A Noble Marriage

第81章 hapter81

Penchant www.xbiquge.cc, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Noble Marriage [Anna]!    At breakfast Anna told Karenin about that Tom Schilling.

"I let him do odd jobs at the stables for the time being." Anna said as she poked at the eggs on her plate. After looking up to see Karenin's eyes, she blinked and ate the egg.

"Does it bother you?" She added after a moment's thought, "I think you'd better check, he's a German ex-soldier."

"I'll do that." Karenin said after a moment's silence, "It shouldn't matter."

"That's good." Anna smiled happily, "Although I don't want to see death, I don't want my good intentions sometimes to get you into trouble."

Karenin's voice became a bit gentler: "You don't need to worry about that. This is enough for now."

"Are you indirectly saying that you are capable?" Anna looked up jokingly.

"I didn't mean it that way." Karenin did not go along with her joke, he glanced at the time on his pocket watch, he had to go to work.

Anna said before the other woman could speak, "Come on, I'll finish them."

Karenin nodded: "Don't always diet."

"Proper dieting is good for my health." Anna said, then complained, "It's a good thing I'm thin enough, you know I can't be too out of place when I go to Countess Lydia's or Patsy's. Those dresses take my breath away."

"It will get better in time." Karenin said, and Anna didn't take it to heart, for all her attention had been taken away by her husband's kiss.

After Karenin left, Anna went on to finish her breakfast.

She had thought Karenin hadn't noticed this, so she had always made a conscious effort not to eat too much in order not to be strangled by the skirts of this era.

"More milk? Madam." Annuschka asked.

Anna shook her head.

She finished her breakfast and rested for a while, then went to the stables to look for Mr. Tom Schilling, who had been there yesterday.

When she went there, the gentleman was bathing a date red colt.

Because it was summer, the German had relaxed his collar for the first time, wearing a white shirt and suspenders, and hard boots.

The Kalenin family's horses were not exactly mild-tempered, and although they were quite obedient, the whole process left the gentleman's shirt a little wet.

Annuschka turned her head slightly, blushing a little.

"Do you think it's all right, Mr. Syring." Anna asked, raising her voice.

The blond man stopped brushing his horse's back, turned his head, his hair still dripping, and smiled to reveal a mouthful of white teeth when he saw Anna.

"Not bad, ma'am."

Anna took a few steps forward then stopped, and when she saw Peter approaching with a thatch in his mouth, she gave the other man a deliberately oblique look: "You're happy to take it easy now, aren't you?"

Peter came over, not afraid: "You have to let my old bones also relax, ah, young people, have plenty of strength, more can not be harmed."

Mr. Westwood shrugged his shoulders: "I'm strong, I can do it."

"Can talk, boy." Peter patted the other man's shoulder, then took the brush and said, "Go to the lady first, she has something to say to you."

The blond man was not insistent, and obediently gave Peter his things and went to the water to wash his hands himself, and Anna observed that the other man also rubbed the palms of his hands with a simple soap.

"What did you want to ask me? Madam." Mr. Seeling walked up to Anna, his smile gentle and harmless.

Although the man was taller and more robust than Karenin, Anna did not feel any oppressive aura from the other man. If it weren't for some of his mannerisms as he walked, Anna would hardly have thought the other man was a veteran.

"I think Peter spoke to you about my husband's identity, Mr. Syring."

"Yes." The man nodded his head.

Anna looked to the other man, "I heard you say that you were traveling around the world in search of your fiancée." She continued after a pause, "I hope you don't mind, but obviously because of my husband's status, and your status as a veteran, there will always be some sensitivity involved."

"I understand, ma'am, you can ask, I don't mind." Mr. Schilling smiled again.

"All right. Maybe you wouldn't mind telling the story a little more clearly, and if you really don't have any questions, maybe we can help you look for it."

"I would be grateful if you would really like to help me." Mr. Sirin said.

He began to tell that story, in fact, there is not much twist, just some regret. A childhood friend, who was all set to get married, but Mr. Westwood had to go into service.

"I came back from visiting my family when her mother said she was missing,, so I called the discharge report, used some connections, I later found out that she was abducted by a group of people."

