A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?
197: I'm Anc Amadeus!
- The blood of the merciful.
In the town of Guru, “Darkness” appeared.
"With that said, I previously saw it published in Satanic Communications. The blood of the philanthropist… Indeed, it was with a charity…"
Then to Sufilia's question, Francesca answers.
"That's right. The blood of the philanthropist...... but I don't know if it's for charity, actually. There are many mysteries in this organization, and again rumors in my ear are only bad stuff. It's got to be so popular, but there's a lot of rumors behind it that people are hunting people and trafficking people."
"I see. Then it's black. They say there's no smoke in the fire."
The political sect answers instantly.
I don't seem interested, but it doesn't look very good to me.
"But I can't find the" fire. "That's why they say it's all demanding."
Francesca's eyes on “Anc Amadeus” were a negative thing full of disgust, unlike those of a reporter who had until then sparkled brilliance and showed an interest in anything.
Then, on the signal of Amadeus' raised right hand, the cheer stopped and Amadeus spoke to the woman who was limping and trembling on the watch stand.
"Are you hesitant?
A voice that emits a genius.
But because of the quality of my voice, I don't think I'm that old.
Of course, in other worlds, voices are not any hint.
Then the woman replied, pushing her fear to death.
"I am!... I don't want to live anymore!
It was a cry of sorrow.
Amadeus then spoke with his hands wide open and his voice discouraged.
"That's good! - Inequality! Injustice! Irrational! Speaking of which, I have no kiri. But these are the reasons of the world! It's not something to defy! In life, the things that come around can only be accepted as their own business. That is! The fact that you have now come to the place… this is something that we have to accept and do again."
To the words of Amadeus, the occasion was quiet and everyone was listening.
What does the white man tell you?
That's what we all want to know.
"You're water! That is, as the waters of the river flow at times serene, and at times curved, and at times fierce, it is all in the logic of nature, and thou hast now gone there, without going against reason. So, what are you afraid of? What are you hesitating about?
Then to the speech, Toa was distorting her expression.
"That guy... what are you talking about?
What's there is enough disgust to induce nausea.
Storytelling is not the problem.
Toa had not kept up with her thoughts in that speech, which seemed to justify suicide.
Then the woman who aspires to commit suicide returns the word.
"I... know it's something I shouldn't do. That life is a noble thing."
"That's right! Surely life is honorable. But life is born and dying. That's life! Then why did you disconnect“ death "now?“ Death ”is as noble as“ life ”. Then there can be no hesitation in your willingness to accept death now, can there? Because it's synonymous with disobeying what you just said about" honorable life ”! Don't accept reason! And disobeying the flow! This is treachery to yourself! And! Blasphemy for death is blasphemy for life! When I even stepped back from that place! You have sworn allegiance to yourself, against that" honorable life ”! And you stink of it! It brings corruption to the surrounding area, causing it to float (just) and become 'Injured'!
The woman is shaking and frightened of her lips, shoulders, and feet.
"Are you going to fool your life!
Amadeus asks to fold.
Interestingly enough, those around you don't deny it, one person at a time.
"I'm kind of scared..."
Then Nem was frightened by the way it looked.
I'm not sure Nem understands.
But there's a perception that it's not a good thing.
"What the... this"
It's too first time, I don't know how to describe it.
But this is why this organization openly proclaims itself to be a charity, while on the other hand it is called a religious organization.
Anc Amadeus preaches and guides others.
"This is the blood of the merciful."
Francesca has the look of a bitter bug chewed up.
The political sect is somewhere cold, like a thrust.
"Come on, embrace death! What lies ahead, namely! That is happiness! Show me your choice!
Amadeus moved his fingers crooked to grab something with his left hand, and hoisted.
What you see at the end of the raised arm is the figure of a woman trembling in fear.
"" "" "'Jump down quickly!
"" "" "'Come on!
The masses make a scene again.
Then the hanging began to sound gradually.
And it gradually turns into a giant thing, as if those gathered there were not just wild horses.
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Accept! Accept! Accept! Accept! Accept! Accept! Accept! Accept! …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Everyone gathered there when they realized they were speaking out as they carved out a certain rhythm, urging women to commit suicide.
That's just stuff that justifies Amadeus' words.
The louder he spoke out, the more excitement some wild horses seemed to be getting.
Those who took the streets further also involved, the words that surround the watchtower square, and the negative power of man.
That felt true.
At that moment, the woman smiled nicely in tears and jumped off the top of the tower.
I don't know if I had any regrets.
What did the woman initially intend to do, climb the watch stand?
Maybe I just climbed up for a try.
But that convenience was easily crushed.
coerced suicide.
Amadeus manipulated the masses and encouraged a woman to take a step.
Then further cheers roll up there.
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
And the woman falls.
Towards the ground, upside down.
There will be no more help.
The audience stirred up and the bystander had a faceless grin at the look.
Victims are women only. But who would have been stopped?
Was there anyone on this occasion who tried to stop it?
But now that a woman has jumped, I don't know that anymore.
"I knew you were human... you shouldn't live"
Unconsciously, such a word is zero political sect.
