path?

Baynon will listen.

"In the morning, Colorful Clouds came back and reported that the road seemed uninterrupted.

Purple clouds said they'd go all the way to town or village and come back... but you haven't come yet.

And you checked the route, didn't you?

"I did... it should certainly be this way..."

"I'm also convinced of Baynon's inquiry.

This is the third time this group has had more than 10 of these.

"I feel a little too many oaks.

"Doesn't that mean soldiers aren't using this path?

It's far from the village's patrol point.

Alice answers Meyer and Beynon's words.

"Either way, I decided to go this way.

We'll move on.

So shall I collect Mr. Meyer and Mr. Beynon together?

It's just good for the Kola's souvenirs, isn't it?

"" Yes.

"Oh, well, I'll make soup.


And the first snow.

"I'll let these kids handle the rest of the cusp after Takeo and the others collect it.

Soon there were a dozen slimes at the foot of the first snow.

"So do you want to finish crisp and take a break?

Takeo and the others were moving towards Godwin territory.