A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?
35 - The Truth About Brave Summoning
White King Knights headquarters.
It was inside Razhausen's royal castle, in one of its paintings.
And this is the conference room.
As they encircled the longitudinal table, those in white clothes sat in their seats.
"Sorry it's late"
Sierra, hitting seventh in sequence, reached the closest seat to the door as she entered the room.
"You don't have to worry about it. Because Sierra's starting to slow you down."
Next to that right was the sixth place in the sequence, Emily Anderson's appearance.
Sierra and I wouldn't be that different in back length.
I wondered if the twin tails of brown hair would behave adorably to the surrounding area, and the wall behind them has a contrasting and huge mace.
"Thank you for working. I just want to say, if you want to monitor that boy, why don't you go directly to Sierra? Hiding is a nasty thing to do."
And across the street from Emily was Edward Scotch, who hit fifth in sequence.
The long fitted white coat and white silk hat, the gaze of a one-eyed ladder peeking through its tuba, captured the northern side of the table farthest from the door, the Reinhardt, who lowered his hips to the upper seat.
"Sierra, how's that bastard doing? Apparently, you're staying at the house, but you were with me on the request, weren't you?
Next to Edward's right was the fourth place in sequence, the figure of Reid Black.
"Do you still have it in your roots," Sierra asked in a tone that contained that aversion, and Reid strayed his gaze with the tongue pounding.
I can't ignore the fact that I'm pinching the table but the seats are across the street, and Sierra leaks a gentle sigh.
"How was the week, had fun?
Sierra and I had a slight seat away and there was a sequence third next to Edward's left, the figure of Hilda Ecalato.
"Are you getting along with Masamune-kun or Toa? Edward told me you made friends with the White Cats."
"Sister, please don't talk about it until you get home. More than that, Edward, what does surveillance mean? I haven't been told that."
"Sierra, wait until Reinhardt speaks. Apparently, this has been decided by His Majesty."
Opposite Hilda was second in sequence, Daniel King.
It's next to Emily's right.
"It means you're under surveillance. I sent you and Week at first to confirm your thoughts. His Majesty had been asked beforehand about the situation in the barn and about the merchant targeting that land by Lord Boreas. And well, wouldn't Reinhardt explain if we just talked about this? So, what meeting is this?
"I'll see you later on about that adventurer. This time there's a different requirement."
Sequence # 1, Reinhardt Rickman.
He started talking when he took a sip of the water in the glass at hand.
"First of all, the first, but I hear a dragon's heart has appeared in Grayberg"
The heart of the dragon - the words were uttered, while the eyes of all changed.
Even Reid, who seemed unwilling, is niggling like he showed an interest in the story.
But I guess not for Sierra.
Sierra, who is a lousy liar, drops her gaze on the table and hides her facial expressions as enlightened.
"Sierra, what's wrong?" and Hilda.
"What, does it hurt even in my stomach?," and Reid's voice becomes a tear without leaving it empty.
"Reid, stop kidding."
Hearing of the dragon's heart, Sierra immediately thought of the face of the political sect.
As a White King knight, you should talk, but as a friend, you were haunted by the grip of your heart.
"No, it's nothing"
"Keep going, this is where it's important."
Forward, Reinhardt gets to the point.
- Greyberg summoned the brave.
"Ha-ha-ha! Those guys finally did it!
Reid grinned with a belly at the story.
But everyone had a stunned look on this.
"Do something stupid......" Daniel holds his head.
"It's due to definite sources, no doubt about it first"
"I mean, they showed up in Grayberg knowing that."
Reid asked pleasantly and willingly.
"That's probably what it is. The dead are already out. The Wizard of the Woods, Albert Morrow."
"Speaking of forest wizards, was that wizard who used to wield the magic that dominated the earth in the war against the old empire, threatening the most enemy forces? I'm talking about eyebrow spit, but I only know the name"
Edward told me to analyze it.
Apparently Albert has an anecdote.
"Oh, I hear the funeral's been held"
"When it comes to the heart of a dragon, it reminds me of one thing in the kingdom of Toyland... well, I can almost see the story. That's not the end of it."
Reid had an evil grin.
