A Noble Marriage

Chapter 104

Penchant www.xbiquge.cc, the fastest updated noble marriage [Anna] latest chapter!    This is a burglar-proof chapter. The flower girls were scattering flowers in the front, and the older children were holding Anna's skirt at the back. Her eyes were so full of Karenin that after the wedding she wondered why she hadn't been worried about tripping over her dress or saying the wrong vows.

The carols were melodious and beautiful, and Anna found the aisle a little too long, as if it was a torture to breathe, until she finally reached the other side.

Karenin was a head taller than Anna, so she had to look up at him.

She looked at his relaxed brow, at his light blue eyes, everything she liked about him.

So, even though she knew it wasn't allowed, Anna couldn't help but whisper, "I'm coming."

At this moment, the boundaries of time seemed to blur a bit, and in Anna's eyes, the two eras of Karenin overlapped, so much so that she smiled contentedly.

Karenin was slightly surprised to hear this somewhat unexpected word, but then, after seeing the satisfied and happy expression on the other's face, nothing mattered.

His bride was so beautiful.

The veil made of orange flowers decorated her auburn hair, slender eyebrows curved in a beautiful curve, the pair of large eyes with thick eyelashes contains a lot of love, even if the hard-hearted people see also had to voluntarily fall into this love net.

Karenin pursed his lips, he had to restrain himself.

The priest began to chant, Anna and Karenin stood in their seats until the step of exchanging rings before turning to face each other again.

Anna held out her hand, her slender, lily-white fingers wrapped in the most fashionable lace gloves, revealing only a little of the vaguely delicate skin.

Karenin's white gloved left hand took her hand, he took out the ring and slowly and solemnly placed it on Anna's finger.

Anna slightly lowered her eyes to look at the wedding ring that belonged to her, it was an old ring, the texture of ruby, at first glance, it had some years, it seems that every light is engraved with the pattern of the times.

It was a ring belonging to the Karenin family, worn in the hands of couples of previous generations and even previous generations, some emotions and blessings have long been remembered in the ring, across time, and in the present, passed on to their children and grandchildren.

The intensity of the years made Anna feel a little touched, so when she looked up at Karenin, her eyes became shiny again.

Karenin is not able to see the tears of women or children, this is a secret weakness of his. Tears would make him feel uncomfortable, so that he could not think rationally.

And now seeing his bride's tears, he could not run away stiffly, but had to face them bravely.

Karenin did not know why he felt so sorry for the other side, she was a healthy woman, and not too petite, but at the moment of seeing her tears, he had a feeling that if he did not protect her, even the air would let her hurt.

So, in a rare break from his self-imposed code, the ever-strict officer removed his right glove and wiped the bright tears from his bride's eyes with his fingertips.

"Don't cry."

Kalenin whispered.

At this moment he didn't care about the sounds coming from the crowd around him, his pale blue eyes only had his bride in them. His, fragile, beautiful, who must be protected and soothed by him.


Anna answered, wearing a smile, then a shy one, as she removed the wedding ring that belonged to Karenin so that the ceremony could continue.

Then she found the ring so intimate.

The top sapphire, set in a silver band with intricate carvings around it, was a little wider than a lady's wedding ring, atmospheric and noble.

Anna smiled as she took Karenin's left hand and then steadily slipped the ring onto her partner's ring finger.

She did not release it immediately, but admired it a little, and now Anna's heart was full of satisfaction, because she was sure of one thing. That was, whether it was now or in the future, this man belonged to her.

"Use the ring as evidence so you can't get away." Anna whispered, so that only Karenin could hear.

He didn't know what her reason for saying that was, but it didn't matter. What mattered was that she was right in front of him and belonged to him.

The assistant priest had finished the doxology and the priest began the last blessing with the Bible in his hand.

The priest proclaimed the blessing from God in a chanting voice, and at the last moment, when the emotions of the crowd were brewing to a climax, their beautiful and gentle bride suddenly cried out in that full of emotion, beautiful voice: "Wait!"

The rhythm came to an abrupt halt, everyone looked at the bride and began to whisper with noisy voices, some even speculated whether the bride had changed her mind.

Karenin's face did not change, he was very calm, those blue eyes looked down at his bride, waiting for her to speak.

Anna smiled, and she said in a soft voice: "Before, my fiancé had given me a gift that touched me very much, and now, I want to give him a gift in return."

The priest had never encountered such a situation before, but he was an experienced priest, and he observed the groom and the bride, especially the groom, and finally he decided to let the bride fulfill this wish of her heart with the most generous heart.

"Please complete it on this sacred and solemn occasion, bride."

The permission of the priestess caused the crowd to fall silent once again.

Anna glanced gratefully at the priestess, then turned to face her groom, a wide smile lifting the corners of her mouth, and her soft and pleasant voice spreading through the church.

"Marriage is a solemn event for me. Two people who love each other sacredly become one, no matter how old or sick they are, they must never leave each other, tolerate each other, trust each other, bear life together and enjoy it. If I find this person right in front of me, I will grab him in spite of everything and 'hold my son's hand and grow old with him'."

She paused for a moment, then continued movingly.

"The two of us will get married, and in the future the two of us will care for each other whether we are healthy or sick, whether we are happy or in distress, not one, but two, but one, and we will work hard, and we will be happy, and we will go on like this to the end of the world."

As the bride's words came to an end, thunderous applause rang out, and others shouted in spite of their reserve.

No matter how rowdy the scene was, Karenin's eyes were only on his bride. He remembered the paper she had handed him two weeks earlier, on which she had written ten reasons why they had to get married.

To have a basic material economy as a foundation.

Accept each other's families.

To be able to support each other firmly.

To be tolerant and generous to each other.