The words were swallowed by the voices of the crowd and emptied away.
But it was when a woman almost touched the ground.
- The woman's body stopped in the air.
Toa leaked her voice at the look of it.
A woman who stops at the ground rinse.
Amadeus looks at the woman and puts his hands around her.
"Well done! Her life is a respectable thing!
Then the woman's body is slowly drawn to Amadeus.
Apparently, women are losing their minds.
Then they appeared beside Amadeus, wrapped in white robes.
They had white masks like death masks on their faces and hidden their entire bodies with white hoods and robes.
"Dear Amadeus, I'll take care of it"
"I asked. Be polite and do the Reincarnation Ritual."
"Yes, sir."
The fainted woman then disappeared from the spot, along with a multitude of believers.
"People! If you don't want to die, once, - die! If so, or you won't be able to die. You no longer have to fear death. I am Anc Amadeus, God of Life! Ankh (life) in the heart and give way to you desperate people! I'll lead you to what you seek! If you do! Let's save this world too..."
And Amadeus leaves the scene without telling the masses anything more.
"Wow! Didn't you see this one now?
Then Toa was distorting his expression again, and expressing it all over his body.
Apparently Amadeus saw the Toas for a moment.
From that mask, which is like a fusion of a beast and a human skull, there is no gap that confirms the gaze.
Would you see it if we went nearby?
But at least, I can't confirm it from here.
"You saw it, what are you going to do? It's creepy."
Francesca agrees.
That means I guess so.
Dory was pointing a demon prop at the back of 'God of Life' and cutting shutters.
"Oh, don't be an article again?
Exciting Dory.
"I don't want to? You do it."
By contrast, Francesca is negative.
There's no more Francesca as a reporter for Satanic Communications.
"I feel chilly..."
Nem was mocking his body as he let his tail stand.
"Then you're already in the mood, aren't you? Schneizel's waiting, too. Let's go back to the carriage."
That's what the political sect said lightly.
If I don't give any particular thoughts, I don't see Toa agreeing with what they said.
"I've got a tummy, and let's just get back to the carriage and get some rest"
He doesn't look tired, but that's what the political ministry suggested.
"I'm not interested in festivals..."
Then the political ministry turns its back on the watch stand and leaves the spot.
Through a flock of humans, five follow after the political ministry.
Nem lined up next to the political ministry on a small run.
And I'm staring up at the political sect from my feet.
"Hey? Nito says oh, what do you think?
Then Toa showed up next door, and suddenly, he asked.
The political sect is sudden, and I don't know what that means.
"Oh, what do you think?
"What do you think?
What does “oh" mean?
That's what the political sect thought.
"So you don't feel creepy?
"I feel it, though? What's wrong with that?
Just because you feel it, what do you say it is?
The political sect was cold.
"... yes. Nothing, that's not why..."
Then Toa asked no further and seemed reluctant for some reason.
"What are you angry about?
Then following Toa, Nem at his feet asked.
The political sect looks down at Nem wonderfully.
"Are you mad? Me?
On that question, Nem nodded twice.
"I'm not mad, though?
Nem doesn't change his expression to that answer, but he stares at the look on the face of the political sect.
Sufilia doesn't say anything and for some reason she sticks around perfectly behind the political sect.
What would this situation be?
The political sect laughed bitterly as he could not walk, while floating a question mark.
And before I questioned them, that was all that offended the sight earlier, and I worked my way through the three of them.
“It's still more comfortable to wear a mask"... because you don't have to worry about the look on your face, the political sect secretly thought so in his mind.
A mask is a convenient object that can hide its identity and does not make the other person understand the meaning of the expression.
The political sect felt its harm because of the long "masked life”.
"Leave the blood of the merciful alone, and let's just leave this town. It's not a nice town anyway."
The three were staring at their faces, silent for some reason, when the political ministry said so.
The political sect, in fact, does not know the heart of Toa and Nem and Suphilia.
As usual, I'm taking Nem's head again, but I just don't know how to respond.
By doing so, I may be trying to get back to my routine.
Whatever, the sight earlier was too unusual.
"Oh, that stuff, it's wiser not to get involved. Mr. Nito will be right in his judgment. It looks like you'd better get out of here."
Francesca says that in the back.
In the meantime, Dory was also off the shutter and filming what was going on in town.
Will the town's landscape also be included in the article?
But I don't want to get involved. I simply want to get to Darmsaldan soon.
I did my errands at Darmsaldan and I just wanted to go to the Devil's Country for Toa.
"That was fast."
Back in the carriage, there was a look of Schneizel in the living room.
And his first voice is that.
"Is the horse still there?
"No, I'm ready..."
I mean, we could leave now, but as for Schneizel, it seemed like he was planning to be much slower.
Although this town is not a wealthy one, it is quite large.
That's why I thought it was going to be more sightseeing.
"Enough with this town. Let's get out of here."
Political sect sitting on the couch telling him so.
"What, are you tired of this town already?
With a teacup in one hand, ask Schneizel.
"I just didn't have anywhere to visit"
Then Toa and the others get on the couch with a tired look.
Francesca also has a dark expression.