"You didn't even fight that Albert Morrow..."
Hilda was alone, taking heavily the fact that the forest wizard had been defeated.
"Um, what the hell is a brave summons?
It was Sierra who asked that question there.
"What, Sierra, you don't even know that?
"Excuse me......"
"But I can't. It's a story. It's magic used by the outside world."
"Hmm, what? Is it weird if I call someone else on the outside?
"No, that's not..."
"Would you mind not pointing an intimidating attitude at Sierra," Hilda said.
You're not intimidating me.
Reid misled the frustration with his tongue. But soon the laughter returns.
"I'll tell you what to do. A brave summons is a form of summoning magic, so to speak."
Reid then explains to Sierra so that he can cross the valve of reflection.
"I see, is it subpoena magic"
"But it's nothing like subpoena magic as you know it."
"When I say..."
"That's forbidden in the first place. Hey, the ability is simple but powerful magic. Summon a brave man from another realm. You know what brave men are, don't you?
"Are you referring to the brave men who appear in fairy tales?
"You're wrong, but you're not right. That is the generic name of the caller. According to the times, it was also called a hero summons. I mean, you're a hero or a brave man, and you don't know what's coming out. They said some of the things called in the past didn't understand the language. But now we have a target to subpoena. Something sensible and verbal. Most of them are basic, human beings."
"Well, what do you do with the call?
"Well, a man to whom an early story has been summoned has a protection called grace. I don't know the details either, but was the initial value of the status unusually high, low level but advanced magic available, and then excellent occupation and intrinsic skills?
Reid himself, his understanding of the brave summons was vague. But there was no objection to the explanation.
"I understand, but why is that forbidden? Sounds like a very good magic to me..."
"Because it sacrifices people."
It was Reinhardt who answered that.
"This magic requires a tremendous amount of magic at once. I mean, it's a nucleus in humans."
"But if it's the nucleus of magic, doesn't it have to be human?
"Reid spoke, but there were cases in the past where he summoned the beast. It seems there was a beast man in the sacrifice then. They said that there was no reason for the called beast, that the words did not make sense, that they would just be attacked by those around them. Based on what happened, we started using only humans for sacrifice."
Sierra was upset by the matter as she understood.
"But that's not where this magic is scary. No, are you afraid of people?
"Reid, you don't have to talk about it any more. This should have passed on."
"Don't understand exactly what's going on with the White King knight."
Reinhardt looks sharply at Reid as he tries to keep talking.
"Reinhardt, I'm fine. Reid, tell me."
"Oh, I'll talk to you."
Reid gave Reinhardt a smile to show off.
"You can't just offer sacrifices. This is magic, not faith. As I said earlier, what we need is a nucleus of magic, that is, a vast amount of magic. But nuclear is usually a big deal. He's manipulating the magic supply while placing limits on the host's body so it doesn't break. But in a restricted state, you don't get a lot of magic. Then the Brave Summon cannot be exercised."
"I mean, you think we need to remove the restrictions?
"That's right. That's what I'm talking about."
Outside roads.
Sierra was thinking about the meaning of the words Reid had spoken earlier.
"Despair and fear!
At that moment, Sierra opened her eyes to surprise.
"What do you think is the quickest way to inflict despair and fear on humans?
At that time, Sierra understood why Reid said it was an outside road.
"- Torture!
"It terrorizes me with pain and pushes me until I become an abolitionist. I wouldn't kill you by mistake. If you kill him, the nucleus will die. And when the spirit breaks and becomes obsolete, the restrictions fall out of the human nucleus. Then the human body emits light and a huge amount of magic is released. And magic activates - this is the brave summons!
"... how many sacrifices?
"I don't know exactly, either. Hundreds or a thousand... Some talk of people disappearing from the country when a valiant summons has been exercised in the past"
"... is that right?"
Sierra didn't try to ask anything more.
Reinhardt then raised a report that the body of Nutkelane that he had recently recovered had been stolen by someone.
It was a serious problem, and the White King knights were each haunting their heads, but nothing was heard in Sierra's ears.
At the end of the meeting, Hilda spoke to Sierra, but Sierra only replied quietly, "It's okay," leaving the Royal Castle as it was.