To be able to share the same interests with each other.

Each other has the spirit of sacrifice and dedication.

They can easily communicate with each other when things go wrong.

We can fully understand and trust each other.

Have common values in life.

Each other is a friend who can talk to each other.

These ten conditions struck him. Karenin always thought that what his mother had told him, those things about love is a kind of good lie, after all, in this world, besides yourself, who else can know you better?

People get along with each other, even if they are close, as long as they are tainted with like or love, they become possessive and jealous, and either one has nothing to do with tolerance.

He had thought he would never meet such a person, and that day, so suddenly, she crashed into his hands, looking at you with those beautiful eyes, as if to say "I am happiness, I have come to you after all the trouble, are you ready to refuse like a fool?"

Karenin was not a fool, so he accepted the challenge, accepted the accident of his life, so he wrote that paragraph.

And now, with her reading that vow in front of the crowd, he was sure that she was the unexpected surprise of his life.

The priest's voice rang out again, this time more full of deep emotion.

"In the presence of God, I proclaim that they are bound in love and shall never be parted!"

Enthusiastic and coaxing voices rang out, and Karenin bowed his head and kissed his bride for the first time.

They would be happy, he believed.

The tedious and lengthy wedding ceremony was over, and by eight o'clock in the evening, Anna had her time alone with Karenin.

In her fantasy, she would greet her husband with her beauty, albeit shyly, and they would say sweet things and talk about their thoughts of each other in the candlelight.

The reality, however, was that Anna returned to the bedroom and ran to the bathroom without even taking time to survey it, she took off her wedding dress and drew a cold breath, her body was indeed battered beyond belief.

Karenin had been slightly hesitant when he returned to the bedroom, and he had to admit that Anna's words had given him some rare sensuality.

But when he returned to the lavatory he did not see his wife, and as he wondered, from the lavatory came the sound of something being knocked over and a small cry of alarm.

Karenin approached the lavatory with great strides, he knocked on the door and asked Anna what was wrong.

"Just a moment!"

Karenin dropped his hand, then hesitated again, then backed away.

After about five minutes, his wife came out, wrapped in a pink nightgown, very thick, and with some long wet hair cascading down, looking like soft lambs. When Karenin's eyes looked down, he saw Anna's white and slender calves, bare in the air, the tiny feet hidden in cotton slippers.

The place that belonged to Karenin never had such soft things, looked a little pink and soft, and would breathe, so that people simply did not dare to speak aloud.

So this is the wife. Karenin thought.

No matter what Karenin thought, Anna only felt embarrassed and even a little frustrated, not like this, in her imagination tonight is not like this. But then she had to tell the truth.

"I'm a little hurt, I think." Anna said.


Karenin frowned, all charming fantasies gone, and he was concerned only with the most practical things.

"I shouldn't have told you, how humiliating it is." Anna said, and then said it anyway.

"That girdle is making me uncomfortable."

"And, I'm hungry, you better let me eat first."

Seemingly broken, Anna simply said it all. She raised her eyes to peek at her husband, but Karenin made no mockery of it, and as she did so, Karenin had moved closer to her.

"Let me see." Karenin said.

Anna blinked for a moment, and Kalenin then felt that it seemed a bit abrupt, and he explained somewhat unnaturally, "I have to see how you are hurt, you may be hurt more seriously."

"Um, are you sure this is necessary?" Anna was a little embarrassed.

"Yes, I'm sure."

After Karenin said this, Anna was silent for a while, and only said it half-heartedly as a response.


After Andrei got permission, he only made a face at his mother that he would go first and left.

"I'm so sorry, Anna." Maria said a little apologetically.

"That's nothing. I mean, if you don't mind, could you tell me what's wrong with him?"

"Actually it's because Charlie and his family are going to Russia next week. Charlie is Andrei's playmate, but his father is facing a job transfer and they'll have to split up."

"I can understand that it is very hard to be separated from your friends." Anna said.

"Hopefully, he'll be better in a few days." Maria said.

At dinner time, Andrei did not arrive on time, Lourdes asked the servant to call him, and saw his son coming, the always gentle father looked a little uncomfortable for the first time.

"Andrei, you can't keep playing games. You're a big boy now."

Anna was worried that if Lourdes said this in public it would upset Andrei, who didn't seem like the kind of kid who would do as he was told, but, surprisingly, Andrei looked around at everyone in the room and said, "I won't do that next time, Dad."

Andrei sat next to his sister Lucia, who gave him a concerned look, but Andrei just shook his head and enjoyed his dinner in silence.

His dining etiquette was almost impeccable, except for the expression on his face which really couldn't be described as too good, but it was kept within a kind of polite range.

After eating, they went to the sitting room to rest, where Louis Xavier and Karenin talked about some political matters, and the children and women stayed away from them.

Maria took care of them with some fruit.

Andrey did not leave early this time, he stayed, sitting on the sofa, near the armrest, left thumb and index finger propped up on the sides of the temple and chin, Anna felt that the boy was acting like I was in a "vain and hopeless", so much so that she could not help but laugh.

Maria and Lucia were saying one thing, and Anna thought no one would see her smile, but Andrei raised his eyes sensitively to look at her. A pair of light blue eyes as if laced with mercury, with a bit of inorganic blandness.

"Why are you laughing at me?" Andrei remained in that position, his lips closed slightly a few times, and because of the slow movements, Anna could discern the boy's meaning.

"I'm sorry." She apologized in the same lip-sync.

Andrei looked at her again for a moment, then blinked and pursed his lips again. He looked away, as if he had fallen back into that state of "you stupid adults can't understand my colorful inner world".

Anna stifled a smile as she bowed her head and took a bite of fruit.