A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 82 Crater

“Who's in charge of this resource point?” Standing among more than two dozen Wizard Apprentices in the Red Ox Mine, he is one of the top ten outside the prestige of the Dark Frontier Wizard College.

Rafi took a step and said, “It's me. Black Sota School of Wizards, Rafi. ”

The Wizard Apprentice in the Dark Realm looked at Rafi and suddenly a sense of astonishment burst into her face, as if she were the arrogant and overbearing queen sitting at the top. The Wizard Apprentice's eyes could not help but smile slightly.

After so many years of treatment, Rafi's "dry skin" has finally been completely repaired and restored to the stunning appearance of the arrogant queen. At the same time, after so many years of practice, personality began to slightly converge.

The powerful Dark Realm took out the map and sighed: “In five days, you will bring people to this resource point, and all you need to do is leave the most basic defensive force behind. ”

“Central Resource Point?” After a moment of surprise, Rafi sighed: “Is that 20-drop league strong enough to fight us? Remember a few years ago, the Wizard Apprentice over there was a fool. ”

“Hmm! More stupid sorcerer apprentices have been eliminated by us after all these years. Had it not been for the deterrence of those guardians, there would have been no other resource point in Sector 19, which we would have hunted down everywhere, perhaps the war would have ended.” The strong in darkness speak in disdain.

Rafi thought, “Oh? So the 12th Precinct is ready to strike? ”

“No, it's not that we're ready for the main attack, it's that way. We occupy one hundred and eighty resource points, exactly thirty per college, which is the standard, and there is no need to sacrifice a large number of wizard apprentices to attack those 20 resource points. As for the reason for the main attack over there, according to the undercover report, it should be the last fight. The witch apprentice over there also doesn't want to lose the war...”

All the people in the Redwood Ore vein were shocked.

Looks like the 20-drop bloodshed league has been completely integrated internally, forming a huge battle against the District 12 Wizard Apprentice Chamber.

In this regard, the organizational structure of the District 12 Wizard Apprentice was also considerably lacking, as there was no absolute leader, which led to the missed opportunity to completely crush the District 19 Wizard Apprentice before they formed the 20-drop Legion of Disorders.


",", "…

With his own team of five and three other wizard colleges scattered eighty-nine people, Rafi ran on the desert of the desert of the desert, and soft light sand was stepped out by the crowd to “wipe” the sound, becoming the only melody of the desert of the desert of the desert of the desert of the desert of the desert of the desert of the desert of the ruins.


All of a sudden, Rafi reached out, indicating that the whole team had stopped, and everyone looked at Rafi indissolubly, then at Rafi's gaze at the sky above his head.

A little black dot bird roamed in the sky in an unknown distance over the heads, because it was too far away to even attract attention, only Rafi with the eagle's eye noticed.

“Something's wrong with this bird. It's almost a hourglass time after us. I suspect we're being targeted by the Wizard Apprentice of District 19. There are no resource points in District 12 near this route, which is exactly where the Wizard Apprentice of District 19 ambushes.” Lafite's Easing Trail.

An apprentice of the Hourglass Wizard was astonished: "No way? The Wizard Apprentice from District 19 will ambush you too? ”

Robin rode on the steel beam, drank a sip of water from the water bag in the waist, and poured some more on the beam under the beam. “Didn't I tell you, you can't look at the guys from District 19 years ago. There's a human sorcerer apprentice, not a beast, who used to look so stupid just because of the college system. ”

"Big Sister Rafi, what do we do now? ”

After thinking about it, Rafi said: "Go in an irregular direction, don't go into the trap ambush, I will kill the annoying bird and then go after you. By the way, Binghamson, in the meantime, you should be able to get help from nearby resource points as quickly as you can with your three hourglass hours. ”

Binghamson took a look at the map and said, “Three hourglass times, I'll try! Wife, stay in touch with the crystal ball...” Slowly, Binghamson disappears far away.

A pair of giant green leaf wings spread out behind Rafi's back. After taking out the bow and arrow, his body straightened to the sky and rushed towards the bird that was so distant that it was still tracking behind him. The bird also seemed to notice something bad and fled in the opposite direction.

Two black dots quickly disappeared into the sky.