"Hmm? Lord, isn't it a little bit worse than when we arrived?
Turning simultaneously to the word, Schneizel, Toa.
It says "Don't ask" on your face.
Then I had no choice, Francesca replied.
"There was the blood of the merciful."
"... I see"
Schneizel then clears up the unnatural and is immediately convinced.
Apparently, Schneizel also knows about the blood of the merciful.
Not so long ago, The Blood of the Merciful was a well-known organization.
"According to the information, it was a religious group that's been gaining strength here lately, wasn't it?
"That's right. It wasn't the kind of thing where the dead came out... but I saw something a little uncomfortable."
Francesca did not go into detail.
Francesca with a still dark look.
Next to that, Dory organizes the "camera”.
And after a while, the carriage moved out.
"Alcohol and meat were delicious, right?
Toa was remembering "The Rock Cave King's Spring Liquor".
He was satisfied with the meal as well as the horns.
"Right? The booze was great."
"You can come back if you just want to eat."
"... right"
The political sect beat every beat and replied so.
Did Toa like the alcohol?
Or is it meat?
With that in mind, the political sect won't move off the couch for a while.
And the view you see outside the window moves, and the town of Guru moves away.
After a while, Schneizel left the living room and went back to the separate room.
Everything in this living room.
If there's wine, there's whiskey.
Sufilia was drinking wine.
And pinch the meat.
I don't know what meat it is, but it's like dried beef jerky.
Sufilia eats normally and she'll be fine, so I'll try the political ministry.
"Mr. Francesca? Is Pascantine and Utopia a long way from here?
Somehow, a political sect that asks that.
"No, you're not so far away, are you? How so?
"No, there's no particular reason. Somehow. Forget it."
The political ministry then removed the earlier whiskey and "Old Gert" from the different space storage.
I would be willing to make it a pinch of booze.
I found this wine in the first dungeon, but it hardly seems to have gotten my hands on it since I found out it was expensive.
Even so, I think I occasionally drink it.
He thinks alcohol is the only thing he can drink.
But if it was going to be gold, I couldn't really get my hands on it, only to leave it there.
"Sufilia, can we have a drink over here? You like it, right?"
Then Sufilia was shining her eyes on the political papal servant 'Old Gert'.
More importantly, if this is all you have to eat, wouldn't it have been necessary to go to that town?
The political sect thought so.
"Mr. Francesca? How long does it take to get to Derms Aldan from here?
"Right...... you'll be there in 3 days"
3 days...... then let's have a drink too.
And you want to see how the dungeon looks?
It was appropriate in the head of the political sect.
"... that's booze for now"
When the political ministry poured whiskey into the glass, it included a bite and thought of that.
"Phew... the Great Mage..."
Words that zero in the lid.
"Did I say something?
That's what Toa asked with the beer in one hand.
A political sect stares out the window with a tired look.
But all I see there is wilderness.
This could be a good opportunity for a political sect to become a "country” in the near future.
You have to go to the beast country eventually, and I don't know what kind of country it is, but you also need to go to the underworld.
In doing so, the title of country would be useful in a variety of ways.
If the Great Demon Master says he is offering to see, the Beast Nation, which does not let people through, is likely to establish itself to take on.
It's going to be tied to the concept of a country, but it's not all bad.
You just have to use it where it's available.
- Worst case scenario, you just have to be a force mover.
Zheng Zheng was drunk with alcohol, rounding his mind.
This is the Land of Wealth, Cattleya.
It is a country that openly allows the slave trade to take place in a human country.
The king's hobby is to gather and collect beastly women, and is painted with personal lust.
There is no alliance with other countries, and there is no association with Pascantine, a similar country.
Unless it's so ignorant or unusual, the Beast Man is a country that stays away.
With no Adventurer Guild, I don't think adventurers get close, either, which is actually not the case.
There are so many people in and out of this country.
Mostly it is merchants, nobles, and adventurers.
But no one is healthy, no matter what.
- All of them, who have passed into the darkness.
When a merchant buys a slave, he sells it at a high price to a nobleman or something.
When an adventurer buys a slave, in addition to a party, he can do whatever he wants.
Slaves were overwhelmed by those who had been forced to grab them, some of whom were raided villages and brought to the sidelines of their fire-handed homeland.
The circumstances vary, but there is no such thing as a happy person for those with such a history.
- That's the kind of country Cattleya is.
Cattleya like that, but there are no more people in this country.
On the contrary, the country is gone.
The place where the country should have been turned into a further land, and there is nothing there anymore.
As someone somewhere said, it is no longer as if there was no country here from the beginning.
- But there are traces.
Katrea was in the wilderness.
Grass trees and strange plants are randomly native, and they are not the kind of places where a country stands.
At present, that place, where there should have been a country, is as flat as it has been tidied, and has not grown a single grass.
There are still unidentified weeds and plants spreading on one side of the perimeter, but extensively, there's nothing but there.
It means that something existed here, proof that something happened here.
But who knows about a country that disappeared overnight?
No longer does anyone know what has happened to this country.
Katrea disappeared.
There's no more evidence there.
Everything just disappeared.