A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 271: Billiona

Viscount Versailles, unimaginable luxury for the poor.

Civilized etiquette blends with the rotten smell of dirty sin and flows through the bones of these bright, beautiful aristocrats.

These aristocracies, or ancestors, are wizards of certain sorcerer colleges, or descendants of sorcerer apprentices, and some are connected umbilical cords resulting from a combination of aristocracy.

A system of nobility distinct from that of witches, oppressed on the heads of civilians and subjected to brutal management, domination and exploitation.

With a glass of wine and a smile on his face, Viscount Slottu arrived in front of these two distinguished guests, accompanied by an elegant piece of music, carefully dressed as his daughter, through one aristocratic family after another.

But inside, Viscount Slothu was filled with malice towards these nobles who had daughters and obviously had the same purpose.

“These filthy worms actually brought lovers to be their daughters, huh.” Ironically, Slothu came to these two distinguished guests.

These are two wizard apprentices.

But for these aristocrats, there is no distinction between a sorcerer and a sorcerer apprentice.

Both apprentices were male, one of them hidden under a dark grey broad wizard robe, a pair of blood-soaked eyes looking cold at the crowd, the cold smell of which made it impossible to get close, as if it were a hungry wolf.

The other, also dressed in a generous wizard's robe, had a lot of casual looks, in his thirties, short hair, with a pipe, and had a funny conversation with several aristocratic girls.

Viscount Slothu inadvertently squeezed away several nobles and held his daughter's hand against the wizard, smiling gently: "Dear Wizard, all the gates in the city have been closed as you requested, and the guards are equipped with bows and crossbows, and will report back whenever there is a situation. ”

Since the murder of a black wizard in Versailles more than a decade ago, all the nobles have become frightened and no longer stingy enough to recruit a large number of close guardian knights.

Though, these knights are just a little stronger for black wizards.

“Well, got it. ”

“Gillens, now that you're set up, don't waste any time here.” Apprentice cold-blooded wizard with a dull voice.

There are nobles at the site, face to face.

He actually said this well-planned party was a waste of time!

The anger of the nobles calmed down several girls who were smiling at the branches, staring at a pair of large eyes, overwhelmed.

“Ed! ”

The wizard apprentice with the cigarette pole drank towards the cold wizard apprentice, and smiled at several noblemen for rudeness, then pulled the cold wizard apprentice through the orchestra pool and ran to the side.

“Courtesy! I'll tell you how many times I've come here to focus on aristocratic manners! If you want to get the job done, it's best not to get upside down with these guys, or these disgusting guys will trip you up and make sure this simple person gets to the top of the sky. ”

After a pause, the Tobacco Wizard Apprentice continued: “And… do you really think that this city, which has been searched every year for more than a dozen years, really has a trace of the Black Witch Apprentice? ”

Mocking, the wizard apprentice with the cigarette pole ignored the ruthless wizard apprentice and turned to the hypocritical nobles again.

“Hmm, maybe.” The ruthless sorcerer apprentice muttered.


Second day.

Hundreds of guardian knights followed, two wizard apprentices, one castle after another examining and all castle owners opening their doors to inquiries by wizards.

For more than a decade, such investigative procedures have been carried out annually.

It took a whole day, and in the evening, the sky began to dim, with two Wizard Apprentices leading hundreds of knights through a tiring examination of the last bustling commercial street.

As a result of the investigation of these two Wizard Apprentices, the entire city of Versailles was curfew tonight, with no pedestrians on the lit streets.

One team, usually lazy as a parasite, rushed around tonight to monitor security.

“Whoo, crystal ball record complete, mission complete!” The sorcerer apprentice with the cigarette pole relieved himself and smashed a cigarette pot.

Other already tired nobles and knights sighed in relief.

Finally, we can go back and rest, and the tired faces show a glimmer of joy.

Only this cold-blooded sorcerer apprentice shouted loudly: "Wait, there's no investigation yet! ”

The direction of the cold sorcerer apprentice, at this time black pressed, it is difficult to see the road, muddy, dirty, smelly.

