Camp location of the test platoon near the boundary between Count Elvis territory and Count Godwin territory.

"Salute the Director!

A test platoon lines up to salute Takeo.

"Yes, good luck.

Takeo also raises his hand salute and lowers his arm.

"Fix it!

Arkin prepares fireworks along with Anita and Mirko.

Brooke has added tents along with Cade and Cohen.

"" Got it.

Arkin and Brooke reply.

"Andersen meets with me and the director.


Andersen nods.

"Beinon is the first snow palace, the guard of the time rain palace, and the others are the opponents of the children.

"" "Yes.

The platoon faces reply.


As Vieira points at herself, she asks me to snap the edge of Takeo's clothes.

"Vieira is free.

And Alice... "

Alice brings up the bastard sword and prepares for battle to cross her nose.

"Shall I prepare Vieira as well?


Meyer! "

Biella goes under Meyer.

"Hmm? Will Lord Vieira also participate in the discussion?

"Ahhh?... Meyer, gear! Do!"

"Oh, are you ready for battle after this?

Do you want to use the knife you had before?


"Lord Vieira, is it next to the back of your waist?"

Meyer and Andersen, Biella start having meetings.


Ku asks Takeo just like Biella.

"Ku is watching the game around the fireworks, along with the time rain and the first snow.

Protect the time rain and the first snow if you have to.


Khu nods.



Hatsuyuki and Sigre began exchanging information.

"So I'm taking a break until I get here.

Wait for the moment as Takeo and the others surround the fireworks.

Everyone is ready and ready to move at any time.

The kids and Kay and Pamela are soggy.

The adult faces are calm but boisterous.

"Well... you're right about the outline we just met.

The platoon faces are ready, and the children have spoken verbally to the person in charge and the children.

Andersen says.

"Mia, what do you say?

Takeo asks Mia.

"Lord, not yet.

This necklace is heavier than that.

It felt more like Mia was wearing a necklace than wearing it around her neck.

"It's too big for Mia, isn't it?

Alice also says calm down and have a cup of tea.

"Lord Alice is settling on a boulder, isn't he?

Meyer says.

"Well... because we're fighting quite a bit.

I was most nervous the first time.

But you're not used to that tension before the fight.

"I guess so.

I'm nervous when we have to train.

"I think about my men when I'm entrusted with the captain, and I can teach you the whole movement, right?

I think too much, and I'm busier than nervous with confirmation work.

Andersen says that.

"The Wang Du Guard travels quite a lot, doesn't it?

"Conventional wars are somewhat different.

The basics will be protection when the royal family leaves, but it's a crusade training exclusively in demonic relations around the walls of the Wang Capital.

"It depends on the troops of the Wangdu Defense Corps, isn't it?

Alice asks.

"You have a role to play with each of the Kingsguard, Intelligence and Magic Squads.

We are crusading for the right training for each.

Andersen says.


Mm-hmm... the Elvis family must have a role for the soldiers, too.

I don't know the details.

"Our principals, our clerks, our martial arts officers are working on it.

Besides, isn't it going to change since the director arrived?


Mm-hmm... well, everyone's going to do well.

"It's the Elvis family, isn't it?

Meyer also nods at Andersen's words.

"Hmm? What do you mean?

Alice listens back.

"No, the Elvis family is well regarded in the Wang capital.

The Elvis family soldier was a dedicated rumor that he was defensive and tenacious.

"Look, was it a healing tactic in the raid earlier? That was the idea and implemented, wasn't it?

Andersen and Meyer say.

"Ah... is that it..."

Alice makes an indescribable face because she is the initiator.

"Yes, Lord Meyer, from the Director General during this time? The letter said," You can't just tell me the report, so just ask me, "right?

"Huh?... Hmm... Didn't Wangdu get an increase from the local nobility during this time?

"That was done by the Human Resources Bureau, but it's essentially the Knights because it's a military department subject.

Looks like there's more security, but it must be a takeover.

So no Elvis soldiers will enter the Wang Metropolitan Guard.

"Mm-hmm... well...

Why don't you ask Lord Soldier during training?

Meyer twists her neck.

"Um... are our people okay?

Alice listens back.

"It's okay.

The Elvis soldiers will probably be secured by the 1st or 2nd Knights.

"... I'd prefer the 1st Knights if I could.

"" That's right.

Meyer and Andersen nod bitterly.

Ku, Vieira and Mia are looking at the woods.


"Ahhh... ahh"

"Lord, with four oaks over here... huh?

The little ones report.

"Is that a question mark?

"You're still getting close... Lord, I'll take the necklace off in a little while.

"Okay, do you want to do it?

Mr. Andersen, please do the rest well.

"I'll take care of it.

All hands ready for battle!

Andersen issued the decree.