"How long have you been looking for her?"

"Almost five years." The man spoke quietly.

Anna looked at the other side, a little surprised. If the girl was almost sixteen years old that year, five years, she would be twenty-one years old now. For a girl, those five years could be particularly eventful.

Mr. Sirin smiled a little: "Five years is a bit long, but I think as long as we haven't heard any bad news yet, it's still good news, there's always a little hope, isn't there?"

Since this conversation, Anna had a little respect for Mr. Syring in her heart.

In the afternoon Karenin returned from the Ministry, Anna made a pot of black tea for the other side, and then slowly talked about what went up.

"No news for five years, and the results may not even be very good." Karenin said after taking a sip of tea, and he put down his teacup.

"Either she's passed away or she's started a new life."

"I know that too, it's just that, if we can, maybe we can help him." Anna said, "Would that be difficult for you?"

"You can't make too much noise, you might get a bit of news. Did you promise the gentleman?"

Anna shook her head and laughed, "While it's true that I'm a bit indiscriminate in my good intentions, I'm not stupid. I just wanted to ask you first." She winked, "And, if it's not a problem, it would be good to have him watch the store for me for a while, a guy that size shouldn't have a problem fighting off a few bad guys."

"A very wise move." Karenin gave a rare compliment.

After a while, Karenin added: "Some time later, Mr. Duke Yuspov's banquet, Anna, Duchess Yuspov prefers to dress up and is keen to accept new things. Most importantly, her words are quite influential to the Duke. And one thing I know is that her family doctor has advised her that she must shed the corsets for the time being."

"You are thinking of ......"

"Yes." Karenin nodded, "It is not uncommon, many aristocratic ladies chase after indicators with a face as red as a peach when they have tuberculosis, which I have always thought was extremely crazy. But I originally had no intention of interfering with them."

"Everything has its period of rise and fall. It's not easy to change the aesthetic indicators of an era, and their decline is not because the concept of "beauty" has been changed, it's just a backlash to the extreme of human intervention. When the practice of dressing in such a way that too many people's lives are not safe, it is much easier to be abandoned."

"So, I'm the reason you want to intervene, right?" Anna asked with a smile as she plucked what she felt was the important point from the pile of rational discourse.

Karenin was dumbfounded for a moment, then coughed softly, then said quickly, "Anna, you should know that all I've been stressing is that health is very important. Clothing, no matter how flashy it is, should not override human life. That is an extremely unethical code."

"Ah, yes." Anna nodded, not being carried away, but sticking firmly to her point and saying sweetly, "So, yeah, you just can't let me be sad, can you?"

Karenin was silent for a moment, then got up and said, "It's very bad behavior to waste food, Anna." Then as if running away, the man walked away quickly, leaving only Anna who was laughing and falling down.

When Annuschka came in, she only saw her own wife laughing her head off.

"Did something happen? Ma'am." Annuschka asked.

"Something did happen." Anna wiped the tears from her eyes.

Annuschka waited for a while, and after seeing that Anna did not continue, she stopped asking. She had always been such a stable and quiet person.

Anna looked at Annushka for a moment, then inclined her head to indicate the latter to come over, and asked in a small voice by the other side of the ear.

"You ......" Annushka looked at his wife with some shyness, and after the affirmative look from the other side, he could only give up squirming and answer the other side also in a whisper.

In the evening, Karenin looked up from in front of the official document, he first pressed a little sore shoulders, and then realized something.

The study was quiet, his wife was not across the room.

Karenin cleared his desk, and he was just about to open the bedroom door when he noticed it had opened before him.

Karenin looked slightly down at his wife: "What are you doing?" The latter almost jumped up as if she was startled, until she confirmed it was him and then blushed a little.

"I, I was planning to look for you." Anna cleared her throat and said.

"What's wrong?" Karenin had just finished speaking when he found himself pulled inside the bedroom.

Now it was his wife who was close to the door, while he stood to one side. He saw that his wife had carefully closed the door; she was not usually so meticulous. This meant that she didn't want anyone to see what happened next.

Because it was a summer night, the moonlight always seemed extra bright. Although the outline and side view of people can be seen without lighting candles, it will still be a little strange without candle lighting.

