A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 339: World's Nest (XV)

a month later.

The passage between the nest spaces begins to narrow.

After going through more than a dozen relatively small nest spaces again, Green, Ala, who had just arrived in this nest space through the long world's nest tunnel, waved to show people to stop.

Many of the nests experienced during the month, due to the dramatic reduction of snow nematodes caused by the wolf spiders in the nest, were not large in size and no strong ecological species were found by the travelers.

Thousand-eyed giant crabs scratched a slightly itchy crust under brown red hair on their backs with giant crab pliers, and the "squeaky, squeaky” cuticle rubbing sounds all over their ears.

Take out the crystal ball, Ara Sinking: “This sleeping fish living in the nest of sleeping fish can emit the sound of sleeping, mainly feeding on snowworms, which is not very aggressive. However, this area is classified as a restricted area by the Black Sota Wizard of Sacred Marks, which prohibits the capture of sleeping fish that live here. ”

Green also released the sleeping fish image screen in the crystal ball.

This creature, named Sleepy Fish by the Black Sota Sacred Mark Wizard, has an overall shape similar to the deep sea fish of a wizard world, with ugly big mouths occupying half of the entire skull, and elaborate teeth that help them chew better the scaly protective layer on the body of the snowworm.

The top of the head is constructed with a sophisticated organ similar to a lantern that emits a rare sound of light and sleep in the nest of the world to attract snowworms for better predation.

They are able to fly freely in cold areas in the nest of the world, and once they appear in hot areas, this creature, called Sleepy Fish, is not only unable to fly, it is afraid that even its own survival is in question, and the scorching temperatures will automatically make some of the special physiological organs that evolve inside its body unbearable.

“Gah? You have to protect these ugly creatures. They don't look delicious! ”

Eight muttered.

“You know how fat you are when you eat, you are a loser in birds. ”

Parrot leaves hate hate.

Brother Ba turned around and laughed. “Gaga, you ignored Master Ba, why are you talking now? Gaga, Eight brothers just eat and eat. What can you do, Gaga Gaga..."

Green whispered to Brother Ba: “That's not necessarily my mentor Peranos' shark...”

On the other hand, when people heard that the Black Sota Sacred Mark Wizard had listed this place as a restricted area and banned the killing of this creature called Sleeping Fish, they were stunned to realize that the creature had something valuable to discover by the Black Sota Sacred Mark Wizard.

Thus, all nodded and did not dare to violate the meaning of the rules set by the Wizard of the Sacred Marks of Hesotha.

Green nodded and sighed: “This sleepy fish is gentle and will not be actively attacked by this creature as long as we do not proactively engage. Of course, for the sake of safety, we have to keep the elemental light abundant all the way, and they fear creatures whose light is stronger than them, so that the light can effectively disperse the sound of sleep and then let these sleeping fish leave voluntarily. ”


After all the people nodded, Green glanced at Allah, and the old witch raised her magic wand to show them how to move forward.

As such, the crowd on the giant crab brightened the light of a large area of elements, slowly moving forward in this seemingly empty, indeed, nesting space filled with sleeping fish outside the light of the elements.

From time to time, the snowworm swarm crawling in the distance of "Shasha Sha” came and gradually moved away.

It took fifteen hourglass hours.

After crossing this sleeping fish nest, a group of people arrived at a relatively narrow world nest tunnel with obvious artificial excavations.

These marks show a spiral pattern with an average tunnel diameter of more than seventy metres.

Somehow, Green came to think of the distorted space surrounding the Black Sota Wizard of Holy Marks.

Perhaps this is the Black Sota Sacred Mark Wizard walking all the way, automatically widening this otherwise narrow tunnel into what it is today?

Next, after passing through the Nest of the Tumor Head, the Neck Scorpion Nest, the Needle Mushroom Bee Nest and six unnamed little nests for more than a month, the crowd arrived at the last stop of the Nest of the World, the Snow Line Nest, which was opened by the Wizard of the Holy Marks of Black Sota, the nest of the Guyin Tiger Frog.

However, although the nest of ancient sounding tiger frogs is not small, and most of the ancient sounding tiger frogs in adulthood already possess secondary biological strength, and a few ancient sounding tiger frog kings even possess tertiary biological qualifications, due to their proximity to the snow line nest, they have been sufficiently cleared for two months by a large army of enlightened wizards dispatched by the Black Sota Holy Mark Wizards.

Today's Guyin Tiger Frog Nest, it's hard to see a real Guyin Tiger Frog.

Either killed by a legion of enlightened sorcerers, or sealed into a metal cage and transported to a space fortress, he became one of the innumerable slaves harvested by the Black Sota Wizard on this expedition of demons.

Green was also very strange.

Experience has shown that after a general Holy Mark Wizard Hunter expedition to a world, he will build a world system of his own Holy Mark rules in the local world, which will continue to be exploited for all eternity.

And look back at the Black Sota Holy Mark Wizard.

In the mouth of the Eighth Brother, he speculated that the old wizard, who had survived from the ancient times to this day, seemed to be transporting the resources of the entire world within his absolute control.

So, will the world be sold to the Santa Claus again?

“Well, since we're almost to the snow line nest of destination, we don't have to rush to get there. Let's go around in this nest space and see what we can get out of it. ”

Ala 34798; the old witch grinned.

The journey to the nest of the world for several months was boring and dangerous, but for all the witch hunters present, the magic and vastness of the nest world was also truly felt.

Sound wave capability is already at the peak of evolution in the living system within this world's nest.

Any demon hunter who comes to this world to study the knowledge of sound wave witchcraft will inevitably elevate his own perception to an overwhelming change.

This, however, is just a common route for tens of thousands of routes to the core tunnel of the Snow Line's nest in the aftermath of the clean-up of the vast army of Ming Wizards led by the Black Sota Sacred Marks Wizard.

And so you can imagine the true species abundance of this nest world.

Not only has the world transcended the mysterious world of shadows, but the vast boundaries of the wizard world are, I'm afraid, comparable.

And in a world rich in species, Green cannot believe that he has not evolved autonomously into the Lord of the World.

Everyone is scattered, accustomed to gathering all the specimens that this nest space considers valuable.

Although the ancient sounding tiger frog is almost extinct in this nest space, the ancient sounding tadpole and some insects within the unique ecosystem still look a lot.