A Sorcerer’s Journey

Chapter 340: World's Nest (16)

Ten days later.

“Sand, sand, sand, sand...”

Unlike any nest once visited by Ala, Green's line of witches, today the two teams of witches have just entered the core of the world's nest, the snowline nest, and a magic lamp floating in the middle of the sky illuminates the entire cold, dark snowline nest.

These high-powered magic lamps consume not a few magic stones, and at this time the sky is almost incalculable magic lamps...

A shock, an indescribable shock hangs on the face of every witch hunter who first arrives at the snowline's nest.

On the ground, layers and layers of snowworms are dense and numb, with endless numbers, almost trillions, and the sound of chewing ice-cold rock minerals continues unabated.

These snow nematodes are incredibly capable of reproducing and their survival is incredibly exaggerated, coupled with their incredible base of eating underground ore day and night, no wonder this cold, ice-covered world has evolved into today's lair world!

A single world's nest route takes several months to travel, connecting dozens of large and small nest spaces, and nearly tens of thousands of such route tunnels in the world's nest, which is an expanded myriad times lower nest.


Suddenly, in the quick retreat of a Green pedestrian, tens of thousands of snowworm floods flooded from the tunnels of the Guyin Tiger Frog's Nest, falling into endless snowworm swarms on the ground of this snowline's nest.

These tens of thousands of snow nematodes are so insignificant that they soon fully blend in with each other, compared to the near-impossible to count 'snow nematode oceans' on the ground.

And just now, as the snowworm flood devoured, the tunnel mouth seemed to widen by a tiny half a centimeter, or a quarter of a centimeter.

“This... no wonder there are so many...”

Ala constantly looks at the crowded snowworm oceans creeping across the ground, shocking in calm and wise eyes.

At this time, any wizard will kill hundreds of snowworms with a piece of witchcraft.

Trying to collect 'despair of snowworms' here is an easy thing to do.

And yet no witch hunter has tried to do so, because the endless number of snowworms here has completely left any sensible witch hunter in despair.

Goo doo...

Hachi swallowed his saliva and mumbled: “Oh, my God, I'm catching up with the empty worm..."

Everyone stood still for almost half the hourglass time before gradually returning to God. After swallowing his saliva silently, he couldn't help but be in awe of this little creature called Snowworm.

These tiny creatures, at the bottom of the nest world, are the common food for all the carnivores in the nest world, but they are also the creators of this world!

Without them, there would be no nest world.


Green began to speculate that it was precisely because of these endless snowworm creatures that some of the rules of the world had been radically changed so that no natural element creatures were born in such an extremely cold world.

“Thousand Eye Crab, try the thickness of these snowworms.” Green ordered it.

“Yes, Lord Green. ”

A giant crab plier of a thousand eye giant crab suddenly swept hard toward the ground snow nematode swarm, just one blow, and thousands of snow nematodes were crushed to death by giant crab pliers.

In an instant, the sharp-eyed demon hunters also get an approximate value.

At this time, the average thickness of the snowworm ocean in this snowworm nest has reached two metres, digging deeper and deeper into the world.

Perhaps hundreds of years from now, this so-called snowline nest will become a new, independent ecosystem nest, and the new core snowline nest of this world will be lowered by one or several more layers, and will continue to develop indefinitely.

After the mood had stabilized, the old witch took out the crystal ball and pointed it to the left: "This way. ”

In the “sand, sand, sand” sound of endless snow nematode chewing ore, a pedestrian flew over to the second battle command of the Core Nest, symbolic of the complete conquest of the Black Sota Wizard of the Sacred Marks.

Unlike other nesting spaces, the snowline nest produces a series of natural landscapes such as vegetation, trenches, hills, and so on, where only the endless sea of snowworms can be seen, flat and crowded creeping against each other.


At the top of your head, from time to time a large swarm of snowworms emerges from a tunnel hole and falls to the ground of the snowline's nest.


Suddenly, everyone stopped again.

A layer of locust human skeleton several meters ahead, piled on a low mountain bag. Where there are locust human skeletons, no snowworm can come close.

It seems that in the life instincts of snowworms, these locusts smell like natural enemies, even losing any will to resist.


The people stepped on the locust man's skeleton and made a "creak” sound. The crunchy skeleton was broken for a few knots before being forced to bear it.

Looking up, this pile of locust human skeletons is just above the top of the pile, just at the mouth of a nest tunnel in the world.

“What kind of clue is this? ”

Thousand-eyed giant crab and two teams of demon hunter dark wizards circled around this little mountain bag a few times. Everyone had speculations in their hearts, but nobody said anything and left.

Along the way, tunnel entrances, big and small, have experienced dozens of them, almost every second climbing down two or a bunch of snowworms and falling onto the "snowworm ocean” of this snowline's nest.

And every once in a while, a small group of locust skeletons emerge under one or two nest tunnels to keep snowworms away.

“Hmm? So these snowworms are afraid of the scent of death in this crystal nucleus? ”

The old Alashan witch is flying at low altitude with a crystalline nucleus of hearty death in the skeleton of a locust man, while the snowworms around her flee desperately in constant creep.

Everyone took one of these crystal cores and experimented with it.

However, nobody said much, and the discovery only allowed people to stay for a short time before continuing to fly towards the Black Sota II Operations Command in the heart of the nest world.

In the sky, a magic lamp floating in the middle of the sky continues, illuminating the lowest core of the world's nest.

Seventeen days later.

The snowline nest is no more than the cobweber's nest and is expanding, taking nearly half a month, even though a group of demon hunters, such as Green, have passed through only a fraction of it.

For 17 days, the snow nematode has been the only melody in this nest space in the eyes of the crowd.

There are too many of them...

endless is their best description!

Thus, as the magic lights floating around became tighter and tighter, even a brightly lit place formed in the distance, Green, Ala. 34798; the two teams of witch hunters showed a glimpse of joy.

Second Battle Command of the Nest World, here we are!

Roar, roar, roar, roar...

A legion of soul slave monsters gathered nearby, not less than a handful of giants in the shape of a thousand eye crab, and the arrival of Green pedestrians did not provoke a single wave.

On the ground, scattered corpuscular death scents scattered around, and dense snowworms were expelled to give the wizards a place to stay.

Although this underground nest * * does not allow such a huge space craft to enter, there are not a few mechanical devices like mechanical bees.

Operations Command is arranged in several square-shaped metal mechanical aircraft. It is also where Ala 34798; and Green teams receive quests to explore the nest of the world.

Follow the logic.

Even though the Nest Tunnel has been thoroughly cleared by the Pioneer Hunter Battles of the Black Sota Sacred Mark Wizard, it still poses a serious threat to the subsequent Team Hunter Wizard.

So, there's an uncleaned tunnel in the nest world, and the average demon hunter team wants to explore, and according to the difficulty before, it's almost impossible to accomplish.

And what use is a team of demon hunters like Green and Ala sent to the core of the snowline's nest?

Of these, there must be special arrangements.