"Why not light a candle." Karenin asked.

After he finished, he intended to go to the candlestick and light it, but Anna stopped him.

"Don't light it."

Karenin heard a little tremor in his wife's voice.

He hesitated, took the other woman's hand and said with concern, "Are you sick?"

"No, just wanted to show you something." The wife whispered.

"Then all the more reason to light the candle, Anna, or I will not be able to see clearly." Once again relieved to hear that his wife was not ill, Karenin intended to go and light the candle again, because frankly, although his wife said she was fine, he still had to look to be sure.

"Don't light it."

He was pulled back again.

"I said to show you something, Alexei. You, you let me do something to prepare." That last word came almost out of his throat, with a little trill again.

Karenin turned, lifted his hand by the moonlight, and placed it on Anna's forehead.

"I'm really not sick." Some crying and laughing voice.

As Karenin wrinkled his eyebrows, ready to ask again, he was gently pushed to sit on the end of the bed.

The transparent gauze curtain was gently lifted by the night breeze, and stepping from the shadows into the moonlight, Karenin could finally get a full view of his wife's appearance.

For some reason, Anna's face had an unconcealed flush.

She wore a white nightgown, trimmed with moon white satin and embroidered with silver silk thread in a pattern of marigold flowers.

Karenin had not seen his wife wearing such a robe, which seemed lighter than the warmth of a robe, and hung lazily on one's shoulders as if it weighed nothing.

The neckline is obviously not open too much, even less than the flashy dress of some dinner party noblewomen, at the moment, but it seems to have some kind of magic power.

"What are you going to tell me?" He asked in a low voice.

The wife did not answer immediately, just raised her right hand, a little trembling to spread the hair. Then she approached the other, bent over, and caught Karenin's hand, which was originally on her knee, with her right hand.

"You can see for yourself." She said, almost in a somewhat encouraging tone, and then unconsciously licked her lips to hide her shyness.

The hand was warm, and it seemed much more subdued than Anna's own trembling. Just as she was unsure, the man's fingers moved to undo the live knot on her dress.

Anna gave a small shiver as the sash was untied and too much skin was exposed to the air.

It wasn't fear or cold; after all, it was summer and, sitting in front of her, it was her lover who was touching her.

The hand paused for a moment, then lifted firmly, the right hand gently pulling the collar down and crossing the shoulder, the left hand taking Anna's right hand and pulling her into her arms, then, slowly touching upwards, reaching the waist and stopping.

Anna knew what she looked like now.

Her too-white skin was flushed pink from too much shyness, and her dress was brought down and slid down to her elbows.

Her whole body felt like it was being opened and her heart beat like it was about to burst out of her chest.

"I think this should save most women." She whispered, suddenly wanting to put her robe back on.

In fact, the corset was nothing at all; it was very plain, didn't squeeze the chest high, and didn't expose anything more. It was just more comfortable, there was no longer fabric around the lower circumference, and if this was before, it could even be described as a very plain undergarment.

"That's okay right?" She said quickly, her right hand trying to pull it out but being held down.

"If you're asking me for advice," the man whispered, then paused, his blue eyes lifting slightly to look at her, "I think it's best to wait a little longer."

"I ......," Anna breathed.

Karenin pulled her a little closer again, his thigh, still in pants, pressed against the crook of her knee, and Anna could feel how the muscles there were taut.

The hand, a large one with a little callus, swam a little, coming in a somewhat tingling way to where her spine was, to the center of her scapulae, lingering in the indentation.

Anna was startled for a moment, her gray eyes widened, and she clearly ...... said nothing ......

Perhaps some things were meant to be unlearned, and after fumbling with the tiny buckle, Anna felt her husband try to undo it, though without success.

A troubled look appeared on Karenin's face, and the expression that had been so intently focused now wrinkled his brow.

Anna was a little uncomfortable, and she almost wanted to tell the other woman, but apparently it was still the same, certain things that had nothing to do with the times.

As an instinct, Karenin decided to lift his other hand, which brought him even closer to his wife.

Anna's own hand had long been loosened, but she didn't know what to do, she just stood, and after feeling the clasp being loosened, suddenly closed her eyes in shyness.