On the other side of the ground team, a wizard apprentice from Ivory Castle took out a small wand, casually dropped it behind the sky, and lowered his voice: “Let's go towards the top of this wand, the direction deviation is not great, this irregular way of going forward every tenth of the hourglass, now see what other way to ambush us! ”

Green is immersed in the study of the interweaving of water fires.

Green, at this time, has been completely shocked by this extremely complex knowledge of the elements.

It turns out that so-called bursting flame witchcraft is only the lowest level of application of water fire extinguishing properties. Therefore, it is called bursting flame witchcraft, not some kind of bursting witchcraft. This is a basic application of the power of water and fire elements extinguishing witchcraft. Simply put, in a relatively stable fire-element witchcraft, more stable water-element witchcraft is doped, and then the mixing force of witchcraft after the instant eruption evolves into a slight extinction force.

This crude use of energy is an insult to the famous wizard known for his exquisite control over energy leverage, as the Wizard of Elaine directly detonated a magic stone during the first section of the Basic Knowledge Program at Black Sota College.

However, the simple application of the power of annihilation is the limit of the ancient wizard's research on the power of annihilation. This is due to the special nature of the power of annihilation energy, it cannot be collected and studied by any method such as physics, energy and so on, so much less deeply utilized.

But what Green wants to say is that even when the power of extinction is applied so simply, the power of prying rule leverage is definitely more than thirty times the basic mental energy! Even as the wizard is able to create a more stable environment for water and fire elements, the force of extinction triggered in an instant will pry the rule lever more times, and there is also a very high growth potential...

Green can't help but be thrilled to be able to obtain an indestructible rare fire elemental symbol.

Because this symbol contains exactly the stable properties of a hint of fire attribute! In this way, it also provides a more perfect basis for Green to study bursting flame witchcraft.

Immersed in the great joy of the spirit, Green's face was obscured by a pale mask and he followed the team casually, like a mechanical wooden man. In recent years, Green has always been in this state, resulting in the team in front of him, apart from Rafi and a few other already familiar people, no other apprentice of witches has ever talked to Green at all, only to know that the guy in the white mask and Rafi are just a couple and not too concerned.

After half the hourglass time had passed, Rafi, the servant of the wind and dust, fell from the sky, depressed: “Let the eagle escape. ”

",", "...

After three and a half hours of hourglass, everyone was relieved to look at the aid team brought by Binghamson from afar. This 20-drop bloodshed league is no longer one of the sorcerer apprentices of District 19 a few years ago, and even if the crowd did not meet, it was beginning to feel some unknown pressure.

A thank you or exchange or something, Rafi led the people to the resource gathering point of the war center again.

One day later.

“Turn over this Dwarf Mountains and we will reach the Holy Places Valley, the most central area of the Great Basin where the Holy Places descend. Although there are only fifteen resource points, they account for half of the entire Great Basin! Of course, our war is not based on the volume of resources.” Rafi sees some tired people blowing their airways.

After two hourglass hours, the crowd at the top of the Dwarf Mountains sat down to rest, eating dry rations and preparing to descend. However, at this point, the people who saw this side of the Dwarf Mountain stood still.

On one side of the outer ring of the short hill, it's just a small hillside that looks ordinary, nothing special, only about 400 or 500 meters tall. However, this side of the inner ring to the bottom of the valley, but it is more than a thousand meters high enough, presenting a slope of about 45 degrees, the hillside is smooth, no vegetation, no protruding rock, just a smooth extension to the bottom of the valley...

The entire Dwarf Mountains are surrounded by a circular ring shape, about ten kilometers in diameter, forming a large ring set structure with the far away Osaki Mountains, leaving an indefinite number of years of indelible scars on the infinitely wide and vast Wizard Continent.

Green's heart moves, this is not what the Dwarf Mountains are, this is clearly a giant crater!

Is this the most central area where the Holy Mark Wizard fell in ancient times?

The fallout of a Holy Mark Wizard actually took place in the geological variation of the Great Basin of the Holy Mark Meteorology, while the most central area is this resource concentration point in the inner ring Dwarf Mountains, the Great Valley of Holy Marks.

With such shock, Green already has a little contour concept of that mighty power. Of course, the Holy Mark Wizards who can make this effect are most likely the top Holy Mark Wizards already...