Alice and the others were taken by Jesse to enter the store through the back door of the apparent street store.

One of the escorts leads the way.

"Um... sister... what is this place?

"Take a stroll.

This is a bookstore.


Sister Jesse, I, Sister Leila, were put in through the back door of the bookstore in Wangdu the same way.

"Yeah... right here.

and Jesse leading the way into the room.

"Welcome, Dear Jesse and Alice.

The manager and the man greet him with a deep bow of his head.

"Yeah, I guess you're right about that?

"Yes, we are ready.

Come here.

The manager leads the way.

"Not again..."

Alice squeaks as she sits in her chair and looks at the pile of books in front of her.

And behind the desk, he said, "Congratulations! Dear Alice, Marry! Master Jesse, you're pregnant! Commemorative Fresh Red Adventures 2nd Edition Commemorative Event," there was a cross section.

"Leila said, 'It was a big day in the Wang capital, so why don't you do it when Alice comes to Godwin territory (sister)?"

I was on Leila's suggestion.

"... what are you doing with your sisters...

Besides, these events aren't coming to Elvis territory?

"Well... in Elvis territory... Alice, you might hate it, and... you want to?

"How much Leila, even though your sister wrote it, do you sell your own biography written by others?

... yeah... what about that... "

Makes Alice look disgusting.

"Yeah, isn't that why Leila doesn't ask Alice?

"Jesse, your sister took Leila's request, didn't she?

"Well, we're talking about being Leila's penny.

And I wanted a penny.


Alice tilts her neck.

"Huh? I'm gonna help, so you're gonna get paid, right?


Tilt further.

"... it was agreed that I would split a little from Leila's pennies.

"I... I'm not getting paid..."

"... mmm... I don't think Leila would overlook that area.

Oh, didn't you store it?

"Storage?... Oh, they told me I could eat whatever I wanted after the event.

"That's right.

So, is that good for you this time?

You can eat as much lunch as you want after this.

Shall I charge Layla for the cost?

"I'll take care of that area.

Ku is... "

That's what Alice said when she looked at Ku.

"Dear Ku, here it is.


Khu nods and puts his hand on the pong and ink table before pressing his own hand mark on the paper put out by the clerk.


"Yes! It's a boulder!

By the way, Master Ku, which hand was it done in the Wang capital?

"Kew?... Kikyu!

Raise the hand of those who were pushing after Ku looked at both hands.

"Yes, this way?

So let's use the other hand this time?


Khu tilts his neck.

"Yes, it was the first time in the Wang capital that a dragon's hand stamp was stamped on the book.

This is where doing something different from Wang Du gives us the same special feeling.

That's the only way to make a difference from the Kingsville people, and there's a certain sense of superiority.

It is no exaggeration to say that Master Ku's hand stamp alone has confirmed today's sale out!

Dear Ku! Regards!

The clerk bows his head deeply to Ku.

"Kyu ~."

Ku nods, "I'll take care of it."

"... sister... you're very willing to sell the clerk.

"Well... I didn't think I'd get this far either..."

Alice and Jesse were a little frightened.

"Ha, this may be the first and last time Alice can come.

It is our intention not to miss this opportunity.

"You've never had one of these events before, have you?

I was surprised to see Leila's letter too.

"Yes, Dear Jesse, I was also surprised when I received your suggestion.

But I think Alice's visibility of the overwhelming people, the attendance of the lord's wife in the land, the handstamp of a rare species named Ku... this is likely to sell.

No! It's not the merchants that are available so far and can't be sold.

The manager explains.

"By the way, how many first names are there today?

"We heard that Wangdu offered the first and second simultaneous purchases only for the first 200 people.

I am also the first to buy at the same time... 250 people.

"To... 250?

Alice is surprised.

"Even the Wang capital has 200 people?

Jesse listens back.

"No... we'll both still be books with reservations.

When I asked about the first 200 people in the Wang capital, I was surprised by the small amount of "how rare it makes them".

But given the detention time of Jesse, His Highness Leila, and Alice, it turns out that between 200 and 250 people are critical, and even in the Wang capital, it was a bitter number of copies.

We would like to sell 250 copies, which is the limit.


The manager bows his head deeply.

"Alice, we have to do this.

"Ha... hey..."

Alice said as she stretched her wrist.