A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?
129 - Dr. Romero and the three dwarves.
- Enumasan, a connected country.
This country is called Connected Country, Connected Country.
It stems from the fact that this country is made up of two countries.
One is the Connected Nation Enumasan.
The other is Connected Country Ixos.
These two alliances make them one nation.
On the surface......
- And the political ministry was here visiting Enumasan, Connected Country.
Representation decisive battles are now taking place in Heilkwald.
Probably just when Patrick's playing the game.
So why is the political ministry in this country without even supporting it?
- That's because Patrick said no.
Apparently Patrick, whose spiritual magic is not in good shape, thought it was a disgrace to be seen by Nito.
So, that's what I've been saying, "At least don't look at it during block qualifying.”
Of course the other three will be in the guest seat.
By now, you must be watching the game.
For that reason Nito was visiting this country alone, running errands.
The connected nation, Enumasan, is protected by a barrier that soars 360 degrees around it, and if seen from the sky, it will probably be circular.
And the political ministry was walking in the relatively wealthy city of the country.
The neighborhood is lined with dwellings, all of which are gorgeous.
Glittering glass windows like diamonds and emeralds or lights provided for your home.
But even the streetlights that stood at equal intervals did.
The passing men and beasts, as well as the demons and dwarves, were among the races that the political sect had yet to see.
I mean, this country is a multi-racial country.
And this country has something a little different from the rest.
It's the existence of a poor town, Slam Street.
Slam Street is located in the heart of town.
You won't need to explain the slam.
Because, I mean, like I said, it's a poor town.
And it's the wealthy town that surrounds that slum town.
In other words, Enumasan is a wealthy country in a ratio of 8: 2.
So what's the strict difference? ……
And the political sect went through the clutter of the brilliantly decorated houses and the richly vain and flashy people, and visited a shop.
Along with a light metal noise called Karan Karan, the door opened and the political sect entered the store.
And the first person to speak to the political ministry was a small clerk who was organizing the goods.
And it seems like it would be difficult to pick up the product on the shelf.
Then the political ministry noticed how it was?
"Hmm? Shall I take it?
"Oh, excuse me! That was too expensive for a dwarf. I need to think about placement a little more properly..."
And the clerk who says. He is a dwarf.
To the evidence, his eyes, looking at the political sect, were red as the eyes of a white rabbit.
"Ah! What, Mr. Nito!
Then the dwarf stopped his hand once and leaned against the political sect.
"I'm here to get what I was asking for. Are we done yet?
"Of course! It's perfect!
A dwarf smiling nicely and disappearing into the back of the room.
His name is Tom.
Characteristic is the splendid mustache that grew under his nose. Pin! And it's popping out on the outside.
And this low back length.
The interior of the store is based on a brown shelf.
Nothing else is particularly distinctive.
Extremely simple, not flashy.
But the product is definite.
This is a store that listens to customer requests and makes things from scratch.
All of the prosperity is great and I have a lot of fans outside the country.
Then there was a man who would make a peek at his face from the 'Who' that continued into the back of the room.
"Ah! Isn't that Mr. Nito!
"Oh! Dean... Was it? You got what I asked you for?
"Yes, it's perfect!
Dean has a mustache.
Black and splendid beard. The political sect also makes that a point of discernment.
Then from further afield, another appears.
"Mr. Nito!
"Long time no see!
Boulder's political sect also laughed bitterly.
But I can't help but say hello to the dwarves.
They rejoice in something called reunion to the point of excess.
But I can't help it.
The dwarves are a species that has been abused for a long time.
And most dwarfs perished.
- by human hands.
"How was Sam, too?
"Yes! If it's what you were asking for, I can already do it!
"Oh! Then let me see!
Tom, Dean, Sam. These three brothers are the owners.
Then Tom showed up from behind the store with a big box.
"Mr. Nito! This is the example!
Responding well is one way of communicating with dwarves.
