A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 331: World's Nest (VII)

This cobweber's nest is vast and unknown for thousands of miles.

The creature at the top of the food chain of this independent ecosystem is undoubtedly this hive wolf spider.

Along the way, the corpses of coyote spiders, large and small, are everywhere, and there are all kinds of ways to die.

The nest werewolves live in an ethnic nest system. Because the number of dead nest werewolves in this nest space is too large, Green wonders whether these nest werewolves will kill each other when the food in this space is scarce?

Alternatively, groups of people would enter other nest spaces in search of food, thereby reducing the number of their own communities.

Ara cautioned against possible mutations around him, while holding the crystal ball sinking: “Behind this cobweb's nest, until the snowline's nest, there is no such large nest anymore. I think it is the cobwebs here that cause the number of snowworms to drastically decrease, so that the snowworm can no longer open more vast nesting space downwards. ”

Green also holds the crystal ball and thinks carefully.

This route to the World's Nest, opened by the Black Sota Wizard of the Holy Marks, spans dozens of underground nests, large and small.

And the largest of these is to count this nest of wolves spiders, and then down, it can be compared to the nest of snow lines.

Of course, there are still a few not-so-small nest spaces beneath the Wolfspider's nest, where some of the world's most powerful creatures live.

However, since the spatial area of these nests is still too different from that of the wolfspider nest, the overall population is far from comparable to that of the wolfspider nest.

After being swept away by the Legion of Pioneer Hunter Demons led by the Black Sota Sacred Mark Wizard, the number of remaining creatures was relatively small and could no longer pose too great a threat to the subsequent Demon Hunter Dark Wizard.

wu wu...

Snowstorm screaming.

In the dark, cold melody, the light of the faint elements is obscured by the snow storm, and it is not possible to illuminate too far away, and the wizards of the hunts move forward cautiously and carefully.

Green's nose hunting witchcraft and ultrasonic positioning witchcraft have also been greatly disrupted in this environment.

Nose hunting smells are filled with the smell of the bodily fluids of the nest wolf spider. Occasionally, some of the slave monsters tragically killed by the nest wolf spider attack will smell strange.

Ultrasonic positioning witchcraft is disturbed by flying snowflakes, perceived as if millions of beating rice grains were flowing in front of Green's eyes, a blur.

As for cold and hot vision, in a cold environment like the world of nesting, all you see is a dark green.

Occasionally a little red light is just the light of the elements on the magic wand a few meters away, and it doesn't even work as well as normal human light color visual perception.

As such, Green can only move forward as normal humans, cautiously in such dark and cold nesting spaces.

In the darkness, it is as if the unknown creatures will suddenly strike at the next moment, fearful.

Green turned his head and looked at the round ball on his shoulder. It looked like he was trying to keep warm. "How do you feel? ”

Brother Ba has a very keen perception of all creatures hostile to him, which is also the key to his life.

Often when hostility has just erupted, or when there are large clusters of hostile organisms in the distance, it is clearly perceived.

“I haven't felt anything since this bird-free nest world, except for the ice manta. ”

Brother Ba said this and yelled arrogantly: “Gaga, they seem to be in fear. Is it because until the arrival of Master Ba, all the creatures in the world were afraid? Gaga, gaga..."

shook his head, no longer counting on Brother Ba, Green looked at the other witch hunters.

After a loop, no witch hunter in the crowd perceived witchcraft to be able to effectively cope with this snowstorm weather, which made Green not only love the concerted way of warfare of the Legion of Wizards of the Ming.

Essentially, in order to ensure their own survival, dark wizards generally choose witchcraft for conventional eagle eyes or adapt to their own combat abilities.

Similar to some rare perceived witchcraft to perceive in a snowstorm environment, no one wastes time researching and learning.

“Don't worry, Lord Green, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. ”

The giant crab suddenly said, Green suddenly surprised and asked, "Can you perceive in this environment, Crab? ”

“Within a certain range, any creature that looks at me with its eyes can be perceived by my eyes.” Thousand-eyed giant crab explains.


Within a certain range, can you perceive any organism looking at you?

This is the first time Green has ever heard such a perception.


Green suddenly shook his head with disappointment, and the way bioperception has evolved in the direction of sound wave perception and degraded eye function in the nest of the world due to its perennial dark absence of light.

This magical ability of the Thousand Eye Crab is likely to be useless in the nest of the world.

As a result, the two teams flew silently forward at extremely slow and robust speeds, and the less traces of battle on the earth, the more traces of the movement of some other small native creatures could be gradually seen.

Three days later.

Across the snowstormy area of the Werewolf's Nest, people arrived in a relatively calm area of the Werewolf's Nest.

“At this rate, we have 90 more hourglass hours to reach the hole that leads to the core of the World's Nest. Fortunately, these two tunnels are not far away, and we don't really need to cross this cobweber's nest. ”


“The battle trail here is extremely scarce. It should be an area that has not been cleaned up by the demon hunters in front of it. It is likely that there will be remnants of the nest wolf spiders, hopefully they will not be encountered in the next time...”

Sand, sand, sand, sand...

Green was saying that all of a sudden, the sound of "sand” in the woods beneath everyone changed the face of all the demon hunters and roared: “Security! ”

whoosh! whoosh! whoosh! whoosh! whoosh! whoosh...

The demon hunters surround the giant crab with thousands of eyes, and the light of the elements reaches its limits, illuminating the dark nest space.

Without the blizzard, the light of the elements gives people a pretty good view, so everything that can happen is within sight.

“Huh... is it just a bunch of snowworms? ”

A witch behind Green quietly relieved herself that these “sand” sounds were caused by sharp claws rubbing the ground as tens of thousands of snowworms crawled.

Snow nematodes are almost everywhere in the world's nest and cannot be killed, and Green travelers have long been accustomed to it.

Let's not say that tens of thousands of snowworm swarms are hundreds of thousands of snowworm floods. Over the past few months, travelers have seen them several times. In addition to the shock at the beginning, they have become accustomed to seeing more.

The lowest creatures in the nesting world, almost endless, are the most basic ecological rule components of a world, like the flower vegetation of the wizard world.

Everyone sighed in relief and was probably overstretched by the atmosphere of the Werewolf Spider's Nest over the past few days.

Just as people wanted to fly forward again, all of a sudden, Alaseemed to be the first to sense something, shouting: “The coyote spider! ”

“Hmm!? ”

The Dark Wizard's guard is almost instinctual, without Ala 34798; s alarm, no one will truly relax.

sī sī sī sī sī sī...

The coyote spiders jumped rapidly on the ground and among the bushes, turning into a shadow, extremely flexible, and the witch hunters present at the same time have been discovered.

Wow, wow, wow...

In the rubbing sound of the metal chain, a black shadow suddenly burst next to the nail fall in a constant wrapping and squeezing of a chain, a scream, and a "puff” exploded.

The cobweb spider, though rushing very fast, did not pose any threat to the sudden attack of Nani.

Instead, a few breathing intervals of the coyote spider, about two metres long, were killed back when the wind thundered back.


“Well, this dizzy noise...”

Green only felt his head dizzy, he clearly sensed this group of attacking nest werewolves and wanted to fight back, but he couldn't even mention any spirit, reflecting the strange slowness, it was like the soul witchcraft of the Triple Pepper Ghost.

Is this a Sound of Mind attack?

It can actually produce effects similar to psycho-illusion...

“Young Master, let me hide for a while!” Brother Ba disappeared screaming on Green's shoulder.