The face of all the nobles and knights changed and their faces were full of difficulty. Viscount Slothoo hurriedly compensated: “Master Wizard, this is where the Dalits live. There can be no one else but the crowded Dalits and the earthworms, cockroaches and mice in the mud. The smell inside stinks, even if you bring all the love gods Venus of Ivory Castle Wizards College, you can't hide it, noble how...”

The wizard apprentice with the pipe shook his head.

“Ed, you're so nervous that even corrupt dark wizards won't stand to live in such an environment. ”



The pipe wizard apprentice smoked a cigarette pot and spit out his eyelids to cover up the stench coming from over there.

“No! Our mission is to investigate the entire city of Versailles, and no place can be spared. Instructors advised that the devil was hidden in detail, and that the Santa Claus Demon Wizard qualification was always prepared for Superman's first-class wizard. ”

The nobles looked at the pipe wizard apprentice with great difficulty.

After choking, the pipe wizard apprentice looked at the cold wizard apprentice with a firm eye. After a difficult moment, he made up his mind and drank: “Go on! ”

Viscount Slothu, trying to dissuade: "My lord...”

“I said go on! ”

The words of the pipe wizard apprentice are unquestionable, waving the magic wand, pointing to the dark, dirty and stinking streets ahead.


As Viscount Slothu waved his hand, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah

It is hard to imagine that the Wizard Apprentice has not stepped into this territory for more than a decade in a row.

One is reluctance to sacrifice oneself, the other is belief in the fortunate heart of the former, and the third is so-called rational judgment... black wizards will not tolerate the environment here!

“Sheriff, what street is this? Do people often disappear?” The cold sorcerer apprentice looked at the fat man next to him and asked.

“Uh... here...”

Where does the sheriff care about such matters, he rushed to catch a runaway sheriff's team from the side and asked, "Where do poor people often disappear nearby? ”

For the first time, the security team was close to the mysterious and horrible wizard. He was so nervous and scared, he shook and pointed at the distant way: “There's always a black knife. ”

The cold sorcerer apprentice waved: "Go, go over there! ”

Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah...

Many horses stepped on the mud, endured the stench and walked in the direction indicated by the cold-blooded sorcerer apprentice. A number of poor people on both sides of the street sneaked out the window and looked at a famous knight passing by with a torch.

after a little while.

“Hmm!? ”

The Smoky Wizard apprentice shouted and the crystal ball on his palm suddenly emitted a dark red halo.

“Black Wizard! Black Wizard! There are dark wizards hidden here!” The screams of fear, whether it be the smoky sorcerer apprentice or the ruthless sorcerer apprentice, have all changed their faces.

Although they are the most elite wizard apprentices in the College of Wizards, if they really meet the enemies of mankind, even the black wizard apprentices...

“Huh! Are we going somewhere else? You bastards!” Shady, dull, angry voices.

In the dilapidated cabin, slowly, a golden beam eyes opened, horror black witch apprentice surrounded by human despair, made all knights in the place tremble, horses panicked and shouted, difficult to control.

This is the aura of mankind's natural enemies.

With a bounty reel, the Pipe Black Witch Apprentice muttered to the ruthless Wizard Apprentice beside him: “Bounty Black Witch Apprentice # 6, Billiona. Careful, this is the Horror Guy who left the Black Sorcerer College 200 years ago, and we can't be her opponent at all, trying to drag her to a mentor who receives the Black Sorcerer signal. ”


A famous knight screamed terribly, turning into a dry corpse and dying like an utter terror.

“Humph, humph, humph... Don't leave any of these here today!” An old witch held a dark magic wand and hysterical sand growled.

This image, blonde hair with the impression of Green, cute and sunny exterior, but extremely arrogant and flawed inside, Billiona, was judged like two people.

Gu Du!

A malignant tumor in the back of the old witch's brain, jumped hard.