Otherwise, they'll soon, they'll feel bad.
Conversely, it is a truly friendly and peaceful species if only it were protected.
I won't say pussy unless I tell you how I dislike it.
Above all, I don't abuse others.
"And this country isn't going to change, is it?
"... right. It's the same."
That's what Tom answered.
Three people with a sunken look without even sighing.
"This country is like a bunch of scumbags. But the country that's floating on top of it, it's more of a scumbag if you ask me. I feel human ugliness."
The three of them answer nothing to that.
♪ The country floating on top ♪
- That's about Ixos.
This country is one in two.
Another country, Ixos, floats directly above the walled Enumasan.
But Ixos itself is not that big a country.
Located in the centre of Enumasan, it is about the size of the Slam Street site.
That's just floating right above Slam Street.
Rather, the town created in the shadow of Ixos is a slum city.
Thanks to you, Slam Street is covered in darkness all day.
And the rich towns are spreading to places that were never buried in the shadow of Ixos.
"I don't have a choice, because that's the kind of country"
The look on Dean's face seemed to give up.
"But why is this happening? Sometimes I still think so."
Tom expressed his pure doubts with a sunken look.
"Human beings are creatures like that. He's a terrible, selfish creature."
The three of them understood the language of the political sect very well.
Because dwarves are human beings, an abusive species.
Then Tom left each of the contents of the box on the table.
"Ooh! This is amazing!
"Yes, I made it as I was told. It's our three greatest masterpieces! It will definitely help Nito."
"Oh, I think so too..."
The political ministry has visited the country once, the day before the decision-makers began.
So what did you visit for?
It is mainly for the production of masks and clothing.
Until now, the political sect has had money but has not gathered all his clothes.
The mask that prevented her from spreading was also as cheap as I bought it at the stall.
This time, we've renewed it.
It was Francesca who introduced me to this store in this country.
Toa wants a Nito poster, so I went to get it from Francesca. Then, I heard.
The poster is then decorated in the dorm room.
And the political sect tried to wear them all once for now.
"The 'Fool's Face' that we dwarfs can wear in battle. But Mr. Nito's face was based on" The Fool's Face of the dwarf chief ". Of course, as ordered, it's a full face specification that covers the entire head.
Tom explains in a low voice.
"Eh... that's about this piercing, isn't it?
"Yes, it is."
Then the political sect put its golden ring-shaped piercing on his left ear.
"Then try to shed your magic, Mr. Nito. I don't mind a bit."
Then the political sect sheds magic on the piercing of his left ear, as he was told.
At the next moment, a grain of light emerged from the piercing, shaped to cover the head of the political ministry,
- It turned into a deep red full face, reminiscent of 'blood'.
The part situated on the face depicts an ethnic ghostly face in 3D.
"Oh! Fantastic! Wonderful, this is!
I didn't think of the political sect, I was excited.
In fact, the political sect thinks it's 'wonderful'.
But as for him, he said, "Wow! Seriously! 'I wanted to say.
Because dwarves want accuracy for being praised.
So the pronunciation needs to be precise and clear.
Of course he said, 'Wow! Seriously!' But there's nothing wrong with it, but the political sect was a little too attentive and tough.
"I'm more than happy for you. Usually, it can be compressed and stored in piercings."
Having made it full face eliminated the worry of coming off some kind of clap in the future.
And the political sect finishes wearing all things.
Leather jacket from above.
Leather trousers.
Skin boots.
These are all deep red like dos black blood.
And I see a golden bracelet on both arms.
And envelop them all, big, deep red robes.
Down to the base slightly below the ankle.
And an included hood that can cover your face perfectly.
I can see the red jacket from the gap in the cape.
But if you wear it deep, you can cover your entire body without gaps.
Je Oui would also be bright blue.
"Incidentally, this cloak has been endowed with the magic of perception inhibition. And it is optional to switch."
And it's still this deep red full face.