She had expected Kalenin to do something, but he didn't.

As if time had stopped, she heard the man's low voice.

"May I?"

"Of course." She answered in a whisper, then took a deep breath and said, "I'm your wife and you're my husband."

"Of course you can, Alexei." Anna said softly, as gentle as water. She overcame her shyness and looked at her husband with both eyes.

Her gray eyes met Karenin's blue ones in mid-air, and she saw something else, but there was something more that had not changed in the slightest.

Karenin will never be the kind of person who can show a bright, warm smile, his blue eyes can no longer be clear into the teenager, with the ignorance of the world. He was a man, and at the moment, Anna could clearly see that the other man's eyes still showed a certain hidden depth.

The brow would be slightly furrowed, indicating that he was thinking. In fact, it also shows that reason has not yet completely dissipated, making him delayed.

But that was exactly what made him who he was.

Anna smiled a little and released her arms from their restraints.

As she did so, her long curls fell, covering some of the scenery on her chest. She was no longer bent over as a result, shyly hiding something, but instead gently lifted her ebony hair, her left arm resting on the inside of her right elbow, her smooth skin in the moonlight, like sheep's fat, with a smooth, seductive fragrance.

Anna's cheeks were scarlet, like a rose, and she stood up straight, yet not rigidly. Her thick eyelashes blinked as she waited for the touch that would fall on her.

A little, a soft touch between her fingers, then the fingers of her middle and ring fingers, against her flat stomach. It was soft and tingled a little when it was touched, almost making her want to laugh a little.

She did almost laugh, but Karenin's left hand went back to the sensitive back of her waist, and before she could do anything, she was held in place.

Suddenly spinning, the back of her head pressed close to the bed and her whole body sank into it.

Anna gulped, her gray pupils widening slightly as her eyes moved over the man's face before focusing on the other woman's eyes.

"I ......" she tried to say something, but her lips were gently pressed by the fingers of Karenin's thumb.

The finger moved slowly, moving from the tiny notch in the middle of the person to where the corners of the mouth were, rubbing gently, then following the grain there and tracing it back to the jaw.

"What am I, Anna?" Kalenin's low voice came.

"A husband."


"The man I love." Anna answered.

Her answer seemed to please the other woman, or something else; in any case, after her words had fallen, the man's fingers opened gently, caressing her at the jaw, and then a kiss, which fell on her lips.

The kiss was so different, at times gentle, at times strong.

She had never bared so much in front of Karenin either, and as the fabric rubbed against her sensitive skin, some uncontrollable stream of □ came gently out of her lips.

When Anna herself realized it, she closed her eyes somewhat helplessly, and then a kiss fell on the end of her eyes, and with a little coaxing low voice murmured, "I want to look at you."

The words were so seductive that before Anna's senses could realize it, she had opened her eyes.

The cold moonlight spilled in, the stars illuminating a small part of the bed, just enough to make the figure a little hazy.

Anna could see her husband above her, half of his figure in the moonlight, the other half hidden in the gray shadows.

People are always a little afraid of the unknown, and so was she. However, after being afraid, when the other person's temperature was close to her, when those eyes were watching her earnestly since the beginning, she was not afraid of anything.

"I know you like rules, you like rationality, you like mere organization, but right now, I want you to hold me, Alexei." She said softly, her voice trembling thinly, but expressing her feelings seriously and clearly.

The man looked at her, rightfully mixed with yu, but with extreme restraint.

After Anna said that, the right hand that was propped up on the bed lifted and gently combed a strand of hair from his wife's forehead.

He leaned close to the other side, a low laugh suddenly sounded between her ears, accompanied by laughter and soft murmuring, like the moonlight at night, soft and bright.

"You just always like to break my rules, don't you?" The tip of his nose pressed against Anna's and rubbed gently.

Anna gathered her courage and said, "Because I love you, Alexei."

"I love you too." The man murmured.

"Only for you, Anna, my wife."

A delicate peck spilled down the side of her neck, where he seemed to love the skin in particular. It was thin, and underneath the skin was warm blood flowing through it, so warm that it seemed to leave bruises easily if you pressed too hard. But because of this, those exclusive psychological place to rest, through the kiss, branded on the other person.

