A Noble Marriage

第57章 cgapter57

Penchant www.xbiquge.cc, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Noble Marriage [Anna]!    This news made Anna a little surprised, while her husband just took her hand and walked towards the second floor.

Anna couldn't help but ask the other woman, "What's wrong?"

Karenin paused in his steps for a moment, then continued walking.

He inclined his head to look at his wife and said, "Does it surprise you so much that I took three days off to accompany you?"

Anna blinked for a moment, then laughed.

"I never thought I could compete to win your job."

Karenin withdrew her eyes and said, "You didn't even try to compete for it, Anna."

Anna froze a little, unsure of what Karenin meant by that statement. If Karenin had been an ordinary man, it would probably have had some kind of grumbling in it, but this was Karenin, her husband of extraordinary sanity.

"Thank you."

Karenin said, almost with a sigh, and Anna felt her hand tighten.

Anna returned the other's grip and said gently.

"We are both dear to you aren't we?"

She took the other woman's hand and said as she walked, "Naturally I wish you spent more time with me, but I also love watching you work, or sharing your joy. It's all part of life, and I myself, I have things I like to do. So you don't need to feel indebted to me at all, we're fine the way we are."

"I don't want you to give up anything to accommodate me."

"If we get married, but you need to go and give up your old life, your old preferences, or, for that matter, cut off your ego in order to satisfy me, then I always don't want things to turn out that way."

This time it was Anna's turn to stop, they were now in the doorway of the study.

Her gray eyes were like gems; in fact, in Karenin's heart they shone more movingly than gems.

"For, when I married you, you were such, and I was ready to marry you, and did not think of making you another perfection after marriage."

She lifted her hand to touch the other woman's cheek, and Karenin gently took her hand in his.

Anna smiled a little.

"So ah, my dear Alexei, you just have to keep to yourself. After all, what I like originally is what you were originally, and of course, occasionally you think of me more than work, as you did today, and I am indeed just as happy as a thousand wives. They're like unceremonious gifts, and I don't even think I'll be able to give such a nice gift when your birthday comes around."

She concluded with a joke.

She hadn't expected to get any reaction from Karenin for this not-so-funny joke, but in fact, she not only got it, but an unmistakably soft smile.

The look in those blue eyes was as if she was some kind of furry little thing that had just come out of its shell.

And from Karenin's point of view, his wife said this as if she were indeed one of those furry, not-so-strong little things, surveying with her soft beak and innocent eyes the creature in front of her, a hundred times stronger than she was.

She seemed completely unaware of the difference between the two, and intimated the latter with abandon.

He used to think that it was because she was indeed naive and unworldly, but now the Russian high official had come to understand.

It was not a problem at all.

His wife also fully understood that he was not a weak creature, but to her. Whether he was a high-powered official or an ordinary man, it seemed no different.

The dragon is frightening, but there is also a time to sniff the flowers, because they are soft, but also for him to shade a ray of hot sun.

Karenin figured it all out, and then he kissed the inside of his wife's palm, where the skin was white and soft, like a □ □ outside the heart.

"You're more important than work, Anna."

The afternoon sun did not manage to shine into the center of this long corridor, but the dusty factor of the air tainted with sunlight was always close to them.

Anna couldn't help but let herself smile as she watched her husband kiss the inside of her palm, feeling as honored as if she were receiving the crowning of a king.

That night, Anna had a great idea.

She wrote this in her diary.

"When your eyes were gazing at me, I was thinking that if God gave me another chance to choose, I would just want to say the words out much earlier. There are millions of people in the world, and you are the only one who has come into my heart, so let's get married. Dear Alexei, marrying you is the best decision I've ever made in my life and the best luck I've ever gotten. Love, Anna, your wife."

Starting today, she will record the details of her married life with Karenin that moved her, and when the right time comes, it will be given out as a gift. After all, life always comes down to the ordinary, so it takes some surprises and touches to keep them at a comfortable temperature.

The next morning, Anna took Alexei to the train station to pick up Andrey.

They arrived not too early, not too late, and the train stopped just in time.

Anna was still looking around to see where Andrei was when the boy himself magically appeared in front of Anna.

Not much has changed from the meeting a few months ago, Andrei thought.

Still dark hair and light blue eyes, fair skin and an arrogant and cold look. But when Anna hugged and kissed him, the boy showed another kind of cute look.

"Are you Alexei, nephew of Anna's aunt and uncle?" Andrei was the first to ask without waiting for Anna's introduction.

"Yes, hello, Andrei."

Aleksey said courteously and extended his hand more formally.

Andrei looked at Anna, then sized up Alexei, and finally shook the pale, slender hand.

When Anna greeted the servants to carry Andrei's luggage to the carriage, the ten-year-old boy himself began to climb up with the blond boy.

"I heard about that, and I'd say that was pretty funny." Andre commented, adding after a moment's thought, "They didn't make a big deal about it, I just overheard it by accident, I hope you don't mind."

Alexei did not answer, but just smiled gently.

Andrei gave the other man a look and said, "It seems you mind."

Alexei was a little surprised.

"You don't think that's funny." Andre shrugged his shoulders.

"That really wasn't funny." Alexei said, that gentle smile of his tightening up, but not revealing any stronger emotions either.

"My mother asked me to be good friends with you, but it doesn't seem like you're interested in me, and the same goes for me with you. To you, I'm just a ten-year-old kid with two parents and a good family, and to me, you're not interesting. So, if they ask, you know what to say, right?"

"Of course," Andre added, "you know I'm not one of those well-fed assholes who likes to cover up their weakness by putting others down, right?"

"We can get along, Andrey, I don't see you that way." Alexei laughed softly.

"After all, some people can't know more than that by the age of fourteen, can they?"

Andrei lifted his chin to look at Alexei and finally nodded haughtily.

"You'll get to know another guy in the afternoon, he's pretty goofy sometimes, but he's a nice guy."

"I'm sure he will be." Alexei said.

So, just a short while later, once Anna had arranged for the two children to sit in the carriage, she noticed that the little repulsion she had felt from Andrei before had disappeared.

"So you know each other, right?" She asked.

"Yes, we will get along well, Aunt Anna." Alexei replied.

Reassured, Anna asked some questions about Andrei's parents and was relieved to get the answer that everything was okay with them.

At noon, Anna greeted the two children for lunch.

She had thought it would not be easy, after all, boys of this age can not be very quiet, but in fact, both Andrei and Alexei are quite well behaved.

Their table manners were not a concern, and the boys had a short conversation afterwards before going to their bedrooms for a short lunch break.

At a quarter to two in the afternoon, Kearney told Anna that Charlie and the others had arrived.

Anna received Charlie's mother and then left the little boy to find Andre on his own.

"He's probably still sleeping, though." Anna said.

"If he's sleeping, don't bother him, Charlie." Charlie's mother said.

"Got it." Charlie answered, then headed upstairs.

When no one was in sight, the little gentleman with the bow tie began to scatter wildly.

He found Andre's bedroom, pushed the door open and entered, then saw a bulging quilt bag.

The boy tiptoed over to it, trying to be mischievous, and just as he was about to shake it, a huge shadow from behind him enveloped him.

"Good afternoon, Count Charlie!"

Andre laughed, as he watched his best friend struggle in the quilt with his arms clasped around him.

"This is not like the reunions of other families." Charlie simply lay down on the bed, "Even without flowers the least you could do is give me a hug, right? Brother."

Andre gave a disgusted expression.

Charlie climbed up and without a word let the two men finish the sticky hug.

"It's good to see you, Andre!" He said pleasantly, "I couldn't have found a better friend in Petersburg than you."

These latter words soothed Andrei.

"I thought you already knew that fact." Then he unceremoniously shooed Charlie out of the bed and made up the messy bedding himself.

"Well, that's more like you." Charlie shrugged his shoulders and pulled up a chair for himself and sat down. He began to prattle on about his time in Petersburg, mostly spouting bitterness, but in reality, a lively young boy like Charlie would never lack friends wherever he went.

However, he knew Andrei too well, so he could not tell the other party that he was having too good a time in Petersburg.

They talked for a long time until Charlie's mother had to leave.

"You can't give them any trouble, you know?" Charlie's mother warned her son.

"I won't, I'll be good, just like a newborn lamb." Charlie assured with a grin.

"Remember what you said."

Although not very convinced by her son's assurances, Charlie's mother had no choice but to say so. After all, she also knew that their decision to have to move did hurt both children, and although her son seemed heartless and very spontaneous, she understood that Andre was also his best friend, close as a brother kind.

So now, with this opportunity and Mrs. Karenin looking out for her, she just felt a lot less sorry for herself.

After accepting his mother's kiss, Charlie happily said goodbye to her and then ran in a flash to Andrei again, sizing up Alexei in the process.

"We're both blonde eh, we seem to hit it off." Charlie says he comes with a natural aura of self-acquaintance.

"You're completely lacking logic in that statement." Andre commented.

"You're just jealous, girls love blondes." Charlie said unconcernedly, stroking his hair and then trying to tap his newly established "blonde ally" on the shoulder, only to find he couldn't reach it yet.

Then he realized the fact that: er, he seems to be the shortest one of the three ......

But it's okay, he's the youngest one too! The boy reassured himself, then patted Alexei's thigh.

"Right, Alexei."

"I don't really know, maybe." Alexei said, not disliking the blond boy's self-effacing look, it was just that he would seem a bit formal at first. After all, being at boarding school all year long, he didn't get many friendly touches.

Charlie was not satisfied with this answer.

"Hey Alexei, if you have a good looking girl don't hide it, good brothers always share everything."

"Or, a petite one? Maybe she won't mind the age difference of a few years."

Alexei shook his head, "The girls don't really like my kind."

Charlie's eyes widened: "Are you kidding me? If girls don't like your kind, would they like a compulsive guy like Andre?"

"Hey, I'm not OCD!" Andre shouted, emphasizing, "I just like to keep things organized and in order, okay?"

Charlie nodded perfunctorily as he continued to look at the blonde teenager, smacking his lips somewhat incredulously: "Something must have gone wrong, blonde hair is the best, we're handsome!"

Anna originally did not want to interrupt the conversation of the three boys, but until Charlie's questions made Alexei a bit at a loss, she began to worry a little, afraid that this straightforward boy would accidentally hurt Alexei, but the latter's last words made her understand that she did not need to worry at all.

"As the closest, the only female around you right now, I would say that Charlie is right, Alexei, you look very good."

A blush appeared on Alexei's slightly pale cheeks.

"You don't have to comfort me, Aunt Anna."

"That's no consolation, you'll have to trust my eye, you just need to dress better." Anna said, then her eyes grew shiny.

"Yes, you need to be better dressed."