The three-dimensional ghost shapes depicted there would make the presence of nito more attractive.
The political sect muttered so as he checked himself in the mirror.
"All parts are endowed with the magic of restoration. Just pour a small amount of magic into it and it can be repaired even if it breaks in a flash"
Deep red like dos black 'blood' from bottom to top.
There was a new appearance of nito there.
"It also contains the example specifications you asked for, right?
"... of course you are. Everything is exactly as Nito asked."
Three people who say that and bow their heads deeply.
"All right! And... Was that a good price? What do you want me to give you more?
"There is no such thing! We have already charged you. No changes."
"Really? I hope so..."
The dwarves are honest.
As a result, few customers soak in such good intentions.
- Karan, Karan!
With a light tone, the shop door opens.
Then there, another guest showed up.
"Ah! It's Mr. Romero!
What showed up was an old man in a brown suit in a hat.
He has a stick on his right hand and a brown bag on his left.
When I took the hat, there was a gentleman there with gray hair all back and stiffened.
"Have you been well? Tom, Dean, Sam."
A white beard I could see under the gentleman's nose laughed.
Apparently, the three of them know each other.
"Oh? Who's this Mitsuhito?
Then the old man looked to the red man in front of him.
And then Sam...
"I'll introduce you. This is Mr. Nito. And Mr. Nito, this is Mr. Romero. We're D.R. I'm calling you Romero."
Romero and the political ministry bowed their heads to each other.
"Mr. Romero looks like a human being, but the contents are subracial"
- Subracial? The political sect raised a question mark.
But there were other questions.
"Doctor, I mean, are you a doctor?
"Yes, I am ashamed to call you a medical doctor"
Romero more humble than necessary.
But he was a famous doctor.
"D.R. Romero is called The Wandering Medical Doctor."
The political sect asks Sam.
"Yeah, Romero travels all the time, so you rarely see him, do you?
A political sect returning careless replies.
"If it is, may I see it for you, too, Mr. Nito? Sure, if it's okay with me?
"Don't do that! D.R. Romero is amazing! You'll find a disease that you don't normally understand!
- What is a disease that you don't normally understand?
I don't know what that means for a political sect.
"Then please..."
"Happy, but please be gentle. Lord Nito the Adventurer -"
Of course Romero knows about Nito's name.
No, fewer people will no longer know the name of Nito.
Romero then removed the round glasses with the silver abyss from the bag and slowly put them on.
Immediately thereafter, before the two lenses, a magical formation in yellow and green unfolds.
"So, Lord Nito, could you look me in the eye for a while?
"Yes...... ok"
A political sect that obeys what is said, with an expression such as not sure.
"Oh?... hmm... hmm... ah! Yes, yes, I see..."
Romero groans something bumpy and has the look of one person convinced.
Then Romero solved the magic team and removed his glasses.
"Um... are you done yet?
"Yes, I'm done."
"So... how was it? Was there anything wrong?
The political sect itself, is not that interested.
I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with my body, and I wasn't willing to let you see it in the first place.
"I beg your pardon, have you ever been ill before?
"Are you sick? No... nothing like that in particular..."
"I see... is that right..."
To that reaction, the political ministry questioned.
I was wondering if there was anything wrong with it.
Then Romero cuts out like this.
"This is a very rare case, but I have seen it several times in the past. That person was a father with two children. But I had an untrained childhood of my own. Originally, not wanting to grow up, he welcomed his wife and was given a child to fold into his own heart. But here's what he said to me.“ I didn't want to grow up. "
The political sect had only a little knowledge of such a disease.
"Is it a mental illness..."
"That's right. The name is Memory Disease. He admired his past of childhood. And when did that turn into" I don't want to be an adult ”?
As is often the case, that tended to be terrible in the case of the patient.
"Um... what does that have to do with me?
Romero then asked, as if he were worried himself and looking for answers.
"- Do you know the term cross-world syndrome?