Anna did not resist his somewhat barbaric behavior, in fact, she almost condoned it.

She always did, despite being so much younger than him in age, but she did indulge her husband like a child.

So, with her indulgence and permission, his restraint gradually became unrestrained, so much so that it was not long before many wet marks were left on her delicate and tender body.

"Your clothes ......" she whispered, her gray eyes taking on a haze they had never seen before.

The man got up and unbuttoned his shirt unhurriedly under the gaze of his wife.

The time passed little by little, more skin exposed to the moonlight.

The torso, which had always liked to be tightly included in the clothes, was revealed little by little, like a silent show.

When Karenin discarded the shirt aside, his arm raised his side slightly to the outside of the bed, in order to discard the shirt, his torso, which in Anna's mind had always been represented by the word lean, was completely exposed.

The muscles could not be described as strong, but strong enough. Slightly paler than the skin on the back of his hands, but still a male complexion in comparison to Anna's own.

His chest was not weak, the distribution of muscles could be said to be beautiful, there was even a little freckle scattered on that, it would not be very big, nor was there a lot, and near the abdomen, there was a small brown mole, just an inch below the umbilicus, where certain hairs symbolizing male vitality were bared a little out.

When she observed this, her face became red again and she turned her head away, biting her lips and averting her eyes.

But the husband obviously did not intend to let her so escape.

His right hand lifted again, holding her face, his voice low, with gentleness and seduction, making her look at him.

Anna opened her eyes again to look at each other, Karenin was already sitting up straight.

His thighs were half-kneeling on the edge of the bed, his muscles taut and the flesh of his stomach firmer, and his long arms took Anna's hands, then bent slightly so that her hands touched his chest.

"This is weird." Anna thought.

After overcoming another round of shyness, Karenin's hand had been lowered and she was cocking this head to take a closer look at her husband's body.

It was not that she had never seen a male body, she had seen more than this □□□□□, but this was different.

Her eyes traced over the non-functional RU head, but she didn't dare to touch it with her fingertips to see.

The finger traced the texture of the muscle from the middle of her chest to just above her belly button, and during this whole movement Karenin did not smile, and Anna thought the other woman might not be ticklish.

Her eyes went down as her own fingers went down and down, and finally reached the place where the little mole was, and with a little tremor went to touch it. Quickly, the muscles there contracted and she herself shrank back from her finger in shock, then looked over at him.

She saw his blue eyes grow deep again, as if reading something, and Anna nodded gently again.

The man bent down, and unlike before, this time there were no clothes in the way. Those kisses and body kisses became easier and more insatiable.

The summer sweat was on her skin, a little sticky, yet not unpleasant, just, high heat. But her body did not resist.

Excessive hormonal molecules seem to be steaming out of the skin, stroking tenderly and lovingly on one's eyelids.

The sucking and kissing was so natural that later, shyness or nervousness or whatever, had been quietly smoothed and comforted over in this gentle QING affair.

The only color that can be remembered is the deep blue.

When all creatures are almost in a deep sleep, the blue eyes gently open.

Beneath the thin silk covers were intertwined bodies.

The warmth of the skin brews another fragrance that belongs to love.

By the light of the moon, Karenin quietly gazed at his wife's sleeping face.

She was delivered to him like a gorgeously wrapped candy. He wanted her so desperately, but was afraid of hurting her when he touched her. So carefully, will kiss will embrace, but do not dare to easily step forward again.

He thought that this is the life, faded from the youth and youthful recklessness, everything will be in order. He likes rules, likes rationality, at the moment, but also loves this uncontrollable.

Satisfaction and warmth made him gather his wife into his arms again, and he closed his eyes, never at any moment feeling that falling asleep was a blessing, because he was sure he had caught it, and he was sure that he would stay in its hands for a long, long time ......

The author has something to say: meat incompetence, ah, from the day to write to the night, I do not dare to go to dinner, afraid to eat and drink after Kalenin's abs in my drunken eyes, into a piece of ~

PS This article, there should be another 150-200,000 words.

PPS Next article I plan to write about Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, what do you think?