A Noble Marriage

Chapter 3 chapter3

The Penchant www.xbiquge.cc, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Noble Marriage [Anna]!    Karenin's visit letter said above that it was 10:00 am, and Anna got up earlier than usual.

She had been doing her morning exercises in her room for some time, and although the effect was not very obvious yet, she felt that this body was much better.

During breakfast, Anna's aunt, Madame Thérière, finally broached the subject of Karenin's coming visit, but she did not say so explicitly, only told Anna to do as she had been told and to dress up in a proper and beautiful manner.

"Yes, aunt."

Anna answered in a warm voice, and the bear twins squeezed their eyes, and their mother, Anna's cousin-in-law, looked at her with a pitying look.

But in reality, Anna was grateful for Aunt Terriere's indifference, God knows how much she wanted to marry the now less popular gentleman, and, to be honest, those who had spent time in that circle were not born to say no to ways that made them beautiful.

Although it was still cold, Anna returned to her room and changed into a light blue dress that was slightly thin, so she added a white shawl with gold embroidery. She thought about it and used a silk handkerchief made to look like a camellia and pinned it in the curly auburn hair.

She deliberately left a strand in, using a simple curling iron she had made to make it curlier and curlier.

Fortunately, she didn't need to perm her eyelashes, they were already thick and curly, and all she had to do later was make herself look beautiful enough to charm the gentleman. With that in mind, Anna smiled at herself in the mirror with a you-have-to-go smile.

Ten o'clock, exactly on time.

The housekeeper informed Mr. Karenin that he was already here.

Anna was not allowed to go out yet, after all she was an unmarried woman, but that did not mean she would not hide behind the curtains of the balcony and be the first one to see her fiancé-to-be.

Even if everyone thought that this matter was enough for her to listen to the words of the elders, in Anna's mind, it was just her own business.

So, when the man entered the residence and walked on his long legs on the road, Anna's heart already started to cheer.

She stood on the window sill and could not resist lifting the curtains. Now she didn't care if she would be seen, she just had to look at her to make sure it wasn't a dream.

"I'm just looking at him."

"Will he see me too?"

The romance didn't happen, and Karenin didn't know that his bold fiancée was looking at him; after all, even if he was used to seeing things in politics, this was a bad day to propose.

Anna waited in the room for twenty minutes, then the maid came and told her that her aunt had asked her to go to the waiting room.

She took a deep breath and went there with a smooth and graceful step.

The servant opened the door and Anna walked in.

The eyes of the people fell on her, and she was reassured by such a look, after all, in her previous life she had lived in the sight of the people. As her favorite manager told her, the stage belonged to her, and her eyes only had to look at the people she wanted to look at.

So she raised her eyes, her eyes met that gentleman in mid-air, then smiled, gently moved away, and settled perfectly at Aunt Thérière's place, with all the grace and poise expected of a noble lady.

Madame Terrier was obviously pleased with her niece's behavior. Even if she thought this Mr. Karenin was good enough, he was obviously not as good as the Oblonsky family in terms of pedigree and gentry, and what she could not tolerate was that someone from the Oblonsky family had brought shame to her own family, and she would rather die if such a thing happened.

"This is my niece, the eldest daughter of the Oblonsky family."

Madame Tellier introduced Anna to Karenin, and although they knew each other that the two probably knew each other already, the reserve and pride belonging to the nobility could not allow this kind of illicit sex. It was not decent for two unmarried men and women to meet each other without the introduction of their parents.

Karenin knew this rule and etiquette better than anyone else, so he did exactly what Thériault asked him to do. After he expressed his intention to marry Miss Oblonsky, Mrs. Terrier let him meet her.

His little fiancée was indeed very beautiful, both in her curly black hair and in her big, gray, soulful eyes. If two days before she had acted like an unrestrained and daring girl, today she was behaving with all the grace that a lady of honor should have.

"My dear, Monsieur Karenin considers you a noble woman, and he earnestly hopes to be able to ask you to become his wife."

Madame Thérières looked at Anna, and her thin lips did not look at all amiable even when she said the word "dear".

Everyone knew that this was not a request for advice and that Madame Terrier would only accept consent and not rejection.

"You have brought me up like a mother, my dear aunt, and you are in charge of everything." Anna said with the shyness of a young daughter, without forgetting to flatter Madame Thériault.

Mrs. Terrier was very pleased with this, and her gray eyes, inherited from the Oblonsky family, looked at Karenin again, and then said she thought it was a good match.

Then they began to discuss the wedding date.

"In two weeks?" Madame Terrière frowned, this was too hasty.

Kalenin was not slow, he had already thought of a way to say this.

Before he began to speak, he habitually looked at everyone, taking note of their expressions and analyzing them, and finally he gave his fiancée a reassuring look.

Karenin's blue eyes looked at his aunt-to-be, his eyes were cool and calm, not with the usual ingratiating meaning of a prospective niece-in-law nor did they seem detached, but just right.

"As you may have heard, I came to Moscow on this occasion by order of His Majesty the Emperor, in preparation for a month's travel to France, which I shall undertake in two weeks' time."

The man's voice was unhurried, and Anna almost looked at Karenin again with bright eyes to suggest to her aunt the importance of this matter of his going to France, and even the possibility of another promotion, when the emperor's third sister was coming of age.

Anna saw her aunt frown slightly at hearing this, and she knew that what Karenin had said had worked, but the emperor's third sister?

She glanced over to Karenin, the young gentleman who, in keeping with his etiquette, did not make eye contact with her.

He was sitting there, a pair of long legs included by straight pants, those slender fingers without the rings she had seen in her previous life, clean and dry, his thumbs were slowly rubbing the armrests. His eyebrows were stretched out, confident and calm.

Anna could have sworn that the aloof gentleman was unaware that he was surrounded by pheromones at the moment, proclaiming the words "look at me" in a powerful way.

Anna lowered her eyes for a moment to soften her emotions, and the moment she did, she was unaware that the walking Mr. Pheromone looked at him for two or three seconds in a way that would not be noticed.

His pale blue eyes beneath the long, slender eyelashes that hang low only the girl's light and gentle silhouette, from the other's thick eyelashes to the plump lips, astonishingly beautiful, like a painting sketched with tenderness.

No one knows what happened in these one or two seconds, only the person concerned is clear, in this moment, the other party left what deep